Okay Sup Forums lets play a game

Okay Sup Forums lets play a game.
post a wish and the poster below has to
come up with a horrible twist to come with it.
I will start.
>I wish I could eat as much food as I wanted without gaining weight.

but you have type 1 diabetes

I wish i had a muscular body

but you're a nigger

i wish i had a girlfriend

I wish hitler hadn't died

but he is head of the Church of Scientology

But you lost your penis in the war.

I wish op wasn't a faggot

I wish I had a better job.

During your first eating binge you have a sharp pain in your chest. You have a heart attack and die. At the same weight you lived.

he not but he is bi and sucks dick every day

Gay prostitute
I wish i wasn't gay

i wish i had internet on my stuff no matter what

but you have AIDS

you get one but then are are fired immediately

But you're married to a toothess trannyprostitute

all you can watch is trap porn

I wish I could have my Starbound character irl

I wish I had more beer

Canadian beer

But he's trying to rape and murder you

you get it but it is non alcoholic beer

you get your character irl but it autism and has fits of rage and it has aids

i wish grandma was alive

I'm good bro =)

I wish I could freeze time and rape people


you can do so but each time you do you age a month

When you freeze time, you freeze as well.

you can only freeze time for 1 second

She's a zombie now.

i wish i had a dad that wasn't a cunt

But you age twice as fast and four times as fast when time is frozen
I wish that I could choose whoever I wanted, and they would have to have sex with me

user, why did you do that to your hand?

I wish I was a little bit taller I wish I was a baller

I wish that, consuming no energy or matter in the process, I could materialize any object I think of, to the exact specifications I think of, anywhere I choose within a five-foot radius that is not occupied by anything other than air.

Challenge mode activated.

your dad now has a cunt

Everyone you have sex with refuses to use condoms, and has horrific STDs.

They're always pegging you

But you have a girl and can Call her

You have ED

You are unable to focus on what you want without ironically messing it up somehow

That's cheating. You're just saying 'it goes wrong' and leaving the rest up to me.


i wish religion disappears

niggers within a 5-mile radius will give their lives to steal that or rape it if it is a woman

But you will be forever haunted by voices of buddah, Allah and Jesus demanding you stick your dick in a toaster

you delete religion from human history, causing many important events to never happen, causing society to change completely today

Got me there. Good job.

>Everyone becomes as euphoric as you

I wish summerfags would disappear

I wish poverty did not exist

>buddah, Allah and Jesus demanding you stick your dick in a toaster

Fucking kek

I wish I was happy

With no more religious values, the rednecks pick up their shotguns, band together, and overthrow america.

Everybody except for you becomes a lot more stupid. Stupid people are now severely mentally retarded, geniuses are just a little smart, etcetera.
People aren't able to do their jobs anymore, people aren't able to do shit anymore, because they're so stupid.

That's kinda the point, man. You're no longer able to maintain coherent thought for what you would want, but the object still appears to the exacts of what you think of. You forgot to cover that in your wish.

Every twelve year old registers next winter

Niggers become the same social class as everyone else.

niggers will rise to power

you are but only when you see someone being raped

great minds think alike

But everyone else would be depressed

You become happy, but everyone else is happier. Your envy of their better lives makes you unable to enjoy happiness.

but everybody is poor
so there are no poor or rich people

this is my fetish.

I wish the Floran from the outpost would suck my dick

But you will never feel full

But you become retarded

I wish to have a 18 inch donger at it's smallest length

You can freeze time but those who are frozen know they're frozen and can see what is happening to them


I wish that fluffy ponies were real, in the exact way that the origin stories describe, minus the watercanon catastrophes.

There would finally be a way to vent how much I want to torture and disembowel a living creature without it being socially unacceptable.

but every time you get an erection you shit yourself

She has oral herpes.

Too bad you lose weight, starve, and die without caloric intake.

Currency is abolished in favour of direct trade

but we're all retarded to begin with
have you ever seen what these people act like?

I wish my pinky finger could instantly make girls cum

it's so big, by the mass of it, it rips off

You have severe headaches every single time you get an erection, so bad, that you start crying from the pain if you ever have sex, sex intensifies the headaches exponentially, and you don't go into shock.

You require meth to be happy

you slowly become attracted to each one you see, but kill it when you are in love with it

You can no longer orgasm.

That is exactly what I want. Killing something so helplessly adorable. This is not a twist.

I wish I was dead

everytime you freeze time, giganigger freezes YOUR time and rapes your asshole once

But you are incapable of causing violence and all of your torturous desires disappear as soon as you have one.

I wish to instantly make any girl have a sharpie in their pooper without anyone knowing

Your hand in sentenced to life for serial rape

but they become sacred to Islam

But you can't have an erection anymore

>>I wish I could eat as much food as I wanted without gaining weight.
Have you seen the movie Thinner?

that's icing on the cake. fuck muslims.

but you become attracted to each and every one you see, even when you eventually kill it. from the moment you see one you are in love with it

Your already dead inside

What you do unto them, you get in your sleep every night. With each new thing you do, every night, it's that on top of the old stuff you did. If you do 5 years worth of torture, you get 5 years worth of torture every single night. The dreams are also very vivid and realistic, like real life.

It is in your trunk when the cops search your car.

When you do this, a sharp object appears in yours.

666 trips checked

you are dead but you are a zombie that in fully aware and your zombie forme can't die