What we know: Mass shootings correlate with less strict gun control measures

What we know: Mass shootings correlate with less strict gun control measures.

What we know: "A well regulated Militia, being (necessary)to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
This is context heavy and relates to the threat of a tyranical government. Just look at when it was written. As you do not have weaponry on the same level as the government, and are unable to overthrow corruption, the use of this as a point for argument is invalid.

Now on the subject of gun control.
1. You can still have guns with stricter gun control. It makes it much harder for your enemies, the ones you bought the gun for in the first place, to get a gun and ammo.

2. Prices for guns on the black market fucking skyrocket. In australia a glock on the black market goes for $15 000.

3. Criminals can no longer go to wall mart and buy a gun to kill you thus giving you the advantage in the event of a home invasion.

4. You still have your guns to protect you and go hunting and do all the things you enjoy, but it is now way less likely that retards will have access to them.

So why isn't strict gun control a thing yet? All it does is tip the odds in your favour.

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Riight, because criminals want a paper trail. 2/10 for making me respond.

goverment is full blown retarded ur not fit to lead rule or try to govern me

>Royalist: You can't beat the empire! Put down your guns.
>2016Cuck: You can't beat the government! put down your guns.
Same faggot different era.

Essentially this. It makes me wonder how big of cucks the loyalists were in the 1770s

Black market in Australia is so expensive because it had no borders with other mainland countries. America would be cheaper because of mexico. It would also make the gun trade larger for cartels


most mass shootings have nothing to do with the gun laws, this last one in orlando should never have happened, the man was reported multiple times to law enforcement and was being watched by the FBI. its not the gun laws, its people not doing their jobs.
I wish people would stop blaming the weapons used in these crimes and look at the criminals doing the crime. Look at the middle east right now, they dont use guns they just use bombs. Id much rather take my chances with a man and a gun than a man with a bomb.
Ban guns? we'll just have more bombings with no way for people to defend themselves.

its not banning guns at all though. it just makes it harder to obtain a gun if you are a criminal such as the orlando shooter. Or if you have any sort of anger issues or mental disorder if it would be harder, but not impossible, to get a gun. all you have to do is prove yourself to not be that guy that might murder 50 people. and you sir have a gun.

>stricter gun control
Such as what? You haven't explained how this would apply. The only thing you've said is that criminals wouldnt leisurely buy guns legally, which is a measure that it already in place.


There is literally no reason to not at the very least make it require a license no different than a car.

People use the word strict. This isn't strict, find out who bought it and write the name down, check it against a couple of obvious lists(1. Violent Felony Offender 2.Terrorist 3.Fucking Crazy) Hell might also be worth it to have Shooting school a requirement /w grades of weapons. Want a shotgun? Sorry grandma we gotta make sure you can shoot it and actually hit your target without breaking a hip. This would actually be better for the gun community as it would raise competency and make gun owners not look so fucking bad.

Also keep that list of serials and owners so when an AR-15 modded for full auto shows up in some nutjob's hands it's the fault of the asshole who sold it to him off-market.

Except the libs want to ban the scary looking ones you cunt.

I unlike many gunfags actually have no objection to background checks etc. I'd really like my concealed carry permint (harder check than gun purchase) to be proof enough to avoid the time sink everytime but I don't buy so many guns that a couple hours at the shop waiting for paperwork to get done has a huge impact on my life.

This want to ban AR15S cause they look scary is fuck traded though. It's just a semi automatic rifle. Not particularly special in acuracy or ability to deal death. It's just super customizable and as it's popular it's what has been used in shootings. I can almost see an argument against high capacity magazines...it at least makes more sense than "that one looks scary" but honestly with some practice you can swap mags so fast I doubt it would make a big difference.

It's a slippery slope though. Where will it stop?
The second amendment exists to protect us from tyranny. If you want to hand your freedom over and be defenseless go ahead, but you will be alone. Fuck you.
Criminals don't care about consequences, so laws mean nothing to them. Law abiding citizens are the ones that have to deal with your restrictions.

