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sup Sup Forums?
Ask a bored American Shi'a Muslim anything.

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fuck off mudslime

If you disagree with most of your religion's teachings like any rational human, you're fine by me.


I thought Muslims weren't allowed to sodomize women or look at grave images.

I disagree with almost all of how Islam is thought to be in the media.
It really isn't any worse than Christianity or Judaism, the only difference is that the Quran has a lot of verses that when taken out of context appear very violent.

that's not a question Sup Forumsack

What do you think about the state of Islam today?

When it translates to "kill anyone who does thing," you don't really need context.

But yeah, the Bible has a lot of the same shit. It's just that countries under Sharia law still do it.

Why do most recent attacks always happen during Ramadan?

I think Islam is in the shittiest state it's ever been in.
The middle east is a shitfest and I'm not going to say that this is only because of western countries.
It's true that all the invasions that took place in the 20th century had an impact, but I think the cultural issues there shouldn't be pushed onto countries like America and Russia.
Pretty much there are just a lot of crazy people there that shouldn't be alive.

As for Shi'a Islam, I think it's in a much better state. I can't actually even think of the last time I remember a Shi'a ever committing a crime or anything like that.

do you belong to a mosque and if so, does your mosque give a platform to those who support radical ideologies? do they actively police or discourage radical thought?

how do most of your muslims friends feel about
>radical islam

what have they said about the shooting?

Do you or anyone you know want to commit acts of terrorism?

So you blame most attacks on the Sunni?

>context is meaningless

"Defend yourself against invaders, but be super cautious" = kill all people indiscriminately

Ignore all the stuff expressly telling you to not do that


low blood sugar

So, do you think we should leave the Middle East to settle these issues for themselves?

You will never be a true American.

pretty accurate

it's a shame

But that's a pretty specific statement. No rational mind would interpret it that way.

Christianity and Judaism don't punish conversion to a different faith (ارتداد) with execution, and don't teach that every child born is naturally a member of their religion (فطرة) until they are turned away by their infidel parents.

it doesn't though. I think the reason this idea about the quran urging people to kill others is because the verses are taken out of context. Try reading lines around those controversial verses and you'll see that they pretty much all reference some historical event where fighting would be justifiable.

I don't really know tbh. I hate that the florida asshole had to go and shoot up a place during Ramadan because the world already hates us enough and Ramadan is like the largest opportunity for us to show the world that we're not all crazy terrorists. Well, thanks to that fucktard that chance went down the drain.

Yes I go to a mosque, and it's pretty progressive since it's run by mostly young people. My parents' generation was taught the rules of the religion and they were never allowed to question anything, but my generation was raised much differently and we were always encouraged to question things until we actually understand them
most people I know disagree with the concept, but have no real problem with it since it doesn't impact us in any way
they're fine. Israel isn't.
Should be treated same as men
best country to live in. Probably wouldn't have this view if I lived in certain parts of the world though.
I don't know what you want me to say on this, but I'm not going to pretend that it was an inside job or anything.


Look at the statistics. Shi'as are kind of like the Jews have been historically; always being persecuted.
I'm not saying there are no Shi'a terrorist groups (I don't actually know of any but I'd be surprised if there weren't) but the big ones like Al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, etc are all Sunni.

I think we should've never entered the middle east in the first place. Since we have though I also don't think the people there are capable of resolving the issues themselves.

>father moved to america at 16
>mother moved at 18
>born in america myself
I think I'm pretty american tbh.

How do you feel about what happened in Florida and what are your views on homosexuals?

To what category do the Kurds fit into? They seem like what you describe a shi'a to be.

Your nationality is American, but I mean that you don't belong here. America is the home for immigrants, but European ones. Europeans colonized this place, so they alone have the right to live here. Also, America was created as a home for persecuted Christians to be safe from religious troubles. Islam is a source of major religious turmoil, and tends to enforce its way onto the people there whether they like it or not.

Just look at Constantinople. They used to be a proud, Christian people, now it is full of muslims who insist on desecrating the Hagia Sophia with their intolerance of Christianity.

Gosh you're right, better quote the specific statement in the Koran where it says what you're saying

>frantic googling

don't bother, all you'll find is a section where it says "[if the raiders don't surrender, wait six months, and then] if those infidels don't surrender, kill them"

when my cab driver hears about ISIS being pushed out of some village and he responds to the radio in an angry and irritated tone, what should i do?

y'know, jump out of the car.
don't look him in the eye.
shout some arabic to mimic him?

You're actively ignoring statements to which you have no valid response.

How long have you been on Grindr?

The Kurds are an ethnic group that is also oppressed, but they are Sunni. Not sure if there's any hostility between the Kurds and Shi'a though.

I hate what happened and think it was wrong and in no way justifiable.

>You don't belong here?
I hope this is b8. Just because my parents came from a bad region of the world I don't belong here?
My family is very well educated and we're all generally good people that fit in normally here.

