What kind of turtle is this Sup Forums?

what kind of turtle is this Sup Forums?



soon a space turtle

Is that a turtle? Looks like a tortoise.

It's a small one

Obviously that is a ninja turtle

>vietnam nut crunch turtle

Poisonous turtle

a pretty cool one

Nigger turtle

>does nothing all day

need to see his belly, neck, and i need to know where you found him

I have to agree with this.

Are you fucking retarded?


AIDS turtle

Enjoy your AIDS

my backyard, (michigan)

Give him a tummy rub OP.

You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you... You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?

Because I'm a heartless asshole.

you better not poop on it

A baby Eastern Box Turtle

I think its a tortoise (land) not a turtle (water)

Green one. With orange spots.


its my turtle give it back

doggo doesn't want to kill

can we see the butt and head again

may very well be a red footed tortoise.

because OP is a faggot

nope thats wrong i do need a pic of the face.

this is wrong for sure. the ridge on its shell rules that out.

im stumped. where did you find it? Its a juvenile of some sort so its coloration will probably change a lot when it gets older and makr it easier to identify.

it is an ass turtle. this is unique because when it is bigger you wave your finger in front of its nose (especially before feeding time) and it will release gases out of its ass (defense mechanism, sometimes confuses fish into its mouth) also its not farting the gas is special

OP we dont know what this turtle is but we know that this is your turtle keep it take care of it and make sure that turtle has a good life

oh also take it to a vet they might know

Its just a baby box turtle.
Or baby eastern terrain turtle.
They can't swim good so don't fuck him up in a pond.

nope i was wrong this guy is right. Wow they look a lot different as babies. It is an eastern box turtle.

You should put it back where you found it. Pretty sure its a protected species.

Box turtles swim perfectly fine you retard