people from countries that are not the USA tell Americans what's best for them

Hurry durrr muh guns

I'm all for the right to bear arms. But no average joe needs a gun that can shoot 100 rounds as fast as you can pull the trigger. People that do want to own those weapons should be put through rigorous background checks and subject to strict storage laws.

The guns are there to stop the government from infringing on the rights if the people. If all the people have are pea shooters and the governent has fucking drones, how will that work out for the people?

You know if Americans didn't have such easy access to guns then shit like this wouldn't happen (recent shootings)

I mean christ how many mass shootings does like, Canada have again?

You wouldn't need a gun to protect yourself if no one else has guns to threaten you with lmao

BUT, America already has so many guns that it's too late, so yes, they should be allowed to get guns as easily as they do

The whole argument is like you're already neck-deep in slowly rising dog shit so you should be able to get a snorkel, but you wouldn't NEED the snorkel if you didn't jump in the shit in the first place, dumbass

Oh I get it now bro. Thanks! I'm going to throw out my guns and buy a metaphorical snorkel

You stupid cunt, you wouldn't stand a chance against a drone, or several drones. Dumb argument. Dumb person.

>Implying an ar-15 will defend you against the 8000 tanks and 2000 jet fighter aircraft.
>Implying that your government is your sole enemy

Jeez bro scary. What else do you know about me?

>implying that our government would follow orders to destroy the land they swear an oath to protect.

>implying that I would act alone.

Yeah because Americans could in no way resist their government with all its superior weapons. Have you had your head under a rock for the last 15 years? One sand nigger with an Enfield rifle kept a whole company of better equipped soldiers tied down.

self government is the only government
self as god the only truth

They need more freedom

You salty bro?

Accept Allah as the one true god and the Prophet Muhammad as his final messenger. Implement shariah law, we will take care of the fags and feminazis and cucks as well as nigger scum. Plus there will be no more terror attacks. Make America great again - Vote for Islam!

At this point it's not to fight off the government, it's to defend yourself from robbers, domestic terroristsand religious fanatics. Not to mention the criminal organizations and street gangs that buy them from overseas and sell them in their suburban homes and city apartments. Maybe a invading country or extradimentional army but unlikely

That all sounds pretty good

make any and all forms of organized religion illegal. don't just tax them, put all religious fuckers in prison.

The fuck do you know about my needs?

First its 100 rounds mags, then its 30, then I cant even have more than 10 rounds in a firearm that has a detachable magazine.

Looking at you California you massive piece of shit.

Remind me again who has the strictest gun laws in the US? OH THATS RIGHT, its California. Remind me again who is home to 3 of the 10 cities in the US with the highest rate of firearm related homicide? OH THATS RIGHT, its California.

No rational individual is going to say no to logical gun control, but in over the last 30 years firearm related legislation has been more prohibition than regulation. No one wants prohibition, it doesnt fucking work.

No one is opposed to an instant background check to ensure they dont have violent criminal histories or documented cases of mental illness, however no one wants those checkts to take days or be subjective to the local pd.

No one is opposed to restriciting access to assault style rifles in urban environments, but the people want proper channels to aquire those firearms not simple blanket bans.

Get logical gun regulation proposed and America will be on board, until then Id rather be thought of as some retard NRA supporter than condone the prohibition of firearms.

You never know when gays will come to your house and try to put dicks in your pooper

>Implying they wouldn't

They need more burger

Yeah but why would yeah keep shoveling more dog shit on the pile. Fuck Americans are retarded

fuck me

i've never held a real gun.

i've never needed to, because i'm comfortable with the size of my penis.

Sorry OP your gayness is showing. We are responsible with our weapons they are not toys. That man needed a deeper background check...

European checking in. I'm all for the 2nd amendment: The more guns you retarded inbred rednecks have the more of each other you will kill. Everyone (in the USA) should get a full auto assault rifle on their 18th birthday. Hopefully you will wipe yourself off the face of the earth soon.

okay dat feet!

Ok I'll have a go. You'd be better of with free education.

I don't give a shit about your gun laws. Owning a gun won't stop someone from killing you with a gun. Banning guns won't do shit since there's already more guns than ppl in the USA. It's a moot point.

Yep, gun owner and I totally believe this.

>free education

there already is up until uni level and people who can't afford it get grants. Adding another tax would fix nothing

but the nra is against all of those things and lobbies against regulation in any way, shape or form.

fuck ya

For the most part, assault rifles aren't the problem. They get the most publicity, but the real issue is thugs and handguns. That's where most of our gun crime comes from. You won't stop mass killings until this country gets serious about mental health. Ban guns and a person could go to the local Home Depot and get just about everything they need to make an IED capable of inflicting just as much or more harm.

So what's the thing in all movies and tv-series when they go; "Trying to afford to send my kids to college"?

Where do I buy a gun legally in the us that fires that fast?

thanks Mr. Knowitall.

You wouldn't stop the us government even if you had a fucking machine gun you dumb cunt.

you're the dumb one. you seemed to be stupid so I just pointed that out. no need to thank me.

free means someone else pays.

sure kid. watch out they are hiding under your bed.

Honestly machine guns won't even cut it now, I feel like buying a fucking tank just to go to walmart lol, fuckers building chem bombs & homemade explosives, you try stopping that shit with a gun.

and the dumbest mother fucker in this thread just needed to talk. Almost surely a service member who still thinks he's doing "good"

i hear you, and i got your back bro

To bad you can get guns in Europe huh?

