Best hangover cure Sup Forums?

Best hangover cure Sup Forums?


>drinking a literal poison

way to go dumbass

For me it's always an egg sandwich (for those of you not from Long Island it's bacon, egg, and cheese) with a Gatorade to get some electrolytes back in the system. BUT true pros drink some pedialite...yes pedialite the night before and you wake up fine


weed and good greasy food



A shit ton of water and a really good meal. Then go back to sleep.

drink a little less you alky bastard.

chug a glass of water b4 bed and eat a banana
do the same when you wake up
no hangover

Orange gatorade, or any of those sports drinks like that.

If you're from cincy, skyline chili.

Drink more

the shit u do before bed; run exercise vitamins water

post; bananas and cannabis if ur a comfy

You feel shit because processing the alcohol fucks up the glucose flow from your liver. A quick fix is eat sugar and go back to sleep. But you'll probably want a tasty fry up to really do the job.

source: A toxicologist


Thanks Lads. I'll go make a vodka Gatorade, fry up a banana, eat some sugar, smoke a blunt and go back to bed.


It's not poison we evolved to digest alcohol as a mechanism to get more calories out of semi fermented fruit. Alcohol is not poison.

Drink water before going to sleep, a lot. Then wake up fine maybe a bit light in the head. Eat a good meal and voila. 5 years of daily drinking have thought me a lot.

Over in the real world in PA we call that a bacon egg and cheese

I drank rum last night but I just didn't drink enough to get drunk at all I had no motivation to get drunk :( sad days

Op drink water or powerade, shower, and go for a walk. Also eat food. Wear sunglasses


takes away the sick feeling almost completely

Not always, had a couple of times that a joint would make it worser.

Dramamine. You'll probably sleep the day away but won't have any nausea.

Cucumber liquid. Not sure if this is the right name. Type "marineeritud kurk" into google and look, this is the liquid to drink. Made me feel alot better, also food and fapping helps