Ask a guy who works on RuneScape anything

Ask a guy who works on RuneScape anything

not posting proof because I like being employed

Other urls found in this thread:

How old ?

Virgin ?

where you locate . ?

How much do you get paid? Chris

Can you spawn yourself gp?

Cambridge UK

How do magnets work?

yes but they strictly monitor that stuff

sell 99 party hat

you at work now?

no it's night in the UK

Are you able to unban accounts?

whos brilliant fucking idea was it too make everyone have to restart on osrs?

What dept do you work in? If you answer support emails/tweets, lmao.

How come there are so many accts that are maxed out even though that's virtually impossible to do? Don't you know that 97% of them are all bots?

how long u worked there for? Why did runescape also change to a kids game aged around 5-13? talking from 6-7 years ago when runescape was awesome?

Why was Mod Reach fired?

nah I dont im in development

had to, didnt have any sort of profile server saves

its easy to max on rs3 now, not really an achievment any more

How many people worked on the Chronicle: runescape Legends?

Spawn me an ely nigger

3-5 years

i dont like runescape 3 any more

not sure they're on a different floor, i think approximately 15 of them

Is the development team aware of the lack of new RS3 players and how almost all people online are maxed?

i've been botting on rs3 and osrs for the past two years/one year respectively, and none of my accounts have been banned, how are you guys dealing with bots atm?

Thanks, that game is actually good. (unlike runescape)

LOL just kidding

Why don't you quit and go work for a cool game like Tibia.

dont know / care

most of it is automated as far as im aware

yes they arent stupid its a cash grab from xp addicts at this point

Talking business, what is annual turnover like? How man subscriptions do you currently have? Is jagex doing well as a business? I'm sure that it cant be doing well no more?

Why didn't you answer my question

I actually enjoy chronicle from what i've played of it

it will fail because we cant market a game for love nor money though

we make a huge amount of money

like, more than youd expect almost certainly

can you unban my account?


Is it even worth coming back?
I left about a year or two ago after I got a girlfriend and she broke up with me after about 5 months.


play old school it actually has a future


That's very true! These kids are loving it now so sad ;(

Cash: £18.1M Net Worth: £10.8M Assets: £25.8M Liabilities: £14.5M


Why dont you become higher and get into management or push for a Director status in the business? You have a great opportunity to make hard cash Jagex is doing very well

I would but at the same time I'm too lazy to start over.

those figures are wildly inaccurate, where did you find them haha?

its' not possible there incorrect

what a major disappointment it was too come back after being 5 years gone and finding out the years i put in to getting to 115 went poof

i assure you that is extremely incorrect lol

In my opinion its a great game. I think everyone who has played it agrees. It just takes the same time/money commitment as hearthstone...... I get the impression that it really only appeals to people who spent alot of time playing hearthstone and hate it now. I think if you should just shut down the runescape servers for 2 weeks and put up a bunch of links to check out your new game.

I started playing rs when it was still a 2d game.. then it became runescape and the old became classic, then there was the the graphic improvements like 6-7 years ago. What are people even playing now? It's totally weird.

Is old school the game I remember from 2009?

I think if you should

You dont know their financial accounts information you work in development that website is a legal requirement to file your accounts each year and is open too see

Why can't I have a gnome child for a pet?

Also is Jagex still making a profit from this fossil of a game?

it has a really good team from what ive seen of them, i hope it does well

What it like getting a Job there?
I've considered it after uni.

we report earnings internally fairly openly

we are not a public company

we do not have to file earnings etc for public consumption, that website is entirely wrong

dont its not great

How come it isn't great? :(

high stress, slightly lower than standard industry pay, bad management, no direction

but, if you want to work on a world famous game and meet some cool people while you do, then go for it

Can you give william0548 free membership?
Had my acc since atleast 2007.

haha, that is impossible you cant be a "private" company not showing financial information if that was the case so would google be "private"

Honestly, i just wanted to work there because it seemed chill and is in the UK. Thanks for your input user.

gtfo noob

Been playing the game since 06
Recently logged on to rs on one of my unis computers
Next day woke up was banned for botting, why is that never botted in my life and the rs customer is trash put a lot of membership money into that account and its now gone :(

>5 years
>cb 115


Just asking a simple fucking question.
Go suck your dads dick.

1v1 me in the wildy pussy

you misunderstand i had quit and logged in 5 years later. idk how long it took me, i mostly played the latter half of my hs years

Full story on the Mod Reach incident?? So many myths and rumours about it, would be very interesting to hear what actually happened.

way to step-in and pick up the shit-posting for me, dick.

whats the story?

Do the developers even believe in rs3 anymore?

Zeah rework!?!?

Ayy i didn't start it

do you guys actually seek to ban botters even though they are a paying rev stream

is anything ever going to be done about the fucking bots ruining the market and the core fun of this game?

how does botwatch work, got banned for 2 days(on the last 2 days of my mem) without having botted. so i created an account and suicide botting b/c fuck fagex. so how does it really work?

anyway you can unlock an account i was banned for macroing after someone hacked my account

my original acc got hacked back in 2009, and just last week i filed a recovery ticket and provided half the info needed and the reason i gave for wanting it back / proof it was mine was literally me saying "made it back in 07, just want it back for taking a stroll down memory lane."

they unlocked it in a day.

i went through that process and got denied though it is a high level account that i made in i think 04 and it hurts really bad man

can i hope to get french server ?

OP can you unbanned me . you would be the real mvp. name jackingskibf

this pls

Is there any jobs in 3D animation going? im aspiring to work in animation/vfx and runescape has always been a game i keep going back to, would be awesome to work there

french server OSRS

I guess I just got lucky. I also gave them the names of my other 4 accounts so if they think I was lying and was just unlocking it for the 12 mil that was on there they could ban all my others.
I just really wanted that stroll but it wasn't worth it lol, I forgot that when I got hacked they took literally everything and left me with 1 gold coin as an added fuck you.