So... Can someone explain Sup Forums to me?

So... Can someone explain Sup Forums to me?

Everything is traps, yet no one's gay... they just show up.

Loli is the biggest thing ever.

Same with Rekt threads.

Yet you're also great people a lot of the time... And have decent actual morals... It's completely different from what expected... I don't get it.

And before you go calling me a newfag, I've been here for years... Still don't understand shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Freedom by anonimity

>Lurk More


traps really are just a recent problem for Sup Forums, guess they took our trolling seriously and actually became a faggot

what's to understand? I've only been here a month and I get it. this place is what we make it

Don't forget about fluffy threads!!

This, the problem is the fags, pedos and furries are making it shit

I've seen them for a while, I've been here for about... 2 years, and remember them then too... Though admittedly less. Now you have the same 4 threads... Porn,Rekt, trap or Furry... that's it...

ive been on Sup Forums every night since 2006. you don't really "get" Sup Forums but if you stay long enough, you'll eventually find enjoyable content and likeminded folk.

Those too

pretty sure they've been around since at least 2012, but back then our biggest issue was the my little pony retards spamming worse than the trap threads today..

That's how I've felt the entire 2 years I've been on.I occasionally find a good thread... needle in a hay stack... And as such I stay all day lurking and try to find one of those. Occasionally looking at a Porn or YLYL.

I think some of that stuff is good. it keeps the normies away. I for one welcome our trap Sup Forumsros

circa 2007 here.. what like minded folk? most of the original Sup Forumstards are gone or moved to Sup Forums. You just have summerfag and newfags posting the same shit day after day.

I wasn't here in 2012, I started 2013-2014. I don't really remember MLP threads all that much. I do remember vaiguely mlp porn once or twice, but those were RARE... Like finding a good thread now... xD

you should just start them if you don't see them

nah there's still a lot of us left, we just don't post as much for the same reason you mentioned but i would much rather lose internet connection for the rest of my life than to be a habitual Sup Forumslack

I don't dislike traps or anything(Bifag here), but DAMN every other post being one is... Too much for me.

First trap I have seen that makes me hard. No homo.

I've tried, but they never get any attention or anything. HELL I even did one of the mysteries things(In a town an hour away from me...) But even that went unnoticed...

Imma needsauce

Wow wouldn't it be great if there were a million other threads you could look at....instead of whining like a little bitch who wants a trap to dominate them?

If I had it I'd let you know. I found it on here like... 4 days ago and saved it to make this post.

just look past them

Its just that they're spammed so hard that they drown out the good shit

And the fucking bananas plaguing ylyls

Sup Forums is so fucking gay now, what happened to old mischevious edgy Sup Forums, last time i checked this wasn't /lgbt/

Dubs confirms

I like the post anything you want threads


Fucking banana. And while I'm at it FUCK the spider-man shit too. It was funny the FIRST TIME.. every other time after it was FUCKING ANNOYING.


again. shit like this is ment to keep the normies off Sup Forums

I'm okay with it if they ruin the trash threads like r34 and rate me threads but YLYL threads are there for fucking good times not repetitive fucking shit

>implying Sup Forums isn't currently infested with 9gag and reddit faggots

YLYL is cancer

No amount of text can explain that shit

Nice dub dubs

people can say and post whatever the fuck they want without any judgement or effect on their reputation. As a result, you get people exploring strange fantasies, experimenting with humor and just generally unleashing their opinions. It's great and every other internet community is shit


It's my second or third time on this thread... My lucky thread.


Konatsu Satsuki this explains a lot

Nothing wrong with the fags/gay people.

Furries are cancer.

Pedos are deranged.

You are an idiot or a newfag, because Sup Forums always had faggy tendencies, even more so previously. Sup Forums have never hated gays, it's always been present here.


Konatsu Satsuki


For it.

Sup Forums likes to troll, and because people are idiots a significant part always takes the trolling serious. Most of the time they just get mad but sometimes they feel validated by other idiots and pool together to create a new sick subculture.

Furries, bronies, the current traplovers, hell, even half of gamersgate, meninism and third wave feminism,... They're all morons who didn't understand Sup Forums was just dicking around and drank the koolaid.

Even this guy who pretends to be an oldfag. He just fell for the nationalist/racist 3edgy5me trolling and deluded himself into thinking Sup Forums is anything more than a bunch of basement dwellers who didn't get the joke, egged on by bored Sup Forumstards.

Sometimes it does get difficult to see who's trolling and who's actually a believer.


Eh... Gotta keep this from dying somehow.


i mean everyone calls each other fags for a reason..




is that who i think it is?

Who do you think it is?


Newfags can't get these dubs.

Okay... that failed.

Confirmed newfag

That's gotta hurt...

Yea kinda... I got dubs like 3 other times... THE ONE time I wanna be a badass I fail... This is my life.

So, you want a website that's got 6 whole people in it then?



Get this man in the oval office

same guy

oh my...

I'm lost...

It's OP... Op is a faggot.

Well... At least this thread got some traction...



I love the look of pure disappointment he has... anyone have the source?



can I uhh, get a source for that


It's impossible to know what is going on here because it's beyond human understanding the infinite degeneracy that is profiled on here. After a while it's like when you first walk into a bathroom after someone took a huge shit. When you first walk in its almost unbearable. But after a while you can't smell it anymore because after you squeeze a few turds out of your ass your shit smell and the previous shit smell mingle together until you don't even notice that you are now a shit poster.

george takei on the Howard stern show or something like that. did you fags not know he was gay?

I know he is gay I am just wondering why he is fondling a dude on camera.


As I said here


I dunno. maybe he was drunk

dude just likes dicks I guess

Sup Forums is cancer you nigger. We're all cancerous poeces of shit here.