So the UK are probably leaving the EU

>So the UK are probably leaving the EU
>is that good?

Short answer is yes, long answer is even more yes.

EU will be a muslim caliphate in 20-30 years.
If the UK leave they will only have to fight the twofaced enemy within.


A million times yes.

have you been there? half the people in england are black

lemme fix that for ya

unfortunately, your right bro


>have you been there? half the people in england are black
No they're not Wikipedia will enlighten you.


why does that matter?

It's good for them, bad for almost all the other members.

its good because it will lead to changes in the status quo. Olligarchs are pretty much making all the decissions in the EU its one of the least democractic "states" that exists and enforces a lot of stuff no population in any of its states wants.

For Great Britain who does a very large ammount of its GDP with banking its going to be terrible. If they somehow manage to come by other states will think about twice before leaving. If they collapse its probably not going to happen again.

In the case that they are just fine with leaving the EU there will be more countries leaving but that seems rather unlikely.

The EU as it exists today and especially with its goals is a mistake. It could be rough on the UK but I think it's morally the right thing to do.

Democracy in action.
Impose undemocratic institutions and unwanted mass immigration.
People will vote to leave.

Spain, Greece, Italy, and Poland are just clapping and hoorahing in the backseats of the plane

Quads don't lie nigga

Fuck yeah!!! Hope that finland follow england.


This is probably the most accurate you'll get in this debate.

England will be sad to see you go scotland.
But seriously you've become an annoying, whiny teenager who needs to go out and find their own way in the world.


As opposed to the US where 80% are Black


You are so insignificant and cute, Finland.

Nobody will miss you. Uk is another thing.

No doubt you kiss the Queen's Arse, funny considering she's an unelected leader.

Good for them.
I hope many more, my own couuntry included follows suite.

Yes :)