
>no feels thread
feels thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>be me
>be driving home from work
>see car smashed into wall
>completely blown to pieces
>pull over and turn on hazards
>run over to car
>get to the driver just as he's breathing his last
>911 shows up 45 seconds later
I still think about it sometimes. The way his eyes looked in the end.

I'm sorry user.

Don't be.

I saw something like that when I was in Bangladesh. A kid had gotten run over by some shitbox car and his mom was holding him in her arms. I don't know if he lived or not

>be me, 16
>dating a girl for a little bit
Fast forward 6 months
>I have to move 400 miles away because of parental nonsense
>we do the distance thing
>It's actually working a bit
>on new year's day I hitchhike down to see her (we had talked about it prior)
>when I get there, she tells me she's been cheating on me
>ask friends in town if I can couch hop for a bit
>they're all flakes
>got to enjoy homelessness from my junior to senior year (I graduated on time)

It gets way, way worse. Cont?

That hurts man. It sucks feeling so helpless.

Go for it.

What were you doing in Bangladesh?

Peace Corps.

Nah. That's regular shitfeels I see here everyday.

Sup Forums, I'm a useless fuckup who just fucked over his best chance at a good future.


>during homelessness (I'm 18 at the time, finishing up my senior year) I meet this girl
>she's really into me
>we start talking, she offers to help me during these tough times
>we end up dating
>sometimes she would sneak out and use her ID to get a motel for us for the night
>eventually save up enough money for my own apartment
>we get engaged
>during that time, she gets pregnant (with my baby)
Fast forward 6 months
>behind my back, she breaks the lease with my landlord, fucking my credit
>Hey, Chaz, we're moving to Nebraska now
>she makes me leave all my possessions so she can take things important to her
>I'm in love so I don't care
>Nebraska ended up being a flop, so we move back to where we were
>she gets to stay with her parents, but they still think I'm a bum
God guys.....I'm tearing up. Cont?

Well, user, you can't blueball us now.

Posted this yesterday. I hope it takes a feel or two out of you.

Want more? I hope I'm helping.

Bummer m8. Try looking for her and reconnecting

7 years after? No way. Do you think she remembers me from time to time?
Also, I think I had a pic around. I'm searching.

Thanks for the chuckle, user

Fast forward to April 2016
>on the 13th my daughter is born
>the day we take the baby home, she dumps me
>"My parents and I don't think you're good for the baby"
>I had two jobs while she recovered from her c-section, while living on the streets again
>she files for child support
>I can't afford it, considering the fact I'm saving for an apartment and keeping myself, and the baby alive as is.
>My parents offer me a place to stay
>My (now ex) tells me I'm a deadbeat who doesn't deserve his kid
>She files for full custody
>tfw in less than 3 months my house, possessions, and daughter were taken from me by the person who helped me build the empire from the ground up

My daughter's name is Juliana. I miss her so much....I live out of state, and I'm having no luck with a job. I moved because rent is cheap in Kansas. I don't know what happened...I just wanted a family. Now I have nothing. Thanks for the listen Sup Forumsros. It's hard not to be an hero sometimes. I don't do it because my daughter deserves a father, but she's trying to keep her from me. I'm 19 years old and wanted to be there for my kid. What happened...?

I realized yesterday that I born to be alone and it hurts me so badly

>7 years after? No way
Yes way. I just reconnected with the girl I had a crush on in grade school, 15 years ago. If she held some form of positive affection for you and didn't think you were a fucking freak, then just saying "hey" won't hurt.

kidnap daughter.

Aw shit man i feel you. Hope things will get better and you get a job

Thanks, user. Shit just kinda hits me in the feels. It's father's day...and I'm a father to a child I want to have contact with but can't because of some twat.
The lesson?
>wear a goddamn condom. Please.

Well, what pretext did she use to justify taking full custody? You could try looking and seeing if a paternity right's group will sponsor your case. They exist for that purpose after all.

>took too much ecstasy last night
>can't cum and I feel like wanking

how do I stop the feels I am currently feeling

You overdosed on x and your biggest worry is wanking?

