Prove you're white, Sup Forums

Prove you're white, Sup Forums.

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I don't fear the cops.


My surname is Reykyaniv, and I'm not a slav

I smoke meth

Meth is super popular with Samoans in Hawaii. Nice try though, Kawika.

I don't steal

Im a sissy who loves to suck BBC

i support trump

I'm using a computer and know how to type.

I know how to read and write.

i do not vote like niggers and jews vote -- for leftsists

I like golfing, poker and game of thrones.

my father visited me yesterday

You can trust me.

Meth is also super popular with whites. I should know, I'm white and smoke meth

I like traps.

My Father is in my life, I've never stolen anything, I went to a good school, and I've never applied for welfare or food stamps. Also, don't drive a piece of shit 80s American car.


my grandfather faught for both the kaiser and the führer



I am a cop

>mfw theres more gay blacks than whites

I have a mortgage, and a 740 credit score.

I eat my sister's pussy.
>pic related

Whites don't need to prove anything.

i don't smoke drink or do drugs and i can vote

Is this a sufficient proof?

at least more civilised than a nigger

english is my only language


"Prove you're white", not a stay at home femnazi

I have a mortgage

I'm fine with the girl in OP's pic having a flat ass. I dont even like twerking tbh fam

My parents aren't divorced and my sister got a mixed child whose father ran off

My penis is 6 inches, the white average.

I'm just a little tanned.

i'm a dude

I can't dance, I have no culture and I fuck my sister every Sunday.

I don't have to prove anything to you. I'm a white male and that means I'm automatically better than you.

thinking niggers have culture LUL

I put mayo on sandwiches and ranch on everything else.


i own more than 3 tvs that i didnt steal

I can say, "Hi, Dad!" every day.

Jim fixed it for me

I am currently on a bicycle tour.....white as fuck. Asians be copping our style though these days

When did I ever hint that I thought niggers had culture? Fucking moron

I pay my bills on time


in dutch lul means dick

Even here in Canada I want Trump to win.

Oh and I grew up with a dad.

I enjoy Seinfeld

>prove you're not a nigger
>says "i have no culture"
are you this retarded?

That really is my bike. I paid for it. With money
I worked for. And you can take my word it's the truth.

This is my dick

my parents BOUGHT me a bike


I mostly drink alcohol and go clubbing instead of chilling and smoking weed

im a sissy that is obedient to BBC.


>welfare case detected
Sorry, we are going to have to ask you to leave, underaged nigger

>doesn't have parents
i think i found the nigger, guys!

>not being able to spot that the picture of Milo is shooped as fuck.

Lurk moar, newfriend.

I have a below average sized penis

you can trust my trips i'm a masterace alpha guy

I really enjoy morrowind. I am also a fan of ghost b.c, black sabbath, and ac/cd.

Honey if you want to fuck bbc, i will still love you and take care of you.

ac/cd ? don't know if u a cuck or a nigger you autistic faggot

Im a human, and not a monkey

AC/DC sucks now because Axel Rose is the new front man. Personally was never much of a guns and roses fan

I don't have AIDS

I'm voting trump

My job actually exists

I'm on welfare and feel bad about it

I listen to NSBM and I enjoy the lyrics

black people tell me about all the privilege i have.

I take care of my kid, and don't shout out (this being the exception) that I do so, with no expectation that I'm going to get props for it. As Chris Rock said, you don't get applause for shit you're supposed to do, motherfucker.

I take care of my kids.

I attend the meetings.

Big lip, big nose, breathing all the white mans air, fried chicken eating, grape soda drinking, watermelon chucking, bad credit having, greasy ass niggers.

I have a dad. He never left me.

i am married, employed, never been convicted of a crime, i do not shoplift, i am not on food stamps, i pay my traffic tickets, i do not attack strangers, my firearms are legally owned, i do not have aids, i do not stink like a garbage bin, my clothes fit

shall i continue?


> I can't dance
> I'm awkward and reserved when I socialize
> I get ignored by cops
> I make a good living
> I'm educated
> I fap to Asian traps

I know who my father is

my car is not a piece of shit, i have insurance for it, i have never shot myself in the leg on accident, neither of my grandmothers were street hookers, my mother has kids by two men (not five men), my parents have been married for 30 years, my parents were both born in poverty on farms but became professionals, i am registered to vote, i dont go to church, i have always used birth control when i fuck

should i continue?

Your mother has kids with two men, though.

That's not very Leave It to Beaver.

its pretty common these days. she was actually serially monogamous though and married to each when she gave birth to their children, which is quite different from the black experience: never married, fucking multiple dudes at the same time, all the kids on social welfare. Both candidates for father in prison

I am a father who enjoys a healthy familiarity with his children.

I jerk off to Black guys.

Paid salary, not hourly.. six figures

I didnt think electing Obama would suddenly make black people Kangz n sheit

i think that makes you asian not white

This i cant help myself when there hanging on a tree

Fucking KEK! Well played.

I thought 'Dope' was a shit movie.

Sure you are nigger. Get the fuck out of here and graduate high school.

Only whiteys get dubs. Check em.