I hate this delusional "progressive and enlightened " world we live in

I hate this delusional "progressive and enlightened " world we live in.

I hate feminists. I hate how you have to support drugs, transsexuals, homosexuality, basically everything.

If you are against anything you get fucking killed for it. By open minded progressives who by the way are the angriest, my closed minded shit heads ever.

Maybe I believe women aren't equal. That homosexuality is wrong. That we shouldn't be over weight, on drugs and doing any twisted thing we can think of

Don't say that in social media though. Or the smug progressive back patters will let you know how good they are for being open minded and what a piece of shit you are for thinking different.

The end is near. It has to be. I sure hope it is anyways.

Other urls found in this thread:



the world is already dead


So much hate....and for nothing...
Leave your wicked mind...
Find a way with love.
It's so much better
I know it

Diet is no effort. high fat low carb get mios for water and atkins bars for snacks. Easy peasy

>calling op a fag for not supporting faggots
Found the faggot

It's not actually progressive; it's Regressive. They are just attempting to flip the tables so that:

>Men are oppressed
>White people are oppressed
>Non-Islam religion is oppressed
>Normal people are oppressed
>Healthy People are oppressed
>Drug-free people are opressed
>Mentally Stable people are oppressed
>Hardworking people are oppressed
>Sexually Normalised people are oppressed

Notice how this is the exact opposite of how things have been in the past? The facade of 'equality' is just a lie in order for entitled and weak-minded scum to justify their new world order.

As a transsexual feminist scientologist that identifies as male but may be a female I'm offended by your close minded views. Who the fuck are you to tell me my pansexual gender fluid lifestyle is wrong? Who are you to judge me for doing drugs and stabbing myself in the testicles/vagina with needles is wrong?

I'm a proud homsexual supporting pro choice anti murder open minded liberal. And if can't open your mind and believe everything I believe you should kill yourself.

>stabbing myself in the testicles/vagina with needles


Good job at finding yourself.

You're beautiful and strong. Don't ever let anyone tell you different #progress #2016 #stopwithjudgement #gayandproud #peoplewouldsincerlyrespondlikethis


Kill yourself edgefag.

You first

Go post on Sup Forums you'll find plenty of people who are shitlords like you.

i agree with everything except the drug part
where i come from drugs are a huge taboo, and experimenting with any of the stuff gets you marked as a drughead and narrowminded people will look differently at you

QUESTION: from where does Marxism, feminism, and overall cultural Marxism originate?

Answer: the Lurianic mysticism.


The holy/right-hand path strain of Lurianism became Hasidic Judaism.

The unholy/secularized/left-hand path strain of Lurianism became Marxism.

"Tikkun olam" literally means "restoring the world", i.e. restoring an inherently broken world to its original state of primordial harmony where social classes, divisions between nations, gender roles, and so on no longer exist, but everyone lives as one with each other and one with God.

There is evidence Marx came from a long line of kabbalist rabbis. The Bolshevik Revolution was also inspired by occult Judaism as was the Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School.

Left wing radical in disguise detected.

yah see what is stupid and gay about your point is that you're telling people what to do. you get upset that you're ostracized for having a "different" opinion, yet you don't even acknowledge the hypocrisy that comes with getting pissed about that. The bottom line is you dont have a valid point, and its not because of some SJW copout, its because you're just a boring reneric POS, run-of-the-mill edgy "whats popular right now is gay"- fag



>"whats popular right now is gay"- fag

Yeah it's cause I hate "everything that has worked for thousands of years is wrong, look how progressive I am "

You're being ironic right?



>Or the smug progressive back patters will let you know how good they are for being open minded
I'm not convinced that *you* are honest, OP, I am, however, convinced that quite a lot of people actually believe this - that it's about 'feeling good about themselves' instead of doing what is right. And these people are just as delusional as all the other conspiracy theorists, like 'birthers', 'truthers' and 'targeted individuals' - you simply can't wrap your head around reality so your brain makes up alternative explanations that somehow make more sense to it. The worst part is that they don't even understand the movements and ideologies they're so afraid of; because every time you read something that was written by a 'hater' (in lack of a better term), it's a twisted 'evil twin' version of reality so of course anyone who supports it is wrong.

nahh, I think shit is going to be fine.
Sure the whole mega progressive stuff has gotten out of proportion, but I think it's starting to die down a bit.
Hell, look at trump, a fuck ton of people are in favor of him because he doesn't agree with that shit.
And sure most of the media is very liberal, but there's places that aren't. And in general I'm not sure how you're surprised by the fact that people with different opinions tend to shit on one another. Look at yourself, you hate all of these fuckers, yet you're angry that they hate you for having different opinions.

lol butthurt reactionary is butthurt

It's not the 1950s anymore, gramps, times have changed. Deal with it or get out of the way.

