We share our experiences with famous celebrities/internet celebrities


I'll go first.

>traveled up this way for a court order
>I got caught in tax evasion charges and currently paying it off
>came from a hearing and going to a motel
>on my there I stop at a 7/11
>being the faggot I am
>I get super excited but I hold it until she steps out
>I follow
>I stop her on the concrete side walk out side
>"excuse me"
>"umm yes"
>"you're Bailey Jay right ?"
>"yes, don't tell me. Your a fan ?"
>"yeah, weirdly yes"
>"can I get a hug ?"
>"I don't even know you !"
>I beg her until she gives me a hug
>to the right of us is a black car parked
>a big bald white guy come out and approached us
>"miss jay, this man giving you problems ?"
>"naw just a fag, let's go "
>they drive off before I can get her to sign anything for proof

To this I can't forget the warmness from her breast, the smell of her perfume.

I will never meet her again and I have to deal with it

I live a sad life

Other urls found in this thread:

dont forget
... its also filled with lies
so its not a boring one

>be at Ray's Pizzaria & Ice Cream Parlor
>later find out he is son of Famous Rays in NYC
>i have been served by the son of someone famous
>lel pizza was good

I'm not lying this actually happened and I'm proud of it

What's your fav pizza ?

Mines meatlovers

i know
i just like acusing other anons of lying
... i think i might have problem

Bailey is it you ?

... i wish
id love to be a female with a dick
it would just be like being a guy only more awsome because you get the best of both worlds
getting to be with attractive females as a male but at the same time looking as attractive as one of them from the waste up

I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Haven't had enough yet to tell. I'll stick with the classics and say Pepperoni.

This is my favorite copypasta, my dude

so Ryan is a complete douche and probable browses Sup Forums or you are a liar faggot.


>kick open the door
>get on the floor
>osama is walking his dinosaur
>'oh hey guise you want to chai?'
>shoot him in the face

Yeah cause she is a trans you dweb

You should opt for self-euthanization. Save yourself the 20 or so years of pain and misery.

I met FlyLo in a convenience store, he messed with some nerdy guy and then bought a lot of Milkyways. He seemed like a nice guy.

> her

Fucking hidden gay

Aww, did he call you names?

I see celebrities almost every weekend.

>Work the comic con circuit/celebs figured out it was an easy way to make quick bucks without doing any work.

No big deal anymore.

he identifies as male faggot

>be me, 18ish (so it's like 2002-2003)
>working at Walmart, electronics department
>going to college, but huge nerd so I basically run the dept.
>living in southern NJ, basically Alabama culturally
>win some "most country music cds sold" contest
>Lee Ann Womack coming to our store to sign autographs and shit
>set up the whole display
>meet her, coordinate where she's sitting, etc.
>hate country music because obviously
>still, she was kinda hot

you got hugged by bailey jay. feel blessed!

Singer or a band called alestorm, drank a couple of beers with him before the show started.

No, but he gave me a Milkyway. He bought 15 for some reason.

i love you for using dweeb even though you spelt it wrong

How can you hate country music ? Have you listened to Dwigt Yoakam ? Brook and Dun ? No ? Allen Jackson ? Waylon Jennings ?

Better then nigger music I'll tell you that

I sat next a famous black guy on a plane apparently, had no idea he was famous until people started asking for his autograph. Still have no idea who he was.

either kitchen sink/deluxe, meatlovers, or sausage peppers and onions with white/garlic sauce

>916 fag
She was here? Man.. I missed out


It's 'than' not 'then', you're comparing. Go back to school, dumbass.

he has said she doesnt give a shit but prefers to identify as female its on a video on her youtube channel

Joe Piscapo used to buy ice cream for his two daughters a few times a week from where I used to work. Didn't really know who he was at the time but didn't care because he tipped me well.

Grammar nazi

Ftfy retart

>met bailey jay
your baiting very hard, i rate 5/7 for making me answer

I don't like nigger music either. But everyone around here is a dumb redneck who listens to that shit so I've always associated it with those idiots.

Dosent knew me doin it on purpuse

ffs dont incorrectly correct someone and i know i said dont i hate using apostrophes on this damn phone

I met the guys from the band Psychostick

I've met Tony Hawk, Steven Tyler, Steve-o, a few nfl players and couches, freestyle mx rider Twitch Stienberg, Dean Norris and Oprah.

The nfl players aren't much of a story as I hardly knew who they were.

Met Gordon Ramsay years ago, was playing rugby against his son

> her


HOLY SHIT I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT, i met the guy with the weird hat when he came to a store and bought jerky and shit

Why does her skirt move like that? Never seen a lady do that?

newfag detected

Idk why but I like this, vary, vary much

Met Bruce Campbell when he came to lecture at my university about 10 years ago. Was outside smoking around the back of the auditorium, leaning on his Porsche. Smoked a cig with him, very cool down to earth guy. Didn't bother him for an autograph as he just got done talking for an hour.