If you're being serious then you should report him.
I don't really know what I'd do in that situation tbh.

The last guy that responded to you wasn't me. Let me look up some info on the Bible first and then let me come back and discuss this with you.

I'm not a faggot, but judging by how many people on here like fapping to "feminine" cocks you probably are :^)

This is taken from Deuteronomy Chapter 13 (honestly have no idea what this means so let me know if this isn't a credible source)

>If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people

The mixing of cultures has never ended up well. Just look at the Balkans. Muslims don't belong here because they are of a vastly different culture than Europeans. This will only lead to internal conflicts.

In less than a hundred years or so, today's minorities will be the death of America.

There is no equivalent to فطرة in Christianity, Judaism or any other major world religion. It is an exclusively Muslim belief. It is feasible that there have existed faiths at some point in history which punished apostasy as Islam does, but neither Christianity nor Judaism do so.

> (You)
>You're actively ignoring statements to which you have no valid response.


>Muslims don't belong
No, you're only thinking of the middle eastern people that are stuck in their ways. Me being Muslim has nothing to do with how I act in society. How I act is due to how I was raised, which is in America.

See my reply here Also, I don't understand arabic so if you could say whatever فطرة is in english that would be appreciated.

Do you participate in Muslim religious activities?

If yes, your culture affects your thinking. You being here disrupts the cultural balance much more than it already is.

Yeah I'm pretty religious.
Can you give me a specific example of something I do that disrupts other people's activities though?
You keep saying I can't possibly belong here but you aren't giving any specific reasons.
Not to mention I literally have been living here for my entire life without any issues.

we allow mormons


Does this offend?

Fitrah. The principle that Islam is the natural religion of all human beings at birth. It originates from a hadith recorded in the Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, which reads: "No child is born except on the fitra and then his parents make him Jewish, Christian or Magian".

I guess Judaism does indeed punish apostasy in its scripture, then. Christianity does not. For reference's sake, here's the latter part of that passage.

"You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again."

not really.
If that offended me then I probably wouldn't be able to post pic related.


Maybe not you specifically, but the entire muslim group does not belong here.

The celebration of muslim holidays, and subsequently the rejection of other religious holidays has progressed the media into an ultra-PC groove. Saying "merry Christmas" is practically a curse word to the liberal media. The difference in culture contributes to the further PC-ification of the US in general.

The muslims that are here are not happy that anyone else is non-muslim, so they feel the need to disrupt the daily life of those non-muslims.

Muslims should stick to their own countries.


so that thing I quoted was a Jewish scripture?
It showed up under the bible but I think you get the point I was trying to make.
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all based on the same things and are really very similar.
It just happens that the Quran gets so much more attention than any of the other holy scriptures so people only associate violence with it.

still doesn't really offend me but I have to wonder why you would have something like that saved.

>not you
>all the muslims
>The muslims that are here are not happy that anyone else is non-muslim
I wouldn't necessarily say this is true. I've never encountered a Muslim that thought bad of literally everyone else just because of their faith being different. It sounds like you're either getting all of this from the news or you have only met really fucked up Muslims.

Christianity is the religion of Jesus Christ and the New Testament. The Old Testament of the Hebrews is context.

It's quality fap material man. Please, no blowing this out of proportion

>"I have literally never heard of the Old Testament", claimed user, the fucking faggot

Does this offend?

None of these offend me in any way.
Thanks for the bumps though. Really appreciate it :^)

The muslim population where I live is fairly low, but I knew a muslim family when I was young. I was friends with their son, but the family absolutely hated me.

They fed me their special blessed meat, asked me to pray with them many times, and often asked me questions about how I felt about islam. They also supported their son when he stole a lot of my toys, even though it was obvious he took them.

So maybe they are fucked up, but I have a feeling that it isn't just them. The entire religion is fucked up by definition, and exists as a plague to humanity. It is devised to spread as far and wide as humanly possible, and kill or punish anyone who resists.

Then turn in your Muslim card.

OP here again just something I forgot to mention in regards to this. You said fitrah originates from Sahih Bukhari but that is a Sunni source of hadith and like I mentioned before I'm Shi'a.

No trust me that's just them. Apart from the "special blessed meat" thing everything else they were doing was retarded.

‘Have you not read that which was spoken to you by God?’
‘Until Heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the law, until all is accomplished’
‘The Scripture cannot be broken’
"You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God,"
"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill,"
"Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures,"


There is no Christian school of thought in either Catholicism, Orthodoxy or Protestantism that teaches that Christians must follow the halakha. Death as punishment for apostasy is a Jewish teaching and a Muslim teaching, not a Christian teaching. Christianity does not have any analogue to halakha or sharia. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.

u triggered mate?

sandniggers' cookbook :)

Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Please kill yourself and all of your shitskin family, but doing so away from civilized people. We all know how you like to take out others with you.

Can I have a source on where it says you're supposed to kill those who convert out of Islam?