Holy shit dude. You got some messed up shit for a 19 years old. You were pretty stupid keeping the baby though

>be me
>know girl for a couple of years, have been friends and have shown interest in each other even to this day
>she lives in florida
>has told me about all the sex she gets
>no longer feels the need to tell me ever since I told her I considered just not talking to her
>tells me recently she has a sugar daddy
>am really concerned knowing she smokes weed and gets drunk as well
>a bit depressed that she isn't the sweet innocent girl i knew

I'm just being a selfish prick complaining about it, but knowing she does all this hurts.

She said the fact I was homeless was evidence enough I was incapable of keeping her. It was her fault I was put in that position. I'm not now, but I was...I honestly just need a job and my baby will be mine again. It's hard landing a job in Kansas for whatever reason. I used to be a glass blower (inb4 blows dick for cash), and I made great money, but when she made us go to Nebraska, she made me leave all of my equipment. My kiln, my torch, my gas tanks....all of it.

But we had planned on having the baby. I was making thousands of dollars a week blowing glass. It was perfect.


She isn't on Twitter, no images in Google, no Facebook...
Anyways, I found her brother's Facebook and her mother's. Also, I remember which high school she attended to, so I've seen some photos of her back then. My heart is fucking racing, user. I don't dare doing anything.

I feel you dude, but isn't 19 a tad early for planning to have children?

Listen to me. I don't want to sound like a fucking ambulance chaser, but you have a textbook example of why
is a thing. You can do a lot of things, including trying to contact her and seeing if you can prove your responsibility (this is important if you need to go to court), and looking into some father's rights groups who may be willing to take up your case. Seriously, fight it. The last thing you can do is give up if you want to see Juliana.

>be me
>no bro or sis
>be 13
>mother is pregnant
>act like I have no idea (i feeling happy and confused)
>got angry on her for some fucked up childish reason that i don't even remember
>go to my room
>start cryng
>told myself i hope she and her child die
>3 months later
>fast forward 5 years
>my best friend graduated from school
>we celebrate
>got really drunk
>i left them to meet with the girl i liked, wanted to join them later
>phone battery dies
>done with the girl
>start looking for my friends
>they left the place where we were drinking
>decided to go home cause no chance to find them and i felt really sleepy
>hangover and thurst wakes me up in cuple hours
>cheking facebook
>our mutual friend texts me they got in a car crash and she has no idea how bad it was
>rush to the street
>got taxi
>on the way to the hispital, i see his jeep
>looks like a squeezed can
>hospital, everyone is running around, no one answers me
>finally nurse starts speaking with me
>i said im drivers brother hoping someone will tell me what happened
>my best friend is in coma
>our mutual friend died on the spot
>2 other guys are in shock they just cry and speak some random shit
>behind them, two police mans speaking to each other
>see thats what happens when you get drunk
>threw the first thing that was on the table by my side into his face
>almost got arrested for attacking policeman
>nurse gave me some drugs to relax
>2 weeks later
>my friends brain died
>now im 21
>thinking about this all everynight
>hating myself for that sentence i whispered to myself
>hating myself for leaving my friend, everything could go differently.
>drinking everynight to the point there my brain just shuts down, even thinking about that im gonna have to stay alone with my thoughts burns me from the inside out
>feeling emptiness.

Hey man, I know how it feels to be kept away from your brand new child. My ex-wife kicked me out when our son was 6 weeks old, I didn't see him for close to 3 months after that, and now, post-divorce, I only get him for an hour a week.

I lost my wife, my son, my home, my career, and everything that I wanted for my future over a 5 month period. It's tough not to just blow my brains out, but I promised to be a good dad, and I'm going to. It's hard as hell, but that little man keeps me going.

You can do it, man. Even when you miss her remember that she's there, and that she deserves to have a good dad, one that was willing to do what you did for his family, and you keep going, man.

In retrospect, fuck yeah dude.
user, thank you. Fucking thank you. Sup Forums is not always a fuckpool of dicks. Whatever you believe in, your karma is gonna repay you. Thank you.

>inb4 homeless
>inb4 on Sup Forums

I'm so sorry, user. I really am. Nobody deserves this bullshit. Nobody. I hope things take an upwards spiral. You deserve it.

