
Are true

Are lies

I will become successful if I give more effort

OP is a faggot, and will be a NEET no matter what

We're the 27th of June 1548

I'll get dubs

I will get stuck with a shitty job and a average life

Everything I say is a lie.



Hilldog will win

I will succeed and become Rich and famous

this is all a good idea

>be 14
>innawoods running around looking for something interesting, anything will do
>after about an hour run across a small dried up pond that's about 40 yards deep but not wide at all
>there looks to be a roof of a car down at the bottom
>must go down and loot car
>huge mistake
>I climb down using the roots on the far side and get to the bottom
>it is not a car only a box made out of a discolored metal that I could not identify
>there is a wheel on the far side that I start to turn then stop when I hear loud thumping sounds coming from underneath the box
>Thumping gets louder and louder then a pop
>it caused me to collapse and the ringing in my years, I still hear it never has gone away
>all of the sudden greenish/brownish water starts coming up from the ground
>manage to run over to the roots and get about halfway up when I decide to look down
>It"s close real fucking close
>the dirt walls are collapsing all around
>think I'm going to be knocked down and drown
>gotta get out
>climb as fast as I can and throw my self onto the ground once Im out
>exhausted I lay there for what feels like hours but was only 30 minutes before I could move again
>stand up and look down at the hole
>there is no hole just mud
>get the fuck out of there never saying a word to anyone
>years later here about all of these missing persons cases of people going into the woods and never coming out
>They must have sank in the mud and died
>that feel when I am responsible for over 80 missing people
>that feel when I can't find where the hole ever was

Now you know why I am going to kill myself on my birthday in 5 weeks

Donald keeps me as a sex slave, help

Thank God that's not true.

She's fucking him.

Its happening right now.

But that's still fucking wrong, retard.

I've got a shot at success

They must have finished

I will one day fuck a Shygal

op is a faggot


Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States

Just give up man, fuck. You're an embarrassment to those 80 people.

Big money coming soon

Confirmed! Can't stump the Trump!

Dubs confirm

im dying


Maybe just a cosplay of one?

She care as much as I do

That's fucking depressing.

Apparently they don't

OP will stop being a faggot

it will happen

Every country that traces it's way back to the Great Britain is full of autistic people.

You're a disgrace

I'll finally be fucking something with myself that I'll be happy with soon.

Op is a faggot cuck who enjoys watching his husband being railed by the biggest blackest cocks ever... And then eats the black poison out of his husbands ass

Everyone here is a huge faggot
except me

Welp gonna hang myself bye

will i get that best friends brothers ass

I hate this pic because the first thing I think is how I'd take turns going 8 inches up their asses and fill them with my seed...

then I realize they are probably 2/10 hoe's under those masks

she will want me back

Dubs confirm

And it's true

You didn't cause it man. Don't end your life.

This post should 404

I will kill seven niggers.

Off by one but still true

We will end up together


Britain will leave the EU.

I will finally move out and live a productive life

She will say yes

there is something between us

my dick will be 9 inches

My gf is a slut

i say the thruth

trump will be assassinated before the end of the year

This makes me happy

things will work out between us

I am idiot

She isn't a slut, I fucked her gentleman like.

I have a soulmate.

You lying nigga virgin

Everyone is retarded, I shouldn't expect nothing good from people


I am a bad person

I will have a girlfriend by the end of this year

Not a bad person, a terrible person.

Yotsuba is a dirty whore

i must sleep.

My fortune that i rolled in another thread will come true

OP fuck up

Are lies

Are truths

I will find happiness in life

You've created a paradox, stop that.