It is time to summon KeK

It is time to summon KeK

Praise kek

KeK use me as your instrument!

Witness me!

Roll for dubs!

Kek isn't real you autistic frogposter

If I get dubs then Kek has appointed me his oracle

Kekking toply

I am his prophet! If dubs, Kek is in this thread with us!

i am become Kek

if I get dubs Kek wants you to shut the fuck up


~~~~~ Goodnight sweet Kek

Oh shit! KeK has spoken!

Kek are you here with us?

Only one dubs in this entire thread? Kek is losing his power

Perhaps Kek's only message tonight was to silence that user. Praise be!

yea kek just wants to be left alone

I will no longer make the mistake of being unfaithful! KeK forgive me!

Kek forgives you

You fucking people don't know the powers you're fucking with. Is it going to take someone to die before you realise the dangers? Damn fools