The fuck does your mom miscarrying have to do with that?

Don't mention it. My dad went through a nasty divorce when I was 5 or 6, so I feel you on this. Don't give up, and you will see your daughter again. I promise you that much.
t. Lawyer

Cell phones are kind of important for maintaining contact with the world around you, especially jobs.

What's your son's name?

just coincidence.
but i can't explain

Got it!!!! Damn, boy, let's see what happens.

I don't have one (yet). I WAS the son. In hindsight, I can see how much my mother's actions hurt my dad. God bless him, he never let it impact my childhood if I could help it.

Thank you. I really do appreciate it. I'm working on getting my life back in order, it's just taking longer than I thought. Things are pretty shit right now, but I have good people supporting me, a great therapist, and I do my best to muster as much hope for the future as I can.

I wish I was more empathetic for you. But here's some sweet tunes.

Do what makes you happy. If you can't be there for her, send her letters.

is 30 gabapentin plus 29 compazine enough to kill me? one is an anti-epileptic and the other one is an anti-psychotic prescribed for migraines that I only took once because it knocked me out so hard but I was semi-conscious but immobilized and scared me. should i add something else to the mix?

I'm sorry. That gives me hope though, seeing as how you know what's going on....maybe one day my Juliana Elizabeth will see it too.

Go for it! And know that wherever you are I'm fucking rooting for you!

>tfw 20 y/o and my only sexual encouter was a short kiss with a girl wearing a sign that said "Free hugs and kisses"
>tfw all my friends manage to get girls
>tfw when always the one that's left alone
I can't stand it anymore. I got in shape and tried to be outgoing and shit. Hell I even read "Models" , but there still is no female that would show only the slightest interest in me.
What is wrong with me Sup Forums?

It takes time, but you'll get there. The universe provides.
Thanks for the music bruv

Post pic of self.

mate you are only 20, give it some time, you still have a long life ahead. Just make sure you are tidy, get out and socialize and just have a good outlook on life. You will find someone

>maybe one day my Juliana Elizabeth will see it too.
I know she will. I'm not going to lie though, it's a hard road ahead if you have to fight in court. But I know how much a kid means...It's worth it, user.


Also, look into paternity rights law groups in your state, they have deep pockets and may be willing to help out with costs if you can convince them.

Good luck no matter what you choose, and know that I'm with you in spirit Sup Forumsrother.

What he said. Being alone isn't so bad. Learn an instrument, or a trade. Occupy your time and surround yourself with like-minded people. Whoever it is will wander by as soon as you quit looking for them.

That really helps. It may sound fruity, but that means alot. Thank you for being human.

Eventually that little girl will grow up and ita your duty to make sure that she grows up knowing that her mother is a cunt and her father didn't abandon her, when she gets older I'm certain she will want to make a connection with you don't become an hero m8, that girl is carrying your genetic code

Anything to help out a fellow Sup Forumsro, especially when so much shit is piled on them. I'm serious, you deserve to see her. And as far as being human goes, all it takes is passing along a good deed to set things right. You'll win, man.

Having a lot of time on my hands it's helped to watch some shows that give hope/guidance of sorts while still being entertaining.

Pic related, happens early on and there's a lot of overcoming the odds in general. However, when the Punisher talks about his daughter in the graveyard in S2... fuck, I lost it.

Frasier's and Niles's divorces are major plot points in the show, and a fair amount of it focuses on them adjusting to divorced life. Helped me get some perspective while enjoying myself.

>Star Trek: The Next Generation
Yeah, it seems silly/weird/whatever but the whole show is about exploration, the future, and hope. It was frankly refreshing and typically put me in a good mood after watching since it's uplifting overall


You're right, it just sucks for the moment; not getting to hear her coo during the day, not being able to comfort her when she cries at night, not getting to feed her, or even being able to hold her for Christ's sake.

just don't kill yourself, travel, find something you like doing, find somebody who likes doing that with you. If you don't see any options in your current life, don't take the easy way out, just create yourself a new one.

