
Are Jezza's edition
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fuck cara

choon desu





anyone else amazed by ugly couples?
like i can imagine one person going 'sigh they'll do' but both of them accepting that?

every part of a girl should be soft and squeezable

Me in the back with the black shorts.

Chris evans was a better presenter than clarkson tb h

haircut kinda makes my face look a bit fat :/


who cares. at least they're happy unlike bitter losers like you

the tits to arm size ratio
definitely the type i'd fantasise about until i fell in love with the personality i made up for her

I used to think Jeremy Clarkson was OK when the only exposure I had to him was watching him on Top Gear. But when he was on Jonathon Ross a few weeks back it became quickly apparent how much of an uninteresting, unfunny knob he is.

The Top Gear Jezza is literally a character who has scripted lines. Jeremy Clarkson in reality comes off as a bellwhiff.

found the article
much better

Love the Alt Right


they were tits
which i was gassed about at first
thinking boom they're gonna be soft

that wasn't the case :/

You got any rare Sophs irelad? Recent ones.


Says everything about him when he's from Doncaster but he supports Chelsea desu.

ease up i never faulted them for it, i just can't fathom the thought process

OK everyone it's time for you to listen to my opinion now

might start posting in /bleep/

the thing is-



fathom my dick in your fat arse you absolute battycrease

excellent thread

minus 68983653

it's often said by JFs that /brit/ is THE shittest general... in the world...

but to test that theory we have to hand over to our 'tame' janitor...

SOME SAY he does it without any monetary compensation, and that his smegma is a rare delicacy on a small island off of Fiji - all we know is HE'S CALLED THE JANNY

no problem, fatface

think you missed a word there
possibly "fat"

alri lads haha xx


NOT a fan


yeah mate

this image makes me momentarily glad i can't grow any facial hair

>steam is down

VERY heavy rain falling at incredible hihg speed


fucked it again lads


bet it smells foul

alri boston ross

proper crimbo SELECTA

just keep on being yourself

had a nice quick nap. woke up briefly not quite sure what time it was though and kind of jumped out of it


What could possibly go wrong?

haha g8 sam hyde pic m8 v. v funny

alright mate

They're probably more attracted to the companionship and emotional closeness in the end.
Or they could genuinely be attracted to each other for all i know.

We see ridiculously attractive people on TV/Internet on a day to day basis, but our other halves still get the blood flowing even though they look nothing like all these Greek Gods/esses


she's an idiot

are krauts really this disillusioned?


think one sleeping bag will be enough it's not that cold there

sick of people racist-shaming
racism should be treated as a mental health issue

>Top Gear

What is some other essential lower-middle normie Deanocore?


does she think the two sides will be inspired by her journey and start hugging?

>that new kettle smell
mmmmmmmmmmmmm yes

Take me out

>claiming DLA for being a racist
Would be a dream

remember once I came home to my dad cooking lunch and I asked him what it was
man was just boiling some dandelions in a pot of water

no, just ones I saved from Chinz.

Gavin & Stacey

relli mak me tink


do not mistake me saying ugly with me thinking average

>gypos steal horse statue and worship it

Woman who hitchhiked the Middle East to prove Muslims aren't violent but got raped and murdered by Muslims in Turkey before she even made it to the proper Middle East.jpg


trump is going to get btfo in november

seen this before
>Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo (known as Pippa Bacca) (9 December 1974 – 31 March 2008) was an Italian artist who, together with a fellow artist, was hitchhiking from Milan to the Middle East to promote world peace, symbolically wearing a wedding dress during her trek.[1] Arriving in Gebze (Turkey) on March 31, 2008, she went missing. Her raped body was discovered in the same city on 11 April 2008


why are these even questions looooool

Aleppo is actually covered in snow atm

lmao m8 cant believe you have these opinions, crazy stuff lol

Jezza for prez 2bh

No i know. I have a mate who's ugly af and so is his gf but they're commited to each other as far as i can tell

Interesting to think about since my gf is hot as fuck

tfw too retarded to survive on my own

>the sjw crusade

will end up like the children's crusade: slaughter

ah, forgot this one

yer he's mental
saw him bite into a banana without peeling it before


That's just making tea dumbo.


>mfw I wasn't born a foreigner

reminder that spring breakers is a masterpiece youtube.com/watch?v=l1o01v_gAOQ

Your da sounds like mad craic

When did SJW become a meme word for anyone vaguely left-of-centre?

And what is Aleppo?

>tfw every ideology no matter how pure always ends up degrading to "we have to kill everyone who disagrees with us to save humanity!!!!"

ah, well


wait, can you be paid by the government for having depression (which is really just being a bit sad and being too soft to get over it)

nah mate he ate them

You're kidding

fucking christ i really hope she doesn't try to do this, she will instantly be murdered

