Funny rekt thread... My crush is moving to Denmark... Need something to laugh with... Please

Funny rekt thread... My crush is moving to Denmark... Need something to laugh with... Please...


Fuck u dude

You're a dumbfag

He doesn't give a heck

FRITTZLE funny ?

When people die in funny way... For example car fails...

Wud a brownie make u feel better


I thought the yellow m&m was oblong? He has a peanut

Can anyone post something related to OP pls...

Nigger you start a thread you should lead by example wtf is wrong with you

Laugh m8

TFW you realise that the summer is here and all these faggots are too green to post actual REKT.

Saw it one million times but still.. XDDDD

Wrong fucking Webm

I am using iOS so... Can view. Can't upload..

get raped

whats her name, where is she moving in denmark, and is she hot? I'll fuck her for you

That feeling tho when u wanted to laugh but all you get are arguing oldfags

:-l dude stahp

You a polack? Just drink vodka and crouch with your friends you fucking gopnik cunt

Jeez dude. Why so offensive?

He's asking for a cigarette but he already has one??
Also OP "crush" doesn't mean "girlfriend" you creepy mouthbreathing fat fuck, you're not allowed to complain

Don't worry, danes are gay.

speak for yourself

I know. I will just feel lonely

Norwegian detected

jealous norwegian detected*
we've got enough sand niggers, we don't want your fail viking bloodline here either

U want her pic?

It'll be alright OP

Thx dude

Will you do it for me? One person dying?

Send her texts

Denmark, eh? If she moves to Copenhagen, there's a possibility of me shoving my viking dick in her tight ass someday.

Enjoy the thought.

>My crush is moving to Denmark
This is now a beta cringe thread

Not trying to be mean. But Sup Forums guys are not at her level...


is that why shes moving away?

Nah. Once again. Crush. Not gf...
I was a fag for a year now. She knows it cause of all rekt threads I showed her...



We're gonna viking rape your crush, when she gets here you little faggot!

Whats her name?

First tell me what's yours...


>Sup Forums guys are not at her level

You never had a chance to begin with, then.

Don't worry, though. Danish men are better in any case, so dropping by the cesspit of the internet once in a while isn't going to lower my chances.

OP here, this is her pic.
i'll miss that face a lot :-((

If u say so. I am op and it ain't no her...


Hun bli'r gennempulet under vajende dannebro. :D


wtf r u saying bro?

I am saying I am OP and you are just a fag that tries to be popular while being anonymous. And this is not her photo...

c'mon bro.. a little respect.
How does she compare to the Danish girls?

Wherr in denmark? I will tale care og her


The real one is Danish...

>just a fag


what was it?

Wtf are you talking about? Who are you? Let me grieve. We are Polish..

>implying demographics dont change

Can anyone fucking post some .webms or gifs so I can finally laugh or will u insult me and her...

Dubs have spoken

Kto z Polski pisze Yolo Swag

dubs have spoken twice


Here op this is a lulz for you

>Popatrz na swoją morde w lustrze
>największy rekt w życiu


Jesus christ. Bowl cut and a tuxedo jacket, this is truly the deepest abyss.

Ty kurwo. Nienawidzę cię... Szukałem przyjaciół na Sup Forums...

No worries. I'll be really nice to her.

Is she pretty? If so, she won't be alone for long.

Tutaj wszyscy są przyjaciółmi smieciu
po prostu w dziwny sposób to okazują

NO my friend gopnik is russian. Polish is Janusz

Harley Davidson Street Bob.
Nice but I prefer my Fat Bob.

OK. Zapomniałem sorry. Dzięki za wsparcie. Pocieszyła mnie?



I'll prefer my Triumph Trident.

Goodnight. OP will be gone forever...

OP here, this is me. Am I handsome?

Shitty shop is shit
