I'm just doing my own things

I'm just doing my own things

Kill yourself

you fuck.....

If you kill yourself, Can I have your weed?

Bumping because I want to know where this goes

that's only my two last slugs sadly

sorry, absolutely not


Hot knife hits? i hope you make it out alive man ahahaha

Is he fucking stupid? He must be stupid. He's more stupid then a Trump supporter going to Iraq

if you cant afford to smoke it right you shouldn't be smoking it at all

What are you gonna do with the knifes?

burn your left eye.

this shit is hardcore

yep, two hot knife hits-a-day makes the factors away

You are akready blown to pieces man

You know I can't do hot knife hits Ricky, it tears the throat right outta me.



still fine here

Put them in ass

Overven? Are you fucking dying Op?
Dubs have spoken!

Love hotknifing...but using knives that have plastic on handle....come on man

The fuck is wrong with these anons
I used to take knife hits all the time

So, what's gonna happen with the knives?

please tell how

Eventually they just get fucked looking.
I have a bunch of old pairs of em in my old container.

who hotknifes nugs of weed?

You a teenager?

that aint hash nigger

Holy shit, people still using this these days.... You must be really fucking poor, can't even afford an empty water bottle, gg op

Do you not have a bowl Op? Or even papers? Wrap two ground up nugs in some tops rolling paper, and you got a shortie


Under rated posted

there is no "right" way to smoke.... COPD fag

This guy must be summerfag



1.start the oven as high as you can;
2.roll one or two hits of fresh weed (or more if you feel hardcore);
3.once the knifes are as red as the oven, take knifes one in each hands;
4.stick one hits on a knife;
5.stick together the knifes with the hits just before your opened mouth (the hard part);
6.choke it;
7.smoke it;
8.repeat each day (or as you want)


Seeing as knife hits dont get you higher this is just a tedious way to smoke. Get a pipe

the ole hot knives. classic.

Only summer fags get dubs

quit about a month ago, will probly return if legion is shit

So you put the weed between two hot knives and inhale the smoke?

Why not just put it in a big spoon and set that on the burned?

Really? Look at these fucking trips!


I remember when weed was illegal.

Now I vaporize top shelf wax for a fraction of the money I used to spend on buds. My lungs feel liberated.

Dude... someone can just tell him?

You wont get kill, you are just gonna melt the knife's steel and burn your hands (sorry for my bad english).

-you just figured out how to get real "hits"
-try it and let me know

well the weed sticks to the hot knife anyways, and heating up a spoon on a stove like that would be awkward and it would heat up oddly

>I remember when weed was illegal.
>Now I vaporize top shelf wax for a fraction of the money I used to spend on buds. My lungs feel liberated.
What? Now how the hell does THAT work? Knives, wax, vape. I'm fuckin old.

I used a gatorade bottle. Cut the bottom off and if you want to keep the harshness down, rubberband a paper towel on the top and put a couple of pieces of ice.

Heat those knives up nice and red
have your pre rolled nugglets sitting ready
tap the top of the nug , put it under the bottle and move the knives in a scissor motion till its gone.
Enjoy the mind fuck you just gave yourself as you will be nice and high.
My buddy and I used to take 4-5 at a time

Hahaha Oldfag
Colorado has lots of ways to smoke

next level from here

First thing I thought of

otherwise you are playing a dance with pain when you try to get the weed on the knife.

Lel fucking pleb.

I don't smoke, just curious. So it's like the weed is peanut butter and the knives are the bread? You squeeze it together and gives a more potent dose/hit?

You can manipulate it easier with the blades and you can burn both sides at once for a better hit rather than a slow burn.

I used to get a plastic bottle and cut the bottom off. A mate would burn it and you catch the smoke in the bottle then suck it all in at once.

Buy a bowl you shitwallet

why is this method more effective than just smoking from a pipe?

it isn't

ohh ok, its just harsh ?

its for niggers who cant afford anything but tiny ass nugs like OP has

put your gatorade (or others components like this) in the refrigerator then try the same, smoke will flow better, fresher and taster

Faggot. White people like me have a hard time buying weed you know. Fucking twoo week delay for my paycheck means, when I get it, all I can buy is like a quarter

People like to be creative when using recreational drugs. Shotgunning beers or sake bombs for example.

In this case the knives are hot enough to burn the weed so it's no different from smoking.
It doesn't really change what you are consuming, just the experience.

Its actually a superior method as opposed to inhaling plastic you Mouthbreather

Well then don't fuck around and live in an illegal state

That is why I am moving to colorado man. Grow my own shit. Get a script and make the Man pay for it


Somewhat older fag here. Can someone explain this? I've heard of knife hits but how and why? I used to smoke a ton and still do occasionally but always the regular old fashioned way.


The whole fucking world uses those methods. It isn't specific to your state faggot

I'm in Washington, not Colorado, but I don't think the man subsidizes weed anywhere. I'll stand corrected if I'm wrong...


will do more

that's my old fashion way

This user know

That's not how you smoke weed faggot

take a corona, cut the bottom off, get in the refrigerator and leave always there, blast the hits while holding it in your mouth