A license should not be approved if:
A person is subject to an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO), or for 10 years
from the expiry of the AVO (unless the AVO has been revoked).
* If a person is subject to a good behaviour bond for a prescribed offence.
* If a person is subject to a firearms or weapons prohibition order.
* A person has been convicted within the last 5 years of an offence prescribed
by the regulations.
A prescribed offence is a conviction for offences involving firearms or weapons,
prohibited drugs, violence, offences of sexual nature or involving fraud,
dishonesty, stealing, robbery or offences relating to terrorism.

Already keep serials.
Already illegal to sell to criminal scum.
Already illegal(and not trivial) to modify to full auto

Don't believe all the feels Hillary sells. Seriously half the problem with the debate is the noguns don't even realize the regulations already in place. Librard leaders have em convinced it's the wild west like people literally just walk in and trade eggs for a gun and ammo and walk out no paperwork needed or some shit.

>might also be worth it to have Shooting school a requirement /w grades of weapons. Want a shotgun? Sorry grandma we gotta make sure you can shoot it and actually hit your target without breaking a hip. This would actually be better for the gun community as it would raise competency and make gun owners not look so fucking bad.
A look at the use of guns by gun owners shows wonderful competency. What are you talking about?

List of offenses is bad. Go for stopping violent offenders obviously. Drug offense though not so much. Also while I'm against sexual offenses I don't see what that has to do with guns.

>There is literally no reason to not at the very least make it require a license no different than a car.

That license exists and is called a CWP.

Semi-auto should be banned too, really.

Because criminals will wait for you to pull the bolt back.

I would rather get shot than get stabbed to death or my brain bashed in with a hammer.
Guns aren't the problem here.

A gun is a right, a car is a privilege.

It doesn't tip the odds in our favor, it does the exact opposite. At the end of the day, if it's us against them, wouldn't you want criminals to be armed too?

For what purpose? Tbh I like my bolt guns more. But I could easily kill 30 folk with my bolt action 5 round magazine mossin before the cops showed up.

Honestly if you had any idea how quick an experienced shooter could load and fire even a single shoot weapon you'd understand why this literally doesn't matter. But you're a noguns faggot that doesn't have the slightest idea. It's like no drivers debating driving laws...you simply don't understand the subject well enough.

If the 2nd amendment was written with exclusivity to technology of the time, then how can the 1st amendment be applied to the internet? You don't get to picked and choose what you like about it.

>that trumpet on the gun
what does it shoot? soundwaves?


Who gave the nigger guns?

It doesnt stop at guns.

In europe they have knife control and are looking to ban bb guns soon.

You have to ask yourself do you trust your government 100 percent?

If the goverment makes dumb choices now when we are armed just imagine when they un arm the whole populace.

is there a name for this land of fairy's you speak of?
why not just give the government your DNA sample now?

you would think they wanted him to do this.

>gun control corilates to more mass shootings

Yeah look at Australia or Japan or England or Canada or China, soooooo many more mass shootings than the US.

Oh wait..

>couple hours at the shop waiting for paperwork

Wait, this is all you have to do when you want to buy a gun?

its the system we already have in place.

another resident of dreamland. some good drugs huh kid.

The fuck are you gonna do against tanks and shit with your fucking knife? Or your BB gun?

Hell, given the types of technology first world militaries have access to today, do you actually believe that your fucking AR or whatever is going to help you?

You're delusional.

>implying groups of elected officials with law degrees and doctorates are not fit to lead the autistic, superstitious, quasi-illiterate masses.

yeah okay

you do realize yelling at your mother is considered domestic violence.

>You can still have guns with stricter gun control. It makes it much harder for your enemies, the ones you bought the gun for in the first place, to get a gun and ammo.
It also makes it much easier for your enemies to take them away from you.

> Criminals can no longer go to wall mart and buy a gun to kill you thus giving you the advantage in the event of a home invasion.
They can't do it now either, felons aren't allowed to buy guns.
>You still have your guns to protect you and go hunting and do all the things you enjoy, but it is now way less likely that retards will have access to them.
Unless the government suddenly decides they don't want you to have guns and take them away from you.