....This is literally what they are trying to do....

I don't really know where I stand on the political spectrum but all the signs are pointing towards this. I'm not going to throw a shitfit like everyone else and fortell our impending doom, but this is what's happening.

>It's not the 1950s anymore
Those were better times.

Things the Patriarchy gave women:
>Made men go off to fight and die horribly in war while women stay at home
>Made men go out and work backbreaking manual labour jobs while women stayed at home and cooked/looked after babies
>Made men give up lifeboat seats for women and generally put them first in every survival scenario.

Modern feminists reaction:
Oh god obviously this was a society that hated women can we please just smash this thing?

Yeah, for people like YOU.

the point is you hate being judged for judging other peoples lifestyle decisions.
Your point is hypocritical and its garbage if I am being honest.
You have the right to hate other peoples lifestyle just as much as they hate yours.
And dont give me that "worked for thousands of years" bullshit. What are we? fucking animals? If someone is gay or obese who the fuck are you to stop them? No one is making you fuck them

Nice try... The resistance is Just begining

Nah feminists still want that.

When being a weak woman that is protected by mean helps them, they don't say shit.

>women and children first


You will never hear that

>men deserve higher pay

That's when they bitch and moan. They want to get paid the same to be slower,weaker and inferior in the work place, because,"equality "

Bro...transsexuality isn't a choice...

That is wrong you faggot.


>Hold door open for a woman
"Oh my god what a sexist I can open doors you know"

>Dont hold door open for woman
"Oh my god what a pig didnt your parents teach you any manners?"

Let me guess, you're about 16/17 and come from a baptist background, right kid?
Here's the thing - I personally don't like any of those that either, but I also don't give a damn that people do that in their own home.
Because it's none of my fucking business just like it's not your fucking business either, and whatever you do isn't anyone else's business.
The world would be a lot better off if people started letting people do whatever they want to do without getting butthurt over shit, as long as everyone who was participating was willing.
It's none of your fucking business. None.
Not one fucking iota. Stop sticking your nose into people's shit.
That's fine if you want to voice your opinions, but stop trying to force them onto people to do what you want.
Feel free to ignore and disregard this advice, or take it to heart and learn to not care as long as it doesn't hurt you or other people with what others are doing.

It's more then just pathetic that none of you can look at the bigger picture, it's downright scary.

>Complains about wage gap
>Takes gender studies instead of STEM
>Complains about wage gap some more

OP these people are a minority. Dont get so freaked out, its a fad.

Amen, sister.

You think so?
Hasn't society as a whole generally been moving from conservative/restrictive to liberal/progressive?

You can't even have proper banter with women any more. Men tear each other to shreds and insult every part of each other and laugh it off. Women just get insulted and run off to cry about it on tumblr.


No. Still conservative mostly, but moderates have made gains. Liberals are still the minority.

So you never talked to any women?

He isn't talking liberals, he's referring to the stereotypical tumblr one's, "I hate all men" "cis scum", which for whatever reason OP seems to take the majority of liberals for

It has, but liberal/progressive on it's own isn't bad.
Most people are just for not being an asshole to others for being different.
The people who are super "progressive", SJW an so on are usually just young people trying to be super idealistic, because they want to belong. There are actually retarded adults that still believe in that shit, but they are a minority (and some are probably only doing it because getting is big following from young idealistic people is profitable).

All the time. I stick to dating and socialising with older women these days because they can take a joke and are fun to be around. You dont have to tiptoe around them.

See, you're talking about the way things are, not the way they're going.

You have to look at this from a historical context too.
Slavery used to be acceptable, women and children weren't considered people, homosexuality was a crime (still is in backwards ( theocracies) .

But that stuff keep changing towards more tolerance and inclusiveness

>it takes juan to know juan

lmao go die in a fucking car crash

yep but to conservatives its so significant to them that this small gain is exaggerated to them. Its as if the world has been conservative for so long they think its the average balance for things

Pretty much

>men and women are equal

>its a man's world and they won't let us be equal

If we're truly equal you could live the way you want. But you aren't. You depend on us to make the world for you

And that's the way it should be. And all we ask is sex, cook,clean,be pretty and don't talk so much.

But that's asking to much, in exchange for everything

Your hand does not count as going on dates.



OP is a hypocrite

>historically men have been in charge with women dependent on them
>a norm which is in flux bu has not yet disappeared

lol sexually frustrated much?

>the feminist position that women are inferior and men are superior
This isn't a consistent principle at all and only seems to apply in the examples he gave, which by the way, a minority of feminist are actually like that so how can you peg the word "feminist" on there and only refer to a minority? I don't get it. I look up "I hate all men" and "cis scum" and I get either
A. ironic memes
B. people complaining about it
Only a minority of people are like that because its controversial anyway, which is why it gets blown out of proportion and people exaggerate its significance, because of its controversy, combined with how fucked it is.

