Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:



Wake up already

>Chino claimed

Ooh alright. I can respect that

>similar to my waifus hair
now THATS some dedication, friend. I hope they do it right this time

Thank you, Karen! Your waifu is really cute as well!

>be at gay bar
>get shot in face
>a gunman walks in





Miho claimed





o shit bake too fast for me
87 cent megumeme

That fail though.

We can all enjoy that beautiful pic now.

Mako claim


ayy Rivals of Aether




Sorry, wasn't sure if you were still around

Proud of you Shiro
Get ready for the blonde hair attack

Had to read this a few times to get it

Expected a Homura image
Got a Karen lewd
I can't win

take those off your head

hol up

cow cow cow cow
cute waifu :3

Akiko claimed

7 game winstreak on Overwatch


ay yo hol up

>rattled REEEEEEE
My value lowered... Great

boop boop
he was asking for you


Back from work?

o shit its the discount megumin

>i hope you get to 10

So whats everyone listening to?



What are you talking about? It works for me.


>claiming Nascar221 as my husbando

Milk Drinker.
Yari Yuri.
neet neet neet neet.

Whelp... this is awkward. I swear it's working on my chrome but it's not working on IExplorer.

Whomever told me that pic related was Leroute i thank you


More rude

Not for me

Only the best


its no problem
do you actually have a karen lewds folder?
>rattled rattle
better luck next time


What do you see?

Why do all these lolis have big ass heads?

I worked at a mcdonald's :p

Did you go to sleep or are you still awake from when you woke up at 2am?

>muffled REEE in the distance
Hello there DM

Alas, not even halfway through my shift




ooh whats this?



no lmao I have no folders, just one big folder. Everything is sorted by filenames

They're 17 lol
Alice is 16

I made this! Lucy Here! BLONE HAIR ALLIANCE!

I probably won't be around for the next bake anyways.

Im still awake.

Again, why do they have big heads?


download messenger
really good abstract hip hop :O
this is definitely a more conventional song though, very catchy

Sir yes sir.

You're worse at this than I am.
Cat dubs.

Obligatory Hi :3

He always is

Nah it stopped at 7
Can't be mad though, they were good games
>tfw 5 man kill with D.va ult but Mercy swoops in and presses her undo fuckup button

>So whats everyone listening to?

Haya Mako
How's your 3DPD?

You are welcome, was watching, when i noticed I just saw her on the other thread

I GOT DUBS TOOO! No Quints today but its still early!

Its only been 12 hours few more and ill be fine.

Life is difficult, my friend...
No, please?
Hello there, Renge. Ready for our Duck Game match? Because I'm not

Rip, i have to skeleton with you and you gotta teach me to doot, ill explain later


Ayayaya! Ayayaya!

Ive never heard of this before! I'll have to take a listen some time

RIP :(
>Did i jinx you?
>Fucking pocket healers, man

Yes, 50% off Megumin

How is your waifu?

A nuu Cheeki Breeki.

>muffled cheeki breeki in the distance

Cow singles
>click now to see more
Hello user.
чики-брики и в дамки!

Get out of here, Stalker.

Pet the cat
Pet the cow, do it now

What can I say, it's a really nice hair style!
Eh, I'll go around noon. I still don't really wanna get up yet.




aaa nuu cheeki breeki i v damke!

It is a nice haircut, I agree! What time is it for you now?

Get out of here, Stalker!

You still need to get your sleep, go to bed early tonight and get plenty of sleep.

How did we go from this...

But why..
>if dubs get I pet the cat

how do you organize it then, don't you have like 1k pics of karen?

to this?

to this

You're a disgrace posting such a low quality pic of her.

About to be 11 AM. So about an hour away.

I'll use this pic from now on, check your email btw

I dont know, I'm just following what everyone else says :3

Oh alright! So you're on the west coast, huh?

I want to go to bed at least 8 tonight to be up in the morning.

QOTT: besides your waifu's personality, whats another personality you find really attractive?

The laid back, soft spoken, caring type. Not exactly motherly but it's that character that's usually there for everyone if that makes sense

What time is it currently there?

I don't have one.

Despite hating most tsunderes I need to admit they are one of the best personalities when well done.

I'm bored.

California, the land of eternal summer.

The quiet yet clingy type. The one that wants to be close, but often worries they're annoying.

положил свое оружие вниз , то мы говорим
Roll for steal

The type that cares for others more than themselves.

Thanks for the Syndra pics dumbass

>Hi smug!

>I wish i lived in California
>tfw theres no Round1 Arcades near me

How are you?