Be portuguese

>be portuguese
>be black
>can't read

holy fuck, why is this country even considered european at this point?

>over 97%

be argetina
no world cup 2018

Not all the countries can be so developed tha us user, be nice with him like we are with the brazilians

brazilians are cool and provide top tier bantz.
the moortuguese are just butthurt niggers to be honest.

>can't handle the banter

this is banter but you're just an angry nigger.

why are the slav countries considered european?

they earn less than portuguese

>Fight until the end againts the URSS, USA and natives in order to preserv our colonies
>40 years later be fucked by our colonies

The history of Poortugal is sad

Are you autistic? Being European has nothing to do with literacy rates.

>i-its just banter!!11
Its cringy. Leave Portubros alone, faggot.

If Eurojews kick them out of the union, Russia will take him back

they can read and aren't black, who would question them?

hmm, makes sense

nice meme. you edited that pic anyway so...

I thought portugal being a moor shithole was just a meme
explain yourself alberto

>you edited that pic

I didn't edit anything though.
look it up before talking out of your ass.

Literacy is due to Salazar's shitty traditionalism, the 4% illiterates are people over 70 that lived during his dictatorship

You realize portugal hasn't 4% of their population over the 70 years, you do?


fug. it is kind of depressing to look at this.
life at a glance. woosh. dead.
triggers my autistism real bad

Well, they aren't 4% in that pic


hmm, when in motion it appears a lot more optimistic. spain is getting older. so as you are shitposting on Sup Forums you are simply moving uphill along with the bulge. but then eventually, a steep downhill ride.

i love you too

why are sudacas witchhunting portugal today
did padre joão hurt your feelings

>Portuguese diaspora has to move to leafland to afford food
>The sudacas are on their own countries
You lose the argument by default. Move back to Portugal, then you're entitled to a discussion on who's most shit

Oh, really, Mr. Euro? Tell some more about that.

Did you know that the open-air dumpsite you live in was discovered by Portuguese explorers? Well, maybe you do know and you're just fucking butthurt because your shitty capital of Buenos Aires was first founded by Portuguese settlers...and I've personally visited a museum in BsAs attesting that with historical evidence.

In fact, very few places in Portugal - if any at all - can even be compared to the obscene, utter shittiness of the 'Villas' (aka slums) that cover much of Greater Buenos Aires and surrounding regions of La Plata province.

Why (and based on what grounds) do you call the Portuguese people 'niggers'? Is that some sick side effect from your own inferiority complex with your own Mapuche-Guarani 'mestizo' background and ethnological composition? How do you feel being the bastard son of Iberian colonists with 'cabecitas negras' ('blackheads', as you call Amerindians)?

Btw, your data on Portugal is incorrect (if not intentionally manipulated), since Portugal has the highest High School completion rates on Planet Earth.

0/10 here's a consolation (You) and a picture you might enjoy :^)

Honestly, you 'cholos' don't even deserve to be taken seriously. Argentina is the Mexico of South America. You are historically bound to be the playground and parking lot of Brazil (which, need I remind you, used to be a Portuguese colony).

I know this shithole rather well, from Avellaneda and Quilmes to 'La Boca'. So what?

You say we're poor, but, in fact, I can buy that cattle ranch you call a country with a just handful of Euros. Your girls will be gladly hatefucked for 10 units of pretty much any First World currency.

...or even Brazilian Reals. lel

Do you honestly think Argentinians can lecture anyone on 'How to be European'? Please, go take your anti-psychotics, cucaracha...

Argentines on the internet

Are your fucking undernourished beaners' brains just too underdeveloped to acknowledge factual reality?

Why this guy hates Portugal?

>all this samefagging
>telling anyone to take anti-psychotics

wew, lad

t.Alberto Barbossa

I love Portugal. Don't worry about these subhumans.

Are you related to Mallu?

I love you irmão

salazar was the one that built the primary schools so that people could read, and it was so bad before him that he only finished in the 60's.


holy fuck, I thought that was a meme, but those are some terrible rates for not so long ago

>wake up
>go to Sup Forums
>see bait to attract moortuguese

what has this place become