>Someone disagreed with me so I'll imply they are sexual unfulfilled instead of responding.


Nah, women are annoying. I've had sex with 13 of them. Its more work than its worth most of the time.

I'm confused as of why people like you exist yet we're still all making fun of idiotic feminist?

Underrated dubs

Start going for older chicks bro. They have way more chill and are much more fun in general.

lol whatever you say tiger.

>The facade of 'equality' is just a lie in order for entitled and weak-minded scum to justify their new world order
this only happens when you allow the irresponsible make all the mistakes and not pay for them. now you get gold diggers, piggies, manginas, and nigger muslim loving cucks.
Everyone is responsible to correct this before it really starts to go downhill

I keep hearing that. I'm 29. Usually date the 24-28 crowd. But what happens when I venture into the 30s crowd?

Single mothers with issues of ten years of failed relationships they will take out on me?

>historically men have been in charge with women dependent on them
Historically women haven't been allowed to be in charge.

bichz b rekt yo


what he said isn't even edgy you fucking retard

Women have had thousands of years to turn the tables and produce a female lead society. They havent done it because they cant. The only reason they're getting any traction these days is by getting guilty men on their side.

This comment exist yet people say sexism doesn't exist today

it;s ok to lash out. I understand


Because they aren't equal. They are weak. We allow them to be what we allow them to be.

That isn't idependence. That's not strong. That's not woman power.

If women aren't powerful enough to get anything done on their own, then why should we give them anything.

We can literally dictate their lives and they can't do shit. They can't do that to men.

We could force them to stay at home and be slaves if we wanted. They should be happy we've allowed them to have any rights.

Hahahahaha OP I agree with you and feel the same way. The irony of the whole situation is, these are the groups that keep speaking out for equality and acceptance of Muslim. In 100-200 years because of these idiots, Muslims will become a large minority or maybe even majority in the US. At which point, the extremists will start to gain power and tolerance and rights for women and gays will be thrown out the window. These idiots are their own downfall.

but you're wrong.
The main reason why women couldn't produce a female lead society is because they're weaker.
If they had even tried to do something like this, the men would revolt and beat them because of that. Women couldn't revolt and do it because they're physically weaker.
The point is, that in this day and age physical strength doesn't really mean shit. We're not talking about women being inferior physically, we're talking about women being inferior mentally, for which you don't really have much concrete evidence.

Feminists are the biggest sexist shit heads you'll ever see

Well, maybe a man could.
The best a impotent little bitch like you could do is beat his fat wife to feel like you have power

>right to be drafted
shit can get pretty funny though

With feminism you got the people with genuine causes that are reasonable. And of course you got the stupid teenagers, tumblr-fags, and fat pigs - The weak people who leach off of the group to push their own insane ideas.
And with the opposing side? It's no different. You got people with genuine causes for being against feminism (although genuine doesn't mean just) and then the weak people like you at the bottom who leach off of those impetuous ideas, to push these even more insane ideas.

Because for a long time power was determined by physical superiority.
That is becoming less and less the case.

So as physical dominance becomes less important ( and no one will argue that women are physically weaker) women are able to grain power and control in the system.

>In 100-200 years
Muslims will be shaming us for allowing them to come to an outrageous racist country and get all the benefits that the black people get.
they will even have an american muslim history month and will be the first religious group that will be recognized as a race

This can't be real.

Ohhh poorrr you you have to deal with the real world and not a extended version of highschool. Waaaaahhhh waaaaaaaaahhh i might have to actually lower my standards or realize im not a 8 so why am i looking fir a 9 waaaaaaaah reality wahhhhhhhhh
Also women with any kind of history are bad wahhhhhhhhh
Im looking for 29 year old virgins who wouldn't think of doing a black guy.

Lol moron congrats on being forever alone

What people?

The historical thing here is that the only thing needed to prove you wrong is the very simple fact that the female and male brain are the same. People deny science though, and if they accept facts like this? Doesn't matter because they can always deny logic.

I've never pushed any kind of agenda or idea on anyone in my life. I dont go out trying to cry bully the world to change to my ideals, unlike most feminists.

True. It's mental illness.

that will happen in the next 4 years with Hillary

You're being quite regressive right now.


I wish the axis had won WWII

There's plenty of shitholes you can go to and express your bad opinions with no resistance at all.

Bitching and moaning about how oppressed you are is pretty unsympathetic, especially when it's obvious nonsense.

>the female and male brain are the same.
Women are far more emotional than men (they cry more often for instance, no one can deny this). This emotion makes them mentally weaker. This is not the same as being less intelligent but it restricts them.