I already play the trumpet and I do it in three different orchestras. I also do sports with other students in my hometown and with my friends on the weekends. I got out on every day on the weekend and sometimes also during the week. I have a job and a flat. Actually I think I kind of deserve someone.
Do you know what I mean? I mean it is unfair that I am still alone while guys that are much worse (I dont refer to my friends here - they are the only thing that makes my pathetic life worth living) take home the most beautiful girls.

I'll definitely check those out. Thanks for the recommendations.

Ironically enough, I used to kickbox as a freshman/sophomore, and that's a pretty valid metaphor.

>You will never come home after a long day of working a job you hate, to see her standing there. She's wearing the necklace you gave her for her birthday last week. She smiles that smile which turns your hard facade to mush. She kisses your cheek, she's warm and she has the aroma of fresh baking. You look into those eyes, you could stare into them for hours. She blushes profusely as you tell her you love her. She whispers a reciprocation into your ear. Her face is even warmer now from blushing. She leads you to the sitting room. She pours out steaming hot chocolate for both of you. You sit for hours watching TV, but not really taking it in. You tell her you love her again, she giggles and kisses you on the nose, snuggling closer to you.
"I love you too".

First of all the whole 'i think i deserve someone' is a bad attitude to have. Its not like females pop up out of no where after you earn life achievements.

One thing i am curious about, do you put your foot forward and actually ask any girls out? whether its to dinner or movies or even just to hang?

That's the core of the issue: The entitlement. You aren't truly promised anything in this life. Not to be a douche canoe, but that mentality is toxic to yourself. Let loose, care less about chicks, care more about leading a happy life. It'll come. Don't wait on it. A watched pot never boils, user.

Damn dude

Damn fuck. I think I'll just an hero, I'm too pussy to resist the pain of being alone.

you'll find her one day user, she will be perfect

There are tons of sayings like it from tons of sources, that happened to be the most recent one. Like in Rocky: It's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep going. (paraphrased, don't remember the exact quote) So yeah, it's totally appropriate.

Basically, you're gonna get hit. You're gonna get beat. Sometimes it's life that hitting you and beating you.

You only lose if you don't get back up and keep going.

Thanks for the help guys. I think I'm going to bed. Juliana's dad saying bye.

Goodnight,Sup Forumsros. Happy Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day, Dad.

i've been alone so long i've become numb to all emotion, all i want is to feel love but i can't cause there is no one to love. I am a ghost

happy fathers day Sup Forumsro

Yeah I do it. Well, sometimes... I don't really like because no one has ever said yes.
I only had one date in my life - she is the most perfect girl and we are still friends. It clearly wouldnt work out. But that was definitely the best day in my life.

Good luck man. Happy Father's Day, and don't give up. I'm rooting for you.

how do you deal with your loneliness?

But I feel like caring less would be just the same as surrendering to the lonelyness

>You will never slow your car down on a busy road at 6:24 in the evening on a lazy Saturday to help a girl whose car is smoking and seems to be broken down. You will never get out of your car, walking over to her in brisk but cautious strides to see if she needs your help. When she sees you approaching, you see a flicker of something in her eyes, you pass it off as disgust, you're used to that. She thanks you for noticing, cursing her mechanic, who said he would fix her engine, but instead went on holiday to a far flung location that you never bothered to remember. You're too mesmerized by her eyes, you wish you could tell her you love her right in that moment, but you know you can't. You will never help her to jump-start her car, and be given the sweetest half-smile in return. She stares at you, you're caught in her headlights, unable to speak nor move.
"Do you want to exchange numbers, in case my mechanic decides he'd rather be elsewhere?" She speaks softly. You feel your stomach churning, but somehow you speak.
>You say it quickly, but her face immediately cracks into a smile, her teeth bright against the lazy blue sky. You've never been so happy.

Care less about finding a girl, not existing. Find ways to occupy your mind. Take it off of worrying about pootytang

Yeah i know that rejection sucks, but it is really such a big part of life you have to get used to it. The thing is that if you never ask then you will never get a yes, then you will just be a in a never ending cycle of loneliness. And as i said before you are only 20 man, the right girl will cross your path, stressing about it now is counter productive to your life.

It is good to hear that you have asked some girls out though, just keep that up, stay confident and looking smart and you will eventually strike gold.