>So why isn't strict gun control a thing yet?
It is here in Europe and mass shootings still happen.

yup less than that even, took me like 15-30 min last time

clearly you have never seen me with a knife.

Chris Rock has an alternative solution:

remember computers didn't exist in 1776 but multiple firing weapons did.

Wow, okay I thought you actually have to go through some background checks and wait couple of days. In that case, USA probably needs to reform this a bit.

How about one of these?

Holy shit you fucking neckbeard. Please share the story of how you've taken down drones, tanks, or even a person using military-grade weaponry from a distance with a knife...

Fill out all paperwork. Wait for phone check with the fucking FBI. Wait longer in some cases 2 weeks.

Wtf do you want? Seriously how hard do you think it should be and how long a wait?

You either pass a background check or you don't. Arbitrary wait times would just give nut jobs that pass the screening more time to plan.

welcome retards, have a seat.

Uh... Are you retarded?

Private sellers require no background checks.


the other tard has just entered the building.

And you think you'll have a better chance with nothing at all?

US civil war started with the capture of an arms depot. There are numerous National Guard outposts all over the country. Each one has tanks and weapons. I know private militia that have personal tanks. Mostly any rebellion today would rely on making the government look like monsters. They would never nuke their own country.

Holy shit. Hypersensitive cuckold libtard took the B8. Christ on a cracker.

i was making a joke...

They do in my state.

doesn't make them better people. actually its quite the opposite.

depending on the state,
the paperwork is all the background checks they have you do, which is in every state in the US. other than that I know in my state it took me almost $300 6 months and a 8 hour class before I could even go touch a gun in a shop. then get to the shop pick out a gun and wait another 30mins to an hour to finish up background checks i've already been through multiple times.
Shits not easy im so tired of people saying how easy it is to get a gun. You know what it is easy, if you go buy one on the street. But for us law abiding citizens its not.

They making steam punk guns for hipster school shooters now?

Negative. Mass shootings happen where there is more gun control. No guns allowed in schools, clubs, movie theaters. That's why they go there to kill. They know no one will be able to stop them. No one there will have a gun to shoot back.

so you can go out in style

This point can't be stressed enough. It always cracks me up. I love the people who say "come and take them" when someone mentions the goverment coming for your guns or some such nonsense. Listen peeps, if the US government wants your guns, they could take them without batting an eye. What is your cache of hunting rifles, handguns, and (if you're lucky), AR-15 or M16 going to do about a fully equipped S.W.A.T. team? Or a mounted APC full of a dozen armored soldiers? Or for that matter, an F16? I'll just sit back and watch the fireworks.

The following is a list of reasons why you can be denied a gun:

Convicted of a felony. Convicted in any court of a crime which in punishable by a term of more than one year or a misdemeanor punishable by more than two years.
See Also: Can You Pass a Firearms Background Check?

Indicted for a crime punishable by more than one year. (Felon)
A fugitive from justice. (Wanted)
A user of illegal drugs or an addict. (Druggy. Doesn't specify what it considered a controlled substance)
Involuntarily committed to a mental institution.
An illegal alien
Dishonorably discharged from the armed forces.
Renounced your U.S. citizenship.
Subject to a restraining order for threatening a family member. (Note: An RO can be obtained without any criminal conviction)
Convicted of domestic violence.

Now I question why "On a terrorist watch list" and "Being looked at by the FBI for terrorism" aren't on that list.


the check was what the brady bunch wanted.
its their fault. ironic isn't it.

Are you saying we should back down because they have better weaprony than we do? They might have better weapons but there are more of us than them. We could put up a good fight, I bet

shut up tard boy

>Negative. Mass shootings happen where there is more gun control.
Australia would disagree with that. It's the hyper-violent American culture that causes mass-shootings. They're a horrible race of people. No wonder Hitler wanted them all gone.

not required but name one who has?