>people not from north korea are wrong. Kim really is God
You can't see the Forrest through the trees.

And how's that working out for you? You've lost rights everyday and now the rich rule you peasants.

Americans need a proper health insurance. I have an American pal who just told me he suddenly lost hearing in his ear. When I told him that it's probably earwax and that he should go to the doctor to suck it out, he just said it's too expensive.
Healthcare should be a given, health services should be subsidized.

Is it time to show Europe the rape statistics since 2015?
>youre more likely to get raped in several parts of Western Europe than New Delhi.

Jet fuel can't melt national parks.

Hopefully when Trump becomes president he will make it mandatory for every man, woman and child to bear arms at all times, even when taking a shit. Then he can put his wall up to stop Mexican terrorists. Then he can ban all Mudslims from being evil. Gays are now killing themselves so that's another problem solved, just like the nig nogs. Soon it will be a Christian Country full of White Christians. And guns, lots of Christian guns.

sure kid

So what you're saying is your country is so fucked, you need guns to survive in it.

we have obamacare. the best in the world.

that would be you take on it.

I say give them more guns.
More guns = less Americans.

Pretty ironic how the 99% are happy to throw money at the 1%, as long as it's for high-powered weaponry.

Nah, that's what you said. You need guns to protect yourselves from all the horrible shit that happens in your lipsticked pig of a country.

Are you so retarded that you actually believe if the people stood up against the government/army you would stand a chance high powered assault rifles or not? Fucking typical American imbecile.

Because Europe has different definition of rape and actually report rape unlike India...

Itt: Americans that don't realise they're already being completely controlled by their government.

ITT: idiots who think guns are the problem.
A person could go steal a big rig and mow over a parade or marathon event and probably kill just as many, if not more, people than someone with an "assault rifle" and 100 rounds of ammo.

Nuke yourself
Best for you
Best for us

So why haven't they?

When they wrote the 6th amenaties they were talking about owning a blunderbuss that shoots wads of tree sap at 3fps and took 10 minutes to load. Not ASSAULT WEPPINS that take 2 seconds to load a 50 shell clip and are literally bazookas.
Doesn't matter if he was muslim if he couldn't buy guns he wouldn't have visited those jihadi website.
Tldr guns made omar hate faggots

try paying attention to the thread asshole.

This user has it right.

The scene. Woman in an policestation in India, reporting her husband for rape.
>Your husband beat you and forced you to sex? There is the door. Thank you, come again.

Idk? Why do sand niggers keep trying to bomb planes, instead of trains or sporting events? The latter have almost no security at all.



You need to put that hamburger down. And make a medium-coke to stop being bigger than your head, and be at about 0.4 liters... or 0.1 gallons or wichever retarded measurment you use.
Oh yeah, related; switch to a normal way to measure.

You gun nuts need another amendment that specifies that the right to bear arms only covers a trained militia, not trigger-happy rednecks with a drinking problem.

This people argue about defending ourselves from the government but we'd never stand a chance. Now it's about defending ones self or others from something such as a home invasion or even the Orlando shooter

There's also a thing called a constitutional amendment, you fucking idiot. I don't think the founding fathers knew of concentrated explosives, tanks, modern assault weapons, grenades or body armor.

sure kid. you so smart. there's your education.

Guns are a cultural problem in America. Switzerland has a lot of guns but no school shootings. Why? Because the Swiss are not retarded. Americans are, as they prove over and over again. That is not to say America is special in this regard - most people on this planet are fucktards.

Irrelevant. I'm addressing your post, don't try to change the subject, son.

Kill off your black population


Never the rednecks that shoot everyone up though

You are full of shit

>not using the superior 416

trigger happy rednecks aren't the ones killing people, try again

I'm not even a gun nut, but you're wrong. it clearly stats the Peoples right to bare arms.

which the People, being the general public, is establish at the start of the constitution.


but they knew about canons at the time, yet didn't write right to bare muskets, they said arms.

Everything any of you say is irrelevant, it's none of your business.

sure kid. good luck with that.

Mate they had their fair share of grenades and explosives back then.

still the asshole. did it ever occur to you that I didn't make that post? too stupid eh'.

Yeah, they could just buy a bunch of guns instead.

Shit tier b8


If it's not your post, then any/all of your posts are irrelevant. Not that they weren't already.

>To bad you can get guns in Europe huh?
We can get guns, just not assault rifles. Breivik used a Ruger Mini-14, because that was the most effective he could get his hands on (legally). A friend of mine is into pistol shooting, he has several pistols (you need to be a member of a pistol club for at least 6 months to be allowed to buy a pistol or revolver). Several of my relatives are into hunting, they have a plethora of rifles and shotguns. Me, I'm not a fag, so I don't need a gun.


This has to be b8

I got here too late. This is a great thread idea, and I'm Australian. I'll be starting several of these threads from now on.

Well, technically, 1 of the 100+ faggots could carry a small sidearm to shoot the muslim faggot so we wouldn't have to talk about this. Or the bouncer could have a gun, or they could show the door to the Assault Rifle carrying person. That's all

Just sarcasm related to all the faggoty I have had to bare witness to over the past few days.
Media focus on gun control and mask the fact there was an jihad inspired terrorist attack on their home soil. So cucked it's not funny