No, not being able wank after using xtc is very normal and happens to a lot of people.

You guys. You guys deserve good things. That really means something. Thank you. I can only imagine when Juliana can say it to me, smiling and looking at me with her crystal blue eyes. Thank you.


>save up enough money for my own apartment
how can a homeless person save up money

First of all can i ask if you are truly lonely in the first place Sup Forumsro? What i mean by that is do you have friends whether they are close or not, are you apart of a social group, weather that be sports or a club or anything like that?

it adds up if you don't fucking blow it all away on stupid shit like booze and drugs

So, having a job while being homeless isn't a thing?
>gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

What he said.
When I was working before I had to go, I was a server making anywhere from $150-$300 a day in cash. Do the math, user.

Thank you guys. I will try my very best.

>I can only imagine when Juliana can say it to me, smiling and looking at me with her crystal blue eyes.
Let that dream be your dream. And then make it a reality.

Hey user, on the bright side you still have friends you can do fun shit with

Nah we don't mate, we are just helping a fellow user out. Just keep positive, the universe will work out for you and your daughter.

>be me
>be 11
>youngest of 5
>first year of middle school
>performing art school
>have to choose between choir, drama, band, and dance
>choose band
>have to select which instrument I want to play
>choose saxophone
>learn that im not that bad at this music thing
>family makes fun of me endlessly because I am now a band kid
>go into highschool still playing sax
>im still a loser at this point, nobody I could really call a friend except for a long time friend
>good ol barry
>after a while I get my own sax and play for the band some more
>junior year rolls around
>meet a girl in spanish class
>her name is destiny, 6/10 name tbh
>kind of weird at first but shes alright by me
>get to know her some more, she doesnt have many friends
>shes a bit weird and childish but I am an incredibly patient person so I can deal
>school year goes on as normal
>starting to get tired of music, get really sick toward the end of the year
>tell no one
>summer comes around and eventually destiny and i start dating
>shit didnt work out, dumped 2 weeks later
>stay friends but apparently shes leaving to germany and im never going to see her again
>starting to feel really fucking sick at this point
>can barely leave bed
>good ol barry by my side daily
>pass the time playing video games and chatting
>senior year comes in
>audition for the jazz band
>get accepted
>really enjoy myself in the jazz band
>starting to feel a lot better about myself
>im not the best but its still so fun, life is great
>one day after school a new friend of mine tells me about this weird chick in his math class
>its destiny
>i was mad at first that she lied to me but decide its not worth getting worked up over
>try to talk to her
>mfw she acts like i killed her dog, makes it obvious she doesnt want to speak to me again

This is a long story, idk if its even worth a read. Cont?

Goddamn you're an inspirational Sup Forumsastard.

yes i've posted this before.
yes the name changes every time, to protect my friend and my own feelios
>be into guns, love them, great hobby
>best friend just isn't really into it but isn't anti gun
>one day he comes to me and says he wants me to take him shooting
>holy fuck, my best friend likes my favorite hobby? this is great!
>take him shooting a few times
>he loves it
>says he wants a shotgun for home defense since he lives in a shitty part of town
>help him pick one out
>we do clay shooting together for weeks and just love it
>one day wanna go out to some bars since weekend
>call him
>"hey bro, was gonna head to the bar, want me to pick you up?"
>doesn't answer
>figure his cell is dead, call house phone
>totally unlike him but maybe he's showering or taking a shit
>go to his place
>knock on the door for like 5 mins
>not a goddamn thing
>worried as fuck, something must be wrong
>go get my key to his house from my truck (we were bros like that, it was for crashing and house sitting, that kinda deal)
>open door
>"tyler? you here buddy?"
>what the fuck he isn't answering
>walk in his bedroom
>he is laying on the bed with his brain and face now as wallpaper
>shotgun i helped him pick out has rolled on to the floor next to him
>no note
>run into his bathroom
>puke until its just stomach acid
>call cops, they do their thing
>his family calls someone to clean house
>someone else lives there
>even years later I still can't drive by it
i fucking miss you tyler. I really fucking do. I wish I could have helped you.

I get that a lot lel.