Hey, OP here, thanks for getting me laid

Hey, OP here, thanks for getting me laid
Thread Continued monkey paw wish thread. Every wish you make has a horrible twist to it.

I wish this wish never came true.


Op has to drink his own urine once a day

Wish becomes a reality. You never notice.

it didn't but that did

I wish OP would be straight.

Water to wine.
Piss to wine.
All op does is whine

OP can no longer move any limbs from a locked, prone position.

You die of dysentry
You have to gargle it first and spit it in his mouth momma-bird style

I wish my own monkey paw with unlimited wishes.

Dick has no curve. Takes it up the ass several times.

I would nickles and dimes would rain from the sky

1. I wish for unlimited wishes that actually get granted when I make them without anything interfering with their creation or happening.
2. i wish any wish below this one and this one to not have any twists
3. I wish for any wish above this one and this wish to not have any twists
4. I wish for these wishes to be irreversible.

Has the Might Faggot Overlord OP, you cant do this shit

capitalist paw granted
>unlimited wishes
>each costs $19.99 plus S&H

I wish Texas still belonged to Mexico.

You have to go through government licensing to be able to use the monkey paw
Inflation destroys the U.S. economy

Everywhere run jews with turned down umbrellas.

But you become a nigger.

You have to take everyone currently in it with you

You're texan.

granted. Tex-Mex cuisine now a complete monopoly of Mexican government.

I wish everyone would become one race.

Yes I can. Maybe not by your rules but it would in theory work.
Rule 2 and 3


namely niggers

We all become midget niggers.

I actually am.

Without genetic diversity, two generations from now everyone has moderate to severe down syndrome

We're all White.
>privilege no longer exists.

You still become a nigger.

Yeah except your first wish gets twisted. Into you having AIDS for being a faggot.

Fuck you, Im OP, the mighty faggot, I declare a duel

Ugly people like yourself would become the next nigger

You see the curse really works.

I wish movie theaters sold crab legs

Canned Crab Legs

I wish that all twists are able to bypass any wishes that attempt to block twists.

I wish Op wins this duel

they're raw.

You're killed by them.

granted...talkies were never invented.

only in other dimensions. Still would need additional pylons.


They're massively overpriced.


I wish I had the pencil from The Lost Room that made a penny appear every time you tapped it

This is the hundred dollar guy again, please no more 7 year olds

Are you mad that I broke your game? You can't twist the wish itself, you can only add a twist to the wish, not twist the wish itself.
My wishes are still in place, you have nothing to fear.

First One of US to guess their last post number, Wins the duel, 6


I wish all wishes to no longer come true

Even if I lose, my wishes will still be in place, 9

The number after 3

A dream is a wish your heart makes.

Irreversible wishes wish. I can still make wishes.

Fuck you, 3

A seven year old falls onto your head naked crotch first every time you tap the pencil.

I wish that the Amish would rise up and take back America

I wish people would stop acting like 10 year old faggots and contribute in the spirit of the thread.

I wish you died before making this faggoty gay wish

>you were dead and couldn't make the wish
>the game continues as normal
>your dead, can't affect my wish
>your dead, can't apply consequence
>your dead, can't argue


Number 5

Irreversible wish wish.

The number after 4

If 5 wish thread becomes curse thread. Cast curses on poster under you. Dubs repell curses

They appear in your scrotum. Also every time a naked 7 year old girls flashes in front ou you and kicks you in your balls.

I wish Tenga Deep Throat cups were free and re-usable

The jews steal them.

They're not reversing the wish.
They're reversing you.

you're stuck on Sup Forums...

You died before making that wish

Number 8

I wish to get a 5

>paradoxing this hard

I wish I had a sandwich

I wish to drop kick pandoras box right fucking open.

It's a poop sandwich.

Made with Tuna > In Oil

Zombie turkey and its a little dry.

In turn reversing the wish, which falls under reversing the wish, I also wished for nothing interfering with the wishes from happening, I'm immune from all angles.

Hope escapes

Dubs confirm

Reverse manwich. Turns you female.

Has nothing in it

your AC, fridge, and other cooling devices break. You live in Buglapur.

Because they have only horse carriages this takes 500 years.

I wish I was a respectable black man

It tastes just like shit.

I didnt reverse the wish, I removed you

Your mom dies of a freak heart attack and the last words you ever said to her were "Mom if you don't give me that fucking sandwhich I swear to god I'll kill myself"

They're public and you have to share them.

You sound like a DeviantArt RPer.
I would know.
I was one once.
I can recognize one of my own.

But by doing so,you kept the wish from happening, which my wish prevents.

I wish I have dubs.

Random motherfucker stabs you in the ass from all angles.
>No buttplug
Fucking liar


pick one

granted...you are Obama...

I wish every cartoon character came to life and terrorized humanity.

I have never been on deviantart.

I wish you weren't such a faggot and just played the game like everyone else

You are the victim of institutional racism.