Would you date a fat white feminist liberal?

Would you date a fat white feminist liberal?


Yea, if we didn't have to speak ever, and she only tit fucked me with her huge tits. Then made amazing dinners.

As a guy raised in a hicktown, nah. I like my women poteet, brunette, and pretty.

>date a fat


Is this a joke? of course not, dude, they are garbage. Literally genetic trash that's made even more useless by their ideological insanity.

No informed and intelligent individual would even consider it.

Yup, love fat girls. Wouldn't last long if she is all the way feminazi-crazy, but regular feminist is fine.

What are you, stupid?

IQ 141 btw, as counter to what they are saying - not that IQ is a great measurement.

I would not date that fat slag no matter her political views...

> white feminist liberal
> made amazing dinners

Pick one.


Fat = no
White = sure
Feminist = What kind? Victimist? Fatminist? Misandrist? Humanist?
Liberal = OP is a fag who has no clue what that mean.

Never, fat people are disgusting

>white feminist liberal
Already am and she's god tier

Why, is your mom available?

>likes fat girls
>claims to be smart
>would date a fat feminazi

Dude, it's like saying you're a health conscious progressive while you smoke a marlboro red and drink a natty lite. You're also most likely not a 141 IQ.

When's the last time you knew of a fat feminazi who cooked at all, let alone "amazing dinners"? You'd be taking her out to eat or eating a frozen dinner or something out of a can.

No date, yes hatefuck

Yeah, probably. No objections to any of that really.

Are you retarded? Any human female can make tasty dinners.

You are objectively incorrect in your assumption, but I'll cut you some slack, since you obviously have not even thought about it, nigger.

Intelligence doesn't change fetish. :p

I am not lying, but impossible to prove of course.

OP, if that's you, post belly?

>When's the last time you knew of a fat feminazi who cooked at all, let alone "amazing dinners"?
They cook all the time
1. put ham or turkey or both in oven and bake them
2. When done stick a stick in each one.
3. Sit down for some Tumblr and "ham on a stick"
4. When done eating the ham and/or turkey head back t the fridge for a gallon of Rocky Road.
5. Eat gallon of ice cream while posting to "healthyatanysize.com" about how even eating less than 1500 calories a day while working out for hours, will not let you lose weight.

>eating less than 1500 calories a day while working out for hours, will not let you lose weight.
Of course not, the patriarchy sees to that!



Only in order to break her will and turn her into a cum-obsessed slut. Well... break her delusions so she can finally just be herself.

No, but mostly because I'm not into women.
There's nothing wrong with being fat, white, feminist, or liberal.



Fuck no.

healthyatanysize.com doesn't exist :o


Of course not

what would you do to her? how would you break her?

So you have 141 IQ and yet you're the autist asking for pictures of OP's belly.

Please depart this mortal realm with a bullet to the brain

>pic related is the girl OP will never be

She doesn't look like a feminist. Do you have any pictures of her in her wedding dress?

I would suspend her in the air and suck her nipples til she produces gallons a day and also use those tits as speedbags. I'd feed her but everything would be laced with my cum.


Probably not a 3rd wave retard, but a textbook egalitarian, yes

>healthyatanysize.com doesn't exist :o
One of the members must have eaten it.

she refuses to swallow or take it in the ass. what would you do?

>informed and intelligent

M'lady *fedora tip*


She'd be in bondage, how would she refuse anything? She has to eat.. Also delicious belly, would push face into it.

Pulled it off HiddenLOL I think, so I don't know real source - try reverse image?

the only way i can fuck a fatty is doggystyle.
