Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?

yes. smoked 5 consecutively, got sick and never smoked again

yes. ecigs helped

bro forreal 75 ciggys?

Yeah is that alot to you normal people?

why the fuck does this thread keep popping up srsly

No idea but it's a lot better than ylyl or furry threads

>making this thread 3 times a day
You have bigger problems than smoking faggot

Holy shit, how many times a day do you post this exact same fucking thread?


hah. you must lack any self control or enjoyment in life.

I smoke 45... you smoke in your fuckin sleep OP? I sleep every couple of nights, constant smoking... and only manage 45 a day...

I just never got addicted, m8.
Haven't smoked in years except for that one time I smoked half of a single cigarette a few months ago.
I ended up giving the pack away to one of my friends after a few months.

Bro wat dafuq? ~4 packs a day? Can we switch jobs? I'd be better at whatever it is you do because you're clearly the most irresponsible person ever.

Maybe he is just really trying to quit. I want to quit too.

I'm a landscaper

We had this same exact thread last week?

This mofo's habit costs $7,000 to $8,000 a year. How does he earn enough money to support it if he's always on smoke breaks?

If I could afford 75 cigs a day I'd be happy as fuck bro. OP obviously making bank

>75 cigarettes a day

You must not be an aussie. A cocaine habit would be cheaper than that here.

It costs me 36$ a day

Go run up a flight of stairs twice after you've smoked a cigarette, then stop smoking for a day and run up the stairs again, notice anything

How much for a pack?

I work landscaping

You'll be a nut for a month but it's very effective.

Post this thread one more time and u will get lugn cancer, but yes i stopped smoking. drink coca-cola instead of smoking.

Not Op but how does it make you a nut? Will I lose my job?

>become a fatass instead of smoking

great advice m80


ITT chain smokers

Makes you very moody.

Have you never had a real man's job in your life? Everyone I work with chain smokes compared to me and I smoke 50 a day

Can I use it with anti anxieties and anti depressants?

Ylyl yes furry no


Clearly you've never worked a roofing job and I don't blame you because society is pussified these days

Furry detected

No you'll end up killing you self

I do labor

STFU. This thread is relevant to my interests.

Not sure where Aus is at price wise, but here in NZ we're at about $23 for a 20 pack.

Switched to ecigs a few weeks back, myself. Went from spending $46 a week to about $40 a month..


Holy shit 75 a day is alpha as fuck


I'm on hour 2

Get a vape and dont die

Grow up

>muh clouds


No shit

if you sleep 8 hours a day that means you smoke one cig every 12,5 minutes, and one cig can take up to 5 minutes to smoke, so you are smoking like literally for 8 hours straight every day

I'm so poor I can't smoke anymore, now I only buy a pack or two a month and don't smoke most of the week, or smoke if a friend gives me some cigs

Jeez, I low-balled it.