Its 1:30 am. i live by myself in a big house in the middle of nowhere 30 mins out of boston

its 1:30 am. i live by myself in a big house in the middle of nowhere 30 mins out of boston

how do i buy a hooker without getting arrested/murdered

try backpage

Go to city, find hooker, get motel

Backpage, NightShift, tons of sites

>without getting arrested/murdered
i know about backpage. any tips on using it?

1. Find a hooker
2. Call that hooker
3. Put your dick in that hooker

So simple

Buy gun.
Buy whore
At first sign of trouble, shoot self.
> Can't be arrested/murdered if you're already dead.

jerk off. then see if you truly want to do this after. i go through this daily.

North of Boston?

so anything to look out for? never done this before

most dont have prices listed

i have 300 cash on me. will that suffice? whats the average cost?

yes north of boston/southern nh

ive wanted to do this for a long time. i havent gotten laid in well over a year. before that i went 3 years having sex all the fucking time. im going crazy lately. if i jerk off ill go to sleep but i honestly need to fuck something for my mental health.

Destroy Boston. Boston is a fucking shit hole. That place should not exist.

i dont give a fuck about boston

i just want to fuck a whore without dying or going to jail

Is anyone gonna post the sauce of these bitches or do I have to knock a nigga out?

op here

asked for sauce on these hoes yesterday. now i dont even give a fuck i just need to bang a hooker. god damn it pussy is ruining my life

>pic related
I have sauce bitches, what you gonna give me for it?

nothing because i honestly dont give a fuck

sorry that your one attempt at feeling powerful fell through

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not be hasty brother. I for one would like to here anons terms. I'm thirsty for a fat Asian bitch.

i mean honestly i wanna see the redhead moore

but i dont give a fuck to deal with this autist. if he knows her name then he should just say it. otherwise he can fuck off

Backpage dotcom. Look for outcalls (they come to you). Don't pay any more than $120 or any less than $60 for full service. Wear a fucking condom.

He probably wants information on how to get a hooker

I'd suck those pepperonis

>fat Asian
Nigga, that's a Mexican if I ever saw one. And no sir I do not want to see that tacos slit anymore.

Do the hh to save money unless u think u will last longer, most girls try to get it over quick and leave right away, never tell them it's ur first time alwhise they will take advantage of that and maby Jew you over some way, talk about the price over the phone but say donations instead, they think everyones a cop at first too so when u finally meet up with her just be nice polite and relaxed the same time, if u get a bad feel u can always walk away

I wonder if i can find your house in fallout 4

>without getting arrested/murdered
don't buy a hooker
message one of your friends on facebook
tell her you have a nice bottle of wine and want to watch a movie
watch the movie
drink the wine
have a good time

Op im in manchester, ill fuck you for free

Are you a girll or a gay fat guy

You don't "buy" a hooker, you rent them.

Gay fat guy with guns

And the most varies from each girl, if u got a total babe and is only asking for like 100 bucks don't trust it cuz it's most likely a bust, but the average I spend for 30 min is around 150 ish


i know manch veyr well

I was born in lowell, have mad family in westford/chelmsford etc

You don't need to pay if you're that desperate. Go to a bar close to closing time, find a fat, homely bitch sitting alone, make eye contact and hold it. You may need to buy her a drink or two. But if she is large, homely and alone in a bar at a late hour she wants to fuck, and will do it for free.

its 2 am dingus

every bar is closed

and for a hundred or 2 i can get a hot girl so why the fuck not

kek what kind of a flyover jesusland do you live in where the bars close at 2 on a Saturday night (Sunday morning)?

may not close at 2 but if im arriving at 2 then im not getting in

Simple search will suffice
