Selling nudes to buy lunch

selling nudes to buy lunch
(I'm a trap)
$10 per picture
$20 for a live picture
$40 for a video
$40 for a fansign
$50 for a picture set
$100 for Skype (30 mins)

If i had any money I'd practically be dumping it on you right now

i appreciate the thought, hehe


How do I do this. I am interested

yes, i have a pp >~

Give us a sample

send the money to my paypal
[email protected]
drop your kik or Skype in the message with the payment and I'll message you :)

you realize anyone can go on craigslist and pay the cheaper prices to fuck right?


and get aids...

This girl wouldn't happen to be from Alabama and be named Kelly perchance?

Charlotte and in Australia.

that's me. and no, I'm from Australia.

oh shit, how do you know? o:

Well how much to fuck op

Got poppers?

what? o.o

Can you show us your feet

If I give you a dollar will you fucking kill yourself you fucking mentally ill faggot?

Yes, please op?

You huff the fume from the bottle its isobutyl so it will make you into a total sex animal makes yo ass gape easy also dont mix with erectile pills you will die if ya mix em with it

I sent $10 but didnt leave a note can you post a pic in the thread?

Nasty. Honestly please just kill yourself

Ok homo in da closet

I want that op

Show feet on this board and ill give you a 100 im a richfag so want

sure, for $10

Yo op what is yo opinion on poppers

Pls OP, just give us feet. By giving out little tastes you'll reel some people in. Why do you think drug dealers always give it out for free when it's the first time?

Even chicks don't pay to see dudes naked, what the fuck kind of retarded shit is this?

what is your paypal name, to verify?

sorry, if you want feet its $10

I don't want to give that out but it was transaction ID 8JN486815V17425

i dont know anything about them, sorry

>can afford to be a faggot
>can't afford lunch

You never post anything about your feet soooo one good foot pic and ill give you your launch

That's way to over priced, you won't sell shit OP


She already did, I sent her money I'm just waiting for her to post. She's so beautiful

Sending 100 and my skype name right now.
Fuck you are hot :):)

youre as mentally ill as it


Once you get pics can you post em here?


You dont huff em damn how can ya take a plunger in the ass then with barely any lube


If you're not comfortable with posting them here I will respect that by the way, but can you email them to my PayPal email instead? I will not repost them anywhere if you decide not to put them here.

I want to see that PP


$10 xoxo

nah nigga. I aint got no money.

Sup Forums is so fucking gay now, no wonder i left this homo shithole

Late reply, I stepped out to buy a roast.

I knew, because I'm a wizard. The magical kind, not the virgin kind.

thats too bad then~

Come watch movies with us!

i suppose you saw mt reddit, or something


It's no fun if you're so on the nose about it.
Anyway, hopefully this works out for you. The alternative isn't something one should do out of necessity.

awh, youre so sweet

You faggots are all fucking absolutely dissgusting please do your selfs and your family a favor and end your lives fucking hideous animals


Where in Aussi luv?

timestamp or GTFO


I'll send pics of my trap girlfriend


Choose one you ill faggot
