How would I hypothetically deepfry her?

How would I hypothetically deepfry her?

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pair of tongs (really large ones) and some mittens. don't get burnt. oil burns sting

ull need a really big pot, or a cauldron

Cauldron, definitely a cauldron
I hope you plan on covering her in tempura first

What's that?


Could we get a full body pic?

>go to mcdonalds
>throw her into the vat of french fry oil

easy as that op


What if she's alive?

Everything needs done on a really large scale. You want to submerse her totally.

Standard breading procedure:
>Prepare product. In this case I would remove all clothes, hair and jewelry.
>Coat thoroughly in flour. This helps seal the juices in and makes it moist.
>Dip in standard eggwash. This helps the breading to stay on.
>>Place in breadcrumbs, cover with more breadcrumbs, and press to build coating. Breadcrumbs type can be of your preferance.
>Place in freezer for 1/2 hour. This will help the product set-up.


Next you want a vessel that will hold enough oil [your preference] to submerse the product totally. Heat to 375 degrees F.

Slowly insert to prevent splashing and cook until product starts to turn golden brown and floats.

Drain on wire rack.

Serve with potato salad.

i do like me a moist deepfried grill

Take her outside.

If she is alive?

Bump for this

I know this girl.

But... I don't really care. I just don't care anymore. All women are whores, I get it already.

My bad.
I assumed that she would be somewhat cleaned and gutted 1st.

You could break her down into parts [before breading] if you wanted to cut down on cooking time or save some portions for later dining.

>Garnish with lemon wedges
>Serve with complimenting sauces - bbq, blue cheese or ranch dressing, honey mustard.

Bon appetite!

Ideas for when she is alive though?

You'd need a big fryer like restaurant sized, if you didn't want to cut her up into pieces first.


Well you've got to move quick on that. Using any bindings would ruin the oil and affect the taste that you're trying to achieve.

If there was some way you could wash and shave her* and push her into a vat of heated oil that would work too.
But she wouldn't have that delicious breading coat that we all love.

>*PAT TOTALLY DRY or the oil will pop back on you and breakdown, leaving you with a greasy result.

Alex Reader is at it again

Why she look 13

Iz 13 gooby

Well you don't have to deep fry her face. Bitch is oily enough already

Make the joke again, but do it better

but her intestines arent really good for taste. at least she should be on diet for 3-4 days where she has a lot of water to drink, but not in the last 12 hours. so she is cleaner on the inside. But i would prefer to eat her pussy while she is alive. just a personal bias for.


Is she at least 18? And why do you wanna grill her user? She looks innocent.

Oh I definitely agree.
But I'm starting to get the impression that OP isn't looking for a meal here.

I was just trying to keep it as culinary accurate as possible.

>OP needs to take her on a tour of an Ore-Ida plant and give her a shove into a vat.

Answer this.

Alex Reader, Alex Reader, Alex Reader

and he should remove her nails 2-3 weeks before the cooking. You dont want to have that in you rhot oil too and she need some time for her wounds to heal. and the anaesthesia drugs to be washed out of her body. Check for her medication! As she is some kind of cute i wont rip out the nails while she is conscious. And give her some painkillers afterwards.


>remove her nails
I'm not really concerned with that. I liken that to shrimp tails.

>Check for her medication!
Point taken. I guess I'm used to mass produced, antibiotic filled meats today.

>captcha is check all food - kek.

easiest in metal bathtub. set 4-5 camping cookers underneath und fill with oil.

yes. deepfrying when alive is only an option if you just want to kill her. but a big pot full of hot oil over her head would do the trick too and would be much easier.

if you want to eat then deepfrying whole is not recommended.



are yall fucked up in the head?

u gonna post pics

hit on base off head to make unconcious.
hang upside down.
open large bloodvessels in the neck with long sharp knife.
let bleed out.
open abdomen from os pubis to sternum.
care to not puncture and rupture intestines.
remove them. put liver and kidney aside if you want them.
open ribcage and remove heart and lungs.
clean thorax with lots of cold water.
remove head. don't eat brain.
hang in a cool room (max 4°c) and let rest for prob 3-5 days.
after resting cut body up in decired pieces and vacuum seal them. either freeze or store them at max 4°c for up to 3 weeks.

prepare cuts like usual meat and deep fry like usual.

So before I read the thread I thought this was a new sex thing all the kids were into. Standard deepfryer after some slice and dice should be fine. Keep leftovers in cold storage obviously, only fry when ready. Don't get hot oil on yourself. Most importantly, have fun.

Along with the hanging upside down, you can pump the arms like levers to drain blood faster.

>Dolly Chan.


That's not her

OP doesn't have nudes, I know the kid, he is just a thirsty underage b&