Lets get a beer thread going aye

Lets get a beer thread going aye.
So whats you favorite beer? Interesting to see peoples tastes from around the world
Here in New Zealand I must say I love a good Speights Gold Medal ale

Think I'm gonna like this thread - thirsty already..

Dont often see Mexican beer that isnt Corona

Good call OP. I'm a fan of Speights. NZ's got some pretty decent beers. Either mass produced or craft beers, I'll take either.

Monteiths Radler.

This has been my favourite for a couple of years now. Absolutely delicious.

Radler is one of the few Monteiths I've never tried. i love there Original Ale though

rocking Speights tonight, got 48 Stella's for $40 recently, couldn't pass that up but it's good to be back to some good beer

Woops it's sideways, too many hahah

48 Stella's shit where did you get that deal?



Bottling write offs that 'missed the bin'
Friend of a friend of a friend

True classic

Lucky cunt

I would drink myself into oblivion right now but no money


True that - discovered this in a Mexican restaurant.
Incidentally, if you like making your own chili, this is the beer to add to the recipe. Nice & bold, good flavor.

Disgustingly sweet 'beer' for women. Horrible stuff.

Damn you guys are fucking beer noobs.
I hate the student like cheap beers like OP drink.
Just put a little effort in the shit that gets you drunk mate. It's like listening to MTV expecting you discover your best music.

Started really tasting beer a year or something ago. Had about a 1000 different ones now. Adding a description to my tasting, adding it on Ratebeer and shit. Best beer I ever had was the Mikkeller Black Hole. An Imperial Stout (13%abv) brewed with honey, vanilla and coffee.

Also appreciate it every time I drink a Rochefort 10. They cost like 2.39 euro here in the Netherlands and it legitimately is the #8 beer in the world according to user reviews on said Ratebeer.

Maybe Delirium user is a woman?

Then fair enough, it's still sickeningly sweet though.

found a place that does this draught on tap. pints of this stuff ruin you, but in a good way.

Amerifag here, not much of a beer drinker, but I do enjoy Fat Tire or Yuengling


My nigger, Leffe is also one of my favourites, as is Belgian beer in general. Have you tried Gulden Draak?

It is the archetypal Belgian beer, rich and heavy yet the top notes are light and toasted and dance on your tongue.
I have not to my knowledge. whats it like?

I know, classy taste.

Favorite beer from Germany I got to try when I was over there.

>'stella' isn't good
>$40 isnt cheap
>I buy 20 pints of Hansa for €7,80

>I'm a beer snob
