Am I hot

Am I hot


you have the sexual appeal of molten lava

Get rid of that stubble or let it grow for a while, take good care of your skin and I'd give you a 8/10

fuck off brandon.

You look like a FO4 wastelander.

what about me?

fucking jews taking over Sup Forums now as well

Your features all check out but your eyes are very unsettling

peadophile nigger eyes

Shit whatcha mean man?
I'll try that sometime :)

Did your hairline get mauled by a bear wtf go fix this shit

You're so ugly, I'm hiding the thread.

fucking nigger jew go and stab a baby after sucking on its cicumcised penis fucking fag

am i?

sup ben

So hot you'd melt steel beams

May wanna lose the Nintendo short bud, maybe clean shave or grow a beard and get some color. Smile 7.5/10

Your eyes are basically tiny slits but the gaze behind them wears a crown of thorns. You look like you've seen your comrades die in a bloodbath and returned alone to tell the tale.

>Pretending to be brandon

GTFO faggot

Grow a beard and get off Sup Forums, go to tumblr and u should be fine


lol g8 post fam u da realest nigga lmao

ITT Retarded newfags

no. you look like a faggot, but you already know that.

No sleep for me tonight. My prayers are with you.
