Here are my predictions about Donald Trump

Here are my predictions about Donald Trump.

Ron Paul will speak out against him again due to his racist remarks. And will stop supporting him all together

The media will still be mostly about him but in an increasingly worse way. Even Fox News will give up on him as a candidate

The Republican party will turn against him. knowing they fucked up

He will blame the Liberal media for his stupid tweets

He will never take responsibility for his campaign mistakes

He's fucked the G.O.P maybe for good. Plus handed the race to Hillary. Which I'm democrat anyways so good.

>due to his racist remarks

Trump wont win, he wasn't supposed to. He is a clinton plant meant to generate votes for hillary. How is this so hard to see?

i know, its just getting worse and worse for the GOP. how many times have they needed to speak out over something he said? they screwed themselves. LOLZ

make america white again

Saging this shill thread

Would anyone else rather have an idiot president nobody is willing to work with than a genuinely evil one who can get things done?

Ron Paul's newsletter used to feature racist screeds about niggerfolk, he isn't about to speak out against somebody else's dogwhistle anti-nig or anti-mex propaganda.

he litteraly can't go a day without saying anything racist



sure kid. feel important now? like people are noticing you?

more libel from the left.
another one screen capped for his legal team

And when none of this comes to pass, we can expect to see you back here, right, admitting that you were full of shit and didn't actually know what the fuck you were talking about. Right? Yeah, you'll do that, cause you're actually as awesome as you believe yourself to be. You cool motherfucker.



Fuckin LMAO

Ron Paul Sup Forums

When was the last time we heard anything at all from RP. We Trump now.

Does anyone here honestly think congress will approve the billions and billions of dollars to build a wall and increase boarder security? The money could be used in many different ways which would be a greater benefit to the american people.

As a republican i cannot support this man. He has unAmerican values.

then, can you name a few for me?