How does it feel being a sandnigger and knowing the ENTIRE WORLD hates you?


eh, not that bad honestly.
I live in the east coast which is pretty diverse so I don't really face any racism here. My family is also pretty well educated and we're in upper-middle class.

>>There is no Christian school of thought in either Catholicism, Orthodoxy or Protestantism that teaches that Christians must follow the halakha. Death as punishment for apostasy is a Jewish teaching and a Muslim teaching, not a Christian teaching.
>what is the Inquisition
>Christianity does not have any analogue to halakha or sharia.
>what is canon law

of course not

What do you think of Trump?

The inquisition was the most radical response to a Umayyad takeover of Spain. They also gave 2 week's notice to their targets, which was ample time to leave the country.

The Spaniards just didn't want to get slaughtered by the Muslims a second time.

t-thanks user.

I disagree with some of his policies (muslim id cards, etc) but I don't have any kind of irrational hatred towards him. I think he's too aggressive and doesn't know how to act diplomatic enough to be a good leader during times of foreign negotiations, but like I said I don't hate him.
If I had to pick between Trump and HIlary I don't know who I would pick tbh.

If you are on B, how can you believe in God?

You like loli? You like real stuff too or just loli?

you're embarrassing yourself user

Both I guess. tbh the only reason I like lolis is thanks to Sup Forums and Sup Forums, but I figure it's going to be beneficial in the long run.
See, I'm probably going to get married to another Pakistani girl and most of them have pretty small tits. So if I can train myself to become attracted to small tits right now then I won't feel too disappointed in the future.
I have no idea how autistic that sounds but I think it's a pretty good idea.

sure user

>What is canon law?

The internal ecclesiastical law governing a particular Christian Church. In which country today is the canon law of any particular Church that country's constitutional? I could name a dozen countries for whom the chief (or sole) source of legislation is the Quran and the hadith.

>married to another Pakistani girl
You're a Pakistani girl?

kek I phrased that wrong. The "another" was only in regards to being Pakistani, not being a girl.

*that country's constitution

And I thought Jews weren't allowed to eat pork but I had a jew friend who loved pork rinds

I mean, besides the Vatican ... the Christian Church has lost political power and influence in the last few centuries, but we controlled the Roman fucking Empire until it ran into the ground.

What's the youngest your allowed to marry?

Most of those were Catholic executions, and Catholics tend to make shit up. The actual Bible doesn't encourage the killing of other religions, aside from Heretics who could cause more damage if not put down.

I don't actually know what the minimum age requirement is for marriage but we just follow america's rules and say the minimum is 18.
Never really thought about that anyway since most guys get married during ages 24-30 and most girls are 22-26.

Go to the Vatican, say, "Jesus Christ that church is big!" and tell me what your sentence is afterwards for using the Lord's name in vain.

Christianity does not have any analogue to halakha or sharia.

What are your opinions on a possible future president institutionalizing discrimination based specifically on your religion, to the point of making you carry identification cards and register to a watch list for extra scrutiny?

Oh, I see, you're an Amerifag. Yup, nobody calling for Christian law in America.

ok I have no idea about the argument you are having with the other guy, but I'm pretty sure if you are in Mecca and you say "Allah" really loudly you won't be punished for anything.

I'm obviously against it. How do you feel about it?

Try that a few hundred years ago, see what it gets you.

>How do you feel about it?
Pretty against it on the grounds of it being the antithesis of everything this country has stood for since its inceptions.

Since the majority of the population is Christian, it only makes sense to have laws that correspond to Christian morals.

At least if you believe in a true democracy, this is how it should be.

plan on hitting up any clubs?

Glad to hear that user.
After what happened in florida though I've become kind of unsure of how valid my opinion is. On a valid ground it's definitely wrong, but at the same time I can understand why some people agree with it.
If I was a white guy born in America and didn't have that much personal exposure to any Muslims I would probably be agreeing with it also.

I'm too autistic to go anywhere near a club, much less shoot it up.

>I'm pretty sure if you are in Mecca and you say "Allah" really loudly you won't be punished for anything.

If you're not Muslim you're not allowed to even enter Mecca.

Meant moral

This is some delicious bait

>flee because of religious persecution
>within a few hundred years, institutionalize and fully support religious persecution

Your bait sensor is off. That post is genuine.

>The mixing of cultures has never ended up well.
If society stayed isolated into its own cultures and countries and peoples and never EVER intermingled, we'd still be in the dark ages.

Almost none of the scientific advancements of the last century would have happened.

t. crazy ultra nationalist white supremicist born in the wrong era

America is a home for Christians to be free from persecution, not any other religion.

Also, wherever Muslims go, they bend people to their religion, and end up persecuting the non-muslim people there. Take a look at the Sharia zones in the UK.

Only a few times have cultures actually blended into something good, and those were all basically a race breeding the other into nonexistence. The Angols of England are an example.

There is literally nothing wrong about wanting the best for your people.