Bros, I need you

bros, I need you.

also, lets all make youtubes and sub eachother and make money :)

Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 OP makes zero money

74 68 65 20 67 61 6d 65

OPMAKESZEROMONEY is your new name, faggot.

you could have named my channel

I already do YouTube, i'm reasonably successful and i can tell you, don't bother.

I did, faggot. Don't think you're getting out of this on a technicality.

God damn that was fast

>inb4 OP makes zero money

are you that guy with the pedo video?


Confirmed by dubs

okay I am making the account

channel name?

yeah tell us faggot

i reverse image searched it and i think its this guy

Yep that's me, as I said, reasonably, not massively, YouTube is tough man, I wouldn't recommend starting it, but if anyone needs help i'm willing to throw out some advice


3k isnt too bad tbh

so why is it not worth it ?

question for the thread:
how much money do youtubers with 2mil make?

>youtube is hard
>does overwatch parodies
>channel views from shitty 10 hour loops

i dont think you know what "content" or "tough" means

It's alot of work for very little back unless you get a shoutout from someone big early on

lets all just sub eachother

>Implying i give a fuck

A large collection of your videos appear to be sound clips or typical "meme" videos where you repeat a scene multiple times with a different slow-mo setting each time.

I don't quite think you understand what you're doing. Probably best to not offer YT advice.

its not that you can or can't give a fuck, its that your advice is false and means nothing more then some stupid opinion.

you do the laziest content imaginable and called it hard

>99.9% unoriginal content
>Considers his channel to be doing "reasonably well"
Your channel is going to stagnate soon with your lack of content. Unless you plan on ripping other videos and posting up sound clips all day.

In no way did i imply editing was difficult, I was suggesting it's difficult to get off the ground as stated here

What? No one is complaining about your editing. We are complaining that your channel is full of unoriginal content, taken from game files or someone elses channel. You've then slapped ads on it, called it a day and told people that getting off the ground is hard.

It's hard because you've supplied nothing ORIGINAL. Simply riding on the backs of others isn't going to get you far.

These are all original content, apologies if i've been a little lacking recently, had alot of real life shit to deal with.

I know im not the best lmao, just figured i'd give my 2 cents

Fair point fam