Why is inhaling carcinogenic vapour considered cool?

Why is inhaling carcinogenic vapour considered cool?

Because people are fucking stupid.

As a douche flute user myself, because it tastes good.

What evidence you have that e-cigarettes are carcinogenic? There is no substantial evidence to suggest this... The FDC would come down with a strict ban-hammer if studies conclusively proved your unfounded claim.

It's not

It isn't considered cool. I'm 19 and I use one. I'm ridiculed everyday. I do it because I want to and don't like the taste of cigarettes.

Nicotine is a carcinogen. Unless you vape without nicotine your vaping cancer you fuck

>no substantial evidence
>literal chemicals
It's a yes or no question and it just so happens to be yes. There is no gray area.

vape into my pussy and call me your meme slut.

It's the people who think it's cool who make it bad for the regular people who do it to quit, I quit for 7 months until I started dating this girl who smoked and i would buy her cigs and i basically started again cause i wasnt about to buy em and not smoke any, plus she ridiculed me for vaping when i met her so I kinda fell off and don't wanna get back into it

Why is it uncool? Dumb fuckin question OP. Cool is what cool does regardless. Help the world mate.

I pretty sure in the next 3-5 years there's probably gonna be some kind of long term use evidence of some kind, lungs aren't supposed to intake anything other than oxygen so it may not be as bad as cigs but its still unhealthy

No shit. And all those petrol fumes and factory pollutants aren't. Smoke em if ya gottem. My dad died of lung cancer and never smoked. It's got nothing to do with cool. It's got all to do with why you'd give a fuck if someone capes or not. Who cares

the air isn't just oxygen, if you breath only oxygen you die, not everything is bad for lungs, do you see asthmatics getting lung cancer from inhaler?

Since when

Give me your info cunt

Just finished building my Trollface RDA with duel .20 ohm coils, dragon wicked with a chuff cap. The box is a duel 18650 parallel 220 watts mech mod. Haven't vaped in weeks but was inspired today to get it running.


I switched to an e cig because it was cheaper than buying a pack of spirits every day. Then I lost the charger, and that's how I quit smoking.

>Lungs aren't supposed to intake anything other than oxygen.

What are you? Twelve?

it cures cancer. go green.