Living in Paris, tired of looking arab, dyed my hair white / gray, do I just look like a retarded arab now ?

Living in Paris, tired of looking arab, dyed my hair white / gray, do I just look like a retarded arab now ?

You look like Jeff Goldblum


You dont look retarded...just different...


yup you look like a retarded arab faggot

go with it bro, it will help melt into a crowd you when you trigger that bomb.

no seriously, it looks fine.


Extremely retarded

>Jeff Goldblum

Holy shit OP put the glasses on and we good

Bretty gud user

Don't worry about it bud, Arabs always look retarded.

Looks like AIDS

It's fine if I look retarded tbh, I just don't want to scare the shit out of people & having police car following me from far away everytime I go bicycle early in the morning

That's a new one.

Today's fashion is so anal sucking gay that it makes no difference. Associate yourself with something that's known to be european or western. So... maybe you should just dress different and maybe grow a goatee?

picture related.

not too bad.

prob should grow fancy hitler moustache to further distance you from sandniggers.

Haha I'm on board for it looking different but not retarded. If you're getting racist bullahit blowback man then absolutely rock the hair. Worst case scenario people think it's a bit weird; best case scenario then people think you're a modern normal Parisian and aren't a dick to you. Worth

Not retarded, just gay as fuck. Go shoot up a club, faggot.

You look like a James Bond villain's side kick.


>Implying you didn't look retarded beforehand

