Wish Thread, continued, every wish you make has a horrible twist to it

Wish Thread, continued, every wish you make has a horrible twist to it

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I wish for a cute femboy with a nice butt

So like I can fly but only at 2 mph?

but he has cancer, given 1 month to live

you can fly, but every time you do, a child in india commits arson

he has the AIDS

I want all of Sup Forums lurkers to be happy

remember when someone wished that the thread would die

I wish for the destruction of the earth

they become happy because real life suddenly is as horribly sick and twisted as the shit they fantasize about

I wish I can Kill anyone without a trace, at will

all the niggers survive

you don't get to decide who

nobody knows who you've killed, but they do know _that_ you kill. everyone stays a good long way away from you.

facebook "porn" threads take its place

I wish my Miata would run flawlessly again..

gas prices go through the motherfucking roof

I wish I could turn water into liqour

I'd take that deal.

I wish to always be comfortable, physically and mentally

I wish Trump becomes president

i wish for my dream girlfriend to become real

>horrible twist

all the liquor tastes like shit

But you become mentally retarded.

The liquor turns back into water if anyone tries to drink it

I wish for everyone in this thread to follow my music


she immediately breaks up with you because you were the most attractive person in your dreams (cause they're dreams) but that is the exact opposite of the case now.

I wish that every person who is currently not white, dies.

you're now deaf

yeah but here's the thing, if she is my dream girl, she wouldn't break up with me

your soundcloud gets hacked
*proceeds to hack soundcloud*

I want to die at age 50

Definition of white changes.

I wish you would stop granting wishes


Only albinos would live.

she gets arrested because there is no record of her ever existing
you can't retcon with a wish

She will become real after you have died.

> currently

I start granting wishes instead

She never got proper immunizations and dies instantly.

it's from a shotgun to the chest

I wish i had a job

it's in a captcha solving farm in china

i've done so fucking many of these
why am i so good at ruining people's hopes and dreams

I wish every horror movie character would come to life and terrorize the world.

its the worst job ever and you get shit pay

Become unable to affect the physical world in any way.

You go insane from seeing all that was and that will be

They are weak to water

they start with you

It was your hand

Trump becomes president

I wish the universe collapsed in on itself.

They would do enough damage by the time people figure that out.

No one did

I wish for the death of god

There are multiple gods and you only kill the abrahamic one.


But you die a virgin


A new one forms, just like last time.

Impossible you fucking heathen

God was never alive to begin with. Now you've given God a life which God will live for one hundred trillion years.

i wish i had more motivation to do things

I wish for no detriment to this wish.


granted, but now you cant wish for anything else

You just want to kill yourself

You take meth to get motivation

A test subject

you get trips


It's actually a woman pretending to be a femboy.

already worked at mcdonalds bro

Yes.Yes it does.

But that's a fantastic deal. Id fly to my fridge to get a beer just to know some kid is burning a house down

God damnit,

followed by subsequent big bang and creation of a new universe in a repeating cycle ad nauseam

replaced by hillary

I am okay with that.

I wish that everyone's wish is interpreted exactly as they wish it to be.

I wish every rock star popular and still alive from the 60s and 70s were 26 years old again with all their current knowledge intact and able to live for sixty more years.

Plotwist, God doesn't exist

I wish for the ability to go into a trance state at will, and explore my mind like it's an rpg

I wish i die painlessly right now

Wish granted

but then it's not a femboy. he wished for a femboy. you gave him something that's not a femboy.
that goes against the rules. you have to give them what they wish for, and look for a loophole.

But they are mute and also quadriplegic

Disabling extensions to say this: FUCK YOU

They all die at 27 and got forgotten

You get revived

they're zombies now.
gay zombies.

I wish OP wasn't a faggot.

You got down syndrome

I wish Wonder Showzen got ten more seasons all good.

so do i get to pick my drawback, or is it both?

if pick, ill go with meth. cant be that bad, and if worst comes to worst ill just stop meth and be apathetic again.

Now he's a nigger

Their "current knowledge" is being brain dead because they decomposed years ago

Only applies to wishes with dubs

The actors get replaced