I molested Riley Curry in last years NBA finals

if this is true, that's fucking incredible.
well done

her uterus is not from this world


yada yada yada femaline schlong

Cuz your a faggit


Had a one night stand with Chloe B back in 2005

Yeah ? So what ? Free world motha fucker

Either you want to look like her, or you are a faggot

>id love to be a female with a dick

>Free world
Looks like Omar missed you

met all the original members of KMFDM and had a beer with Gunter Schultz

Met Rob Zombie's former guitarist Riggs

Met Andy from Combichrist

Met Raymond Watts

Met Aaron Ward from the Detroit Red Wings/Carolina Hurricanes....actually i've met a good deal of the carolina hurricanes. they come into a local sandwich shop after practice where i eat lunch

Would you say ? "The Outer Limits"

I met Bieber at a night club in Toronto. Not as much of a dick as you'd think in real life. Asked him to come over to our group. He came over. He was pretty chill. There were like 8-9 girls with us. They would have sucked a turd from his asshole if he asked them.

all my dubs

ur a fucking creep

NICE! I saw them at a show, and complimented their performance. Their singer was also at the merch booth while I was looking at everything. Pretty sure he thought I was one weird motherfucker

I met Knowshon Moreno at a business party thing several years back and two years ago I met Maggie Peterson (from the Andy Griffith Show) at a Dennie's in Las Vegas.

I met the black ghost buster, the old mr. fantastic, and ralphie from the suprano's while working at a theater in high school
>celebrity shits pretty overrated if you ask me

you mean twilight zone

My friend said Hi to Gene hackmen in the Airport .. and he said Hi back

I got my pool Course in nelly furtado parents house .. .. well .. in the Pool area

>thats it

>This one time I met a tranny and sperged the fuck out

I once made weird, awkwardly long eye contact with Orlando Bloom.
Good times.

Carmen Basilio smacked me in the face. Dude was off his rocker and senile as fuck. Hit pretty hard for a 90 year old. Then he said "that's for nothing ya punk"

You gave him fuck me eyes ?

thats awesome

It was more of a "you look a lot older in person" look

>Go to Christmas dinner with family
>All go to uncles house for this one
>Guess who opens the door?
>PETER FUCKING GREEN (fleetwood mac)
>Don't make a big deal out of it
>Play it cool and say "hey uncle peter hows it going and merry Christmas big guy"
>Walk into the front room and guess whos there?
>Also play it cool and ask how his son beau is doing and if hes about

My friend said he met Psycho Miko. Apparently his hand felt like a stack of sandpaper.
pic unrelated

meet a few people due to music n stuff and you know what? ignore rockstars

my brother sat on a subway train across from will ferrell. this was back when he was on SNL

he turned around in a movie theater once, to see when his friend would come through the doors and wave him over -- when he saw he was sitting in front of daniel day lewis

My brother's saw bobby Jackson 2 days ago at a wing stop

Pic related is Emma Gover, a UK glamour model. I fucked her when she was at uni about eight years ago.

>Walking down 5th Avenue.
>See President Barack Obama chimping out about there not being enough bread at Subway or some shit.
>Call him a nigger.
>We fight.
>Secret service shoots me before I can get a punch in.
>Get sent to hospital.
>Die in ambulance.

Nice pasta.

I took a piss next to Harry Styles at a chick fil a in Los angeles. He just looked at me and sighed and said "fuckin a man", then zipped up and left.


>Go down to Temecula with friends to help out with a buddy and his MMA course.
>Go to gym, place will highly funded.
>We start fucking around, setting everything up for later
>later that day
>we're cleaning up, fights are over and we're putting all the promotional stuff in the back.
>Run into pic related
>Play it cool
>We end up talking for a bit
>"We're going to go get drinks at some bar near here, come with us"
>We hang out, some other fighters there (some not well known, others are well known)
>I decide fuck it and make a move
>We're going back to my buddies place out here if you want to come with us.
We'll be playing beerpong, just kind of a kickback
>Why is this easier than I expected?
>Get to house, more people than we expected
>House party starts
>Fuck, need more beer
>"i'll go with you"
>Took us an hour to get beer from a mile away because we mostly just talked and fucked around with eachother
>"I doubt after tonight we'll see eachother again"
>"I don't know, I'm usually around here during the summer only"

We both just kind of looked at eachother and knew we we're going to probably see eachother, we'd been hitting it off.
>get into house
>Drop off beer
>decent amount of people have left
>go upstairs

Have to say, one of the best I've ever been with.

friend was pulling back into a parking space on the street when a car zipped into the spot. it was robin williams. my friend rolled down the passenger window and yelled "hey williams, you stole my spot!"

he came over and leaned in the window and apologized and offered to pull out and give us the spot. he seemed honestly chagrined and was very friendly and soft spoken.

>Giant faggot going to a concert at a small local venue
>Be alone
>Walking around, never been to this place before
>Look at the restroom doors, labeled Mami and Papi
>Turn around when someone asks about if there are restrooms
>Point towards the doors, not knowing it was the person I came to see
>Mother fucking Busdriver
>He leaves
>Talk to him when he starts to walk around the bar
>Pretty chill guy
>Nice concert

legit lol'd
nice double dubs

Nah, I'm Putin. Trump was there though, chasing some Mexican, da.

nice meme

Ha ha you're from Sacramento. Me too.

I got punched by Carrot Top back in 06 at the Mirage.

my condolences

Oldfag. Knew porn star Tera Patrick before she got into porn. Crazy party girl, we all used to go to Denny's late at night and she would harass the old people.

I've met Justin Bieber (he was 15 and still owned by Usher and Disney), Adam Lambert, Dave Draimen (Singer of Disturbed), Lead singer of Sum 41, Mark Wahlberg, Andrei Bocelli, Wayne Coyne (singer of The Flaming Lips) and Ron Howard

that night sounded like it was... haywire