Roast me

Roast me

>not white

what else is there to say?

>not black
How can white bois even compete?

by not being black

>takes pictures in a fuckin target
Nuff said

Target home of wannabe thugs

which one

hes a 10/10 for me

Youre a mexican in a target.

Nuff said


Op is a faggot

no shit, I thought your tat said "autism"



I'm gonna need a crock-pot first, OP.

thanks it's actually a photo of me

Can't. You embody "perfection" mate

I have an average size penis.. Like 6 inches erect I'm not black or white though. Girls are quite happy with my size.

No other place has such great mirrors


I'm not even a thug I am more like a nerd

Like trump says "get your money ready mexico because you are goin to build that wall" #trump2016

I'm not even mexican. I was born in Australia and my dad was finnish and mother is fijian indian


Take it to /soc/ faggot

This is my first time on Sup Forums