Why do people hate this guy? Is it because hes gay? Is it because he hates mudslimes...

Why do people hate this guy? Is it because hes gay? Is it because he hates mudslimes? Or is it because he boner inducing makes you question your sexuality sexy?

Other urls found in this thread:


No hate here. That faggot just speaks truth, that's why I'd guess though.

Because he homosexual has the audacity to not cowtow to the liberals.

Not gonna lie, id take it up the ass from Milo

Am I actually meant to know who this person is?

He's fearless and brash

Google it n00b

He's a fag. They're tedious.

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wheres my blue twitter tick


hes a fucking mongo that gets owned on uk tv everytime he appears. fair enough tho it seems hes found his niche with you ameritards

Who hates him besides retards?

He's a power bottom.

I think liberals would be a synonym

He makes me question my sexuality.
Also his account got suspended on twitter.

its because he supports pedos. he has bragged about seeing powerful people rape children

Can I have a name to google man?

Bruh, he's the most glorious faggot since Freddy Mercury.

No one gives a fuck one way or another about him except you shills trying to ram him down our throat.

I've literally only ever seen his name on b.

No, most 12 year olds wouldn't know who he is.

Someone as sassy as him would be a power top

milo yiannopoulos

Its back now

Just search the image

Jew, fag, coal burning edge lord. What's not to like?

he is literally as dumb as a fucking liberal

You don't have to sell me. Take political commentary from him. And dick. Probably both at the same time.

he is a retarded faggot nothing more here

A Greek God

Friendly reminder. Lets keep it legal here lads. I will be monitoring this thread and WONT HESITATE to report anything I deem inappropriate.

You have been warned.

Well don't I just feel left out of the loop.
No, I suppose not though there's no need to be rude about it.
>no I'm not going to explain anything to you, google it and educate yourself.
Guess what group of people you sound like friend.

he defends pedos

Frog leg nudes are retarded 0/10

He doesn't pull any punches and if you spout bullshit he will call you out on it. And of course he doesn't buy into the PC crap which offends some people.

The group that thinks you should know your shit before you wander aimlessly into a thread to get butthurt about not knowing the topic?

Does that clarify how fucking stupid you look?

No wonder this man gets me throbbing other than those eyes

Let's trigger this mod then

Also this.

I just asked for a name fam.. there's legitimately nothing I said that should evoke that kind of reaction from you.
Get the sand out of your vagina please.

Shit piss faggot faggot faggot. Bitch tits motherfucking dune coons

Niggers niggers i fucking lynch niggers and kikes and tykes. Sieg heil sieg heil hitler dindunuffin

> Am I actually meant to know who this person is?
No? So by that logic, you're too stupid to right click, left click "search google for this image", and read a line of text. You are so dense, in fact, that the only way you can absorb knowledge on this topic is to have another user spell it out for you. You are why "no child left behind" is a disaster.

He's not hot. He's like the living incarnation of Bert.

Baby cocks baby cocks underage pussy. Jared Fogle is a saint and so is Roman Polanski

U triggered yet scrublord?

U jelly nigger?

No, I just don't find people hot that are just slightly above average-looking.

hot is pic related

Id blow anything thats over 6/10 so milo is on my gaydar

I don't see why you're getting so mad over this.
The reason I asked for a name is because I am on my phone which doesn't actually allow me to use image search with the VPN I use.
Stop acting like such a pretentious cunt.

So, everything from stupid and lazy to shitty phone. Any more excuses for why you came into a thread for the purpose of being a retard?

This IS Sup Forums, retards are the norm

If I listen hard enough I think I can almost hear your heavy, labored breathing from here.
As for excuses no that pretty much sums it up though I can blame the jews if that would make you feel better?

I think he's trolled before

>shit, i look really fucking stupid
>better call him fat!

Good work. Enjoying the summer holiday?

>Praising faggots
Not even once

Need some better b8

...I dont hate him...Actually I agrre with him regarding some stuff but he says quite a lot of shit...

No, this will not be on the midterms
> I fucking HATE summer!

Heavy breathing doesn't necessarily mean obesity though from your reaction I'm guessing that is what hit closest to home :^)

I probably would be enjoying the summer holiday if it were summer where I live.

How the fuck do you faggot kids not know how to google?
> I REALLY fucking HATE summer.
> mfw these fucking kids cant use the most simple of software.


I'm not a huge fan of summer myself. I'm more of an Spring person.

He does not give an inch to identity politics driven victims either.

>post picture of fat guy at computer
>makes reference to land whale breathing
>lolinocallufat! Master trollolololel

You really suck at this.

> Kill your self
> I'm still hating summer.

He really is a " notorious power bottom "

I can't suck that much if you're still replying..

would go gay for that dangerous faggot

No. He hasn't.

27 minutes until the end of my shift. You're my boredom fap.


Guys! Milo is line streaming from Orlando at the bar. Get in here.

Because he speaks the truth.

Live streaming* hit up that YouTube channel.

Have you seen how triggered people get when he speaks at colleges. Don't always agree with everything he says but watching feminists pour blood on themselves and try to shout him down at Rutgers was fucking fascinating.

the depaul bullshit made me hate my state more then i already do

I'm flattered though you're more or less the same thing for me.
Long shift?

He pisses off both leftists and mudslimes, like a gift from fucking god.

I liked him as balki bartokomus. He was funny in beverly hills cop too.

Its because even though he's a liberal and anti-feminist, he still considers himself right wing and is a Trump supporter. I have no idea how anyone nevertheless a gay man can listen to something that idiot says and think to themselves damn this guy has it all figured out.

And hot, if i get the chance to bitch. A lot of dumb for 10 hours.

Loved how the cops were specifically told by the faculty not to intervene. The absolute shit show that would have ensued if someone had tried to kill him would have been amazing on so many levels.

I love this guy, and I'm straight but if I had to fuck a man it would probably be him.

Why don't all you ass rimmers in this thread piss of back to Sup Forums and have your circle jerk over that edgy, right wing, breitbart asshole over there?

Btw, if asshole is so much about free speech why doesn't he go somewhere were free speech actually is a risk like Iran, China or North Korea?

yeah it was some bullshit
that fat fuck in the purple shirt or whatever
im pretty sure was siding with the BLM protestors and was only interested in helping them fuck up the talk
he even handed them a fucking mic
depaul is just a black cuck university

Or else what? The mongoloid who made that couldn't even form a proper sentence.

I support trump but hate milo because he is a faggot. Call me a homophobe or whatever, but I hate all gays and believe they should be exterminated

I don't know who he is, but his hair makes him look like a faggot.

I love that they had a speaker at the Orlando mosque just a week before who think that the most passionate thing to do is to kill all faggots.


He's Roman Catholic.

That's because he is a faggot.


Well then.

Because he calls feminism cancer and that goes against our gynocentric society.
He has facts and evidence to illustrate his claims that men are discriminated against while women (who constantly whine and scream about being discriminated against) are given rights enjoyed ONLY by women. This runs against the feminist narrative that women are victims.

gavin and milo making out in livestream

Nope, try again. That was Julie Bindle, I think. He called her out on her pedophelia, but since Bindle is a feminist columnist no one cared she raped her little sister.

Spring and autumn are god tier months. I personally enjoy transitional seasons most.

I just considered what you wrote and you may be correct. Versachi might have been more famous, but Milo is currently the most famous faggot.

Just googled him. Though I hate flamboyant gay people, this guy actually seems pretty awesome.

>Spring and autumn
I think the word you are looking for is season.

What about Bowie?

Nah. I meant what I typed.