I went out on saturday and took some pingas, i ended up getting really horny and cheated on my GF...

I went out on saturday and took some pingas, i ended up getting really horny and cheated on my GF. Idk if it was cause i was high but she was much better at sex then my GF
What do?
I havent told her.
>pic related

the fuck are pingas?

Oh sorry.
Ausfag here, pinga is aus slang word for ecstacy

Keep it for yourself if you dont want to destroy your relationship, ping along, how was she ?

Wait... They aren't called pingas outside aus? And OP, sex is just better on pingas. Take some and fuck your own gf I reckon it'd be just as good, minus the whole I'm so cool cheating feeling.

if really pic related...post 'em all

i would recommend you keep it for yours and just share your memories and pictures with Sup Forums.
videos are welcome too

>better then

It's better THAN

You're welcome. Now you don't have to seem Illiterate in the future.

This the only one i got, i wanted to take one to keep the memory with me forever, but had to throw phone away and eat ass shortly after pic was taken. Sorry.

She was so good man, the pussy was exquisite and she rode me like a bull, she moaned very load and very often, unlike my quite silent GF, plis she deepthroated me which was cash.

dont tell her unless you want a shitstorm

you were able to cum on xtc?

I can't for at least 12 hours afterwards

Looks like you fucked a fat pig of a girl.

Keep it hush hush.

I dont, i love her and and i feel super guilty, especially cause the sex was fucking amazing.
But i feel terrible for not coming clean

She was thick.
Her hips, ass and legs were a lot bigger that her upper body which made it even sexier.

I almost did that as well OP. what state are you from?

Yes, i came quite a lot, i hadnt blown a load ina few days before though and she was throating my cock like a pornstar.


if you tell her it'll fuck up your relationship and she could leave you. you done a bad i'd keep it to myself

oh lame QLD is pretty shit. what did you take?

You could ask your gf to do the things she did. But tell her you saw it on porn or something.

Fuck knows, i went out with some friends.
My friends younger brother bought a load of 'pingas' off his dealer and sold me 2.
I just took em and had a good time haha

Didnt do anything special, it was just a lot better.
She did however moan when i ate her ass, my gf lets me do it to her but only cause i enjoy it.
She likes it too, but not enough to moan.

drugs, suddenly not beta
sober almost beta as fuck
do it again until get cought
by then you can coast on your
reputation alone ;D

fuckin next time you take some ask for the brand so you know the dosage and don't overdose.
Lots of pingas going around that have way too much in them

Sex is nothing in the grand scheme of things. If you've been with your gf a long time and it's generally a healthy relationship, stay with the bond and work on making it better all the time. Avoid empathogens with others if you think you'd cheat, it could cause serious relationship backlashes. Check yourself for sti's and damnit keep the things you have close... I've lost things to stupid mistakes too much and the guilt is something not worth living the moment of fun for. Forget the other girl and take care.

in spanish pinga is slang for dick

seems legit though that you faggot would take some dick!

I dont overdose, im not a fucking pussy.

Ow shit pingas is the best word xtc ive ever heard. But just keep i to youre self nothin wrong with cheating. Some time you just need a change of sceneries.

Oh yeah thats another thing, i was too horny and high at the time so i didnt use a condom, she told me she was on the pill and i nutted in her throat, im still kinda worried about STI's though,
How can i get a check with my gf being suspicious?

you're gonna overdose and get fucked by a 2/10 m8

Nah m8. Im a QLDer, dont have time to overdose, when im about to, i just drink a xxxx and be on my way