In romania is so hard to get a gun,you need like a hundred papers just to get a fucking pistol,it will be faster to kill someone with a stick.


Another case on noguns not understanding anything about the topic of guns and gun control. This shit is controlled mostly on a State by State basis. Which makes the rules vary from State to State. There is an overlying Federal system that also governs, but States can go much stricter.

Many do not.


He wasn't a criminal when buying the gun, though, he was a security guard. Maybe you people should blame the security guard mcompany for not doing a complete background check before hiring him.

I can take your ass down with my knife from 100 meters.
It goes around corners, too



Because Americans are stupid. Senate won't pass a bill because they're defending the Constitution. I don't k ow if they know this, but the British probably won't be invading.... it's been 200 years.


Though honestly the process is hardly painful. If I actually thought it would prevent any significant crime I'd vote to double up on wait times and checks. The reality is though that criminals just buy illegal and these crazy mass shooters often could legally own guns before they committed their crimes so no system no mater how slow and invasive would have stopped them.

>As you do not have weaponry on the same level as the government, and are unable to overthrow corruption, the use of this as a point for argument is invalid.



[Citation Needed]

>The second amendment exists to protect us from tyranny. If you want to hand your freedom over and be defenseless go ahead
You've had your 'freedoms' stripped away over the past decades. I've still seen no uprising.


We should be able to have tanks, missiles, jets, what ever we need.

"If circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens. This appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist." - The Federalist Papers : No. 29

Omar was under investigation by the FBI and they were unable to find enough evidence to deem him dangerous.

>There is literally no reason to not at the very least make it require a license no different than a car.

Except you don't need licenses for any right. That's the reason. Retard.

what is gorilla warfare?

>his name is 'omar'
>did not deem him dangerous
god damnit, fbi, what happened? asleep on the job again?

bro, he was watch list as fuck. also
>security guard
>the irony kek


It's when packs of niggers kill each other in the streets and then a white cop comes along and gets viciously beaten by niggers and shoots one and Al Sharpton cries tears of racism and president obamatan says the dead nigger looks like his pretend son

you think if the military came after you, you would actually be able to defend yourself?
also criminals don't have to import them because there are enough to steal from legitimate sources or buy from a legitimate gun owner off the books or at a gun show.


1. Not true at all. Stricter gun control does not make it harder for anyone to get guns except those obtaining them legally.

2. Prices sky rocket when you live on a giant island, not when you share a giant border with a cartel run country.

3.Criminals can't go to Walmart and buy a gun now, wtf are you talking about?

4. Stricter gun control only applies to law abidding citizens, not to anyone else. The law abiding citizen will have smaller clips, weaker ammo, etc. Criminals will still have access to whatever they can find.

This is like saying that making narcotics harder to get will make less people uluse narcotics. It has been shown that in Americe that's not the case. Less people who need legal drugs will have the same access, abusers will have to find other source's for their narcotics.

It's been discussed on 538 this week that guns are more popular for terrorist attacks in the States because the materials for bomb-making are very strictly controlled and watched. So someone somewhere puts you on a list if you're buying the materials.

I don't necessarily have an issue with buying, purchasing, or owning guns. But perhaps the biggest loophole in gun laws is that, since states don't coordinate policy, many guns are actually transported from places where the laws on purchases are less strict, to those where they are. There was an article recently discussing the "pipeline" for guns from the south to Chicago, NYC, etc. So it's an interesting conundrum, because the gun laws do technically work in the places that have them, they just have no way of making sure guns don't cross the borders. Same as what happened in France, actually. There weren't checkpoints at the border with other nations to keep the guns used (and presumably also the attackers) in the Paris attacks out.

>Not knowing that the combined populations of Canada, Japan & England do not compare with the U.S. population. Also, the USA has more niggers.

We can. We just have to pay for them and I'm assuming a fuckton of fees.
Law enforcement are majorly pro guns. They would not comply with an order to raid peoples houses. The second the govt declares war on its own people is the second it seals its own death.