What does this look like to you?

What does this look like to you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Corner of a square with a few lines on it. Maybe a pavement dropping into a curb

Old TV antenna

A family tree with some incest going on.

The top corner of a room



2 generations I see

baby rubiks cube

edges, too many edges

awww, that's cute

Is this loss?

Someone asked that question yesterday, what is loss?


A phylogenetic tree of life with weird stuff going on between the first two specimens in the left and in the right side evolving to the second speciment to the right side.
Not sure if is this possible, tho

cancer meme

Video game (isometric)

Lines are scuffing/hatching for texture.

Minecraft is everywhere nowadays..

It was supposed to be something like that, just except for family tree, it should be the way we live our lives affects our lives.



Looks like a weird-ass antenna

It's a cumming dick, obviously.

upside-down depth first search tree

If you tilt it slightly to the right then it kinda looks like a nigger

Corner of a cube with some random indents.

the worlds worst spoon.

Hairy crotch

thats the equivalent of the letter ''k'' in the ancient glyph writing of the 'sgraaa-lagaa race of cirusmajor..in the cygnus region..you clueless faggot..learn to google

10/10 made me google search.