I say we kill off 99% of the current worldwide live stock so that only the wealthy can afford eating meat and as a...

I say we kill off 99% of the current worldwide live stock so that only the wealthy can afford eating meat and as a result influence a black market trade. If all goes well many gang organizations will compete in smuggling this rare commodity which should result in wars and death of innocent people. This will create a stigma on anyone who purchases meat and other meat related products and hopefully sway people's opinions on veganism as a whole to a more positive light. This can usher in a new generation of vegans for generations to come and at the same time kill off evil franchises that can't adapt to our lifestyle.

On the plus side a lot of people from poorer countries will eventually die out since their food sources will be even more limited. The more adaptable ones will eventually start growing fresh leafy greens in abundance which will further help our cause.

So in summary this plan will kill off the unneeded people of our society that can't survive without animal products and free our society from their corrupted practices and beliefs. This will also save a lot of land since we can use just a small fraction of the land that was previously used for livestock to plant more leafy greens. Living off a plant-based diet is more sustainable on our environment by the way since we will no longer have to use up extra land for livestock and their food sources among other things.

My alternate plan involves outlawing the domestication of animals for livestock and only legalize the consumption for meat grown in labs. This might cost a fortune but it will help benefit those who are addicted to that filth and hopefully cause the same reaction as I stated in paragraph 1.

In my opinion we can't bring a big change like this to our current society without taking the extreme route. Veganism is just a stepping stone at the moment. It is only a matter of time until someone with the right attitude implements a plan similar to this.

Too much noodles for one fork. This bitch is dumb

Human meat probably taste just as good tbh.

>If all goes well many gang organizations will compete in smuggling this rare commodity which should result in wars and death of innocent people. This will create a stigma on anyone who purchases meat and other meat related products and hopefully sway people's opinions on veganism as a whole to a more positive light.

Look up prohibition faggot, it did squat to people drinking and underground bars. No stigma, no one felt bad when they consumed that sweet sweet moonshine.

Consider suicide to feed precious plants and other animals.

this is the stupidest shit i have ever seen!!!! you are pissing me off. i will find where you live and kill you. why are you eating so much noodles at one time?! thats how you get fat.

Nah, if she attempted to eat all of those noodles in one bite I would marry her instantly against her will

>I say we kill off 99% of the current worldwide live stock

I think you're a retard

sage this faggot shit

but no one is going to is make their own meat like moonshine was made during prohibition. unless they start selling black market human meat.

"human meat" is called long pork

i bet she can eat that many dicks at one

I want to see that.

cool story

it should 100% (not op)

What about all the people who have jobs in the meat industry? Do you want them to die too?

Yeah this would work and all if vegetables weren't for fags

and what about the vegan youtubers? what would they make their videos about?

meat is for winnners

Nobody would give a flying fuck if a 12oz streak took the lives of 30 people to get to their plate. Grow up and learn that people will do things others don't like, that does take some intelligence and actually adult like behavior.


is that zucchini pasta?


i hate all vegans. especially fags like you. nigga you are the shithole of society. suk a dik and eat some meat biatch


OP follow her example.

vegan fag

kill all the livestock?
cause they were born to die anyways right?
poor animals, and you are no better

I say we kill you instead.

We're already killing all the life stock for consumption at a rate that's faster than what you could achieve shithead.

Yes they support an evil practice.

yeah, tastes good, like bacon


yeah op go take a hike

Once all the livestock die out it will take many generations to domesticate a new breed of animal. It will be a futile plan to try to bring them back.

>So in summary this plan will kill off the unneeded people

You first OP

It's because the cows are fed shit grains they wouldn't eat in nature.

Grass fed cows produce WAY less methane than a farty ass grain cow. There was even one retard that was feeding his cows snickers bars when grain prices hiked.

Grass grows for free retard. Stop trying to fit a cow per square meter, let them roam and graze. There needs to be regulations for this shit.


I'm pretty sure we're not

as everyone else talking about genocide

long bacon

lets just genocide the vegans, then we don't have to kill all of the livestock

You kind of remind me of the kind of crazies who kill their family first when they want to an hero to somehow spare them the pain.

You're a delusional fuck. Be a normie, kill your family while they sleep and hang yourself in the garage.

Best plan

>lets just genocide the vegans, then we don't have to kill all of the livestock
what kind of a retard are you?

the rate that cows are eating the grass is not sustainable for the environment. There are currently 1.5 billion cows and rule of thumb says 11 cows per 20 acres. So like 2.7 billion acres of land is taken up by fucking cows a lone.

the kind that likes to troll on the innanet

>the rate that cows are eating the grass is not sustainable for the environment
you dont make any sense.
if they eat and shit the circle of life circles on.
if they dont graze they still have to eat and that food has to be grown on your precious acres.

Yeah sure and bring even more stigma towards omnivores. good plan retard

u vegons r gay af go eat a omlette with extra cheese and dicks you oly put hot girl to clickbate us

people are so rude nowdays

there s only so much land that is suitable for cows. to take up that much space would be


go on

tf does this have to do with the fact that there can't be "prohibition effect" if there is no meat in the world to sell

The time it takes for the grass to grow is a major hindrance. Plus land can be affected by overgrazing which can make the land unsuitable for plant life.

In a place filled with dumb fucks, you sir are a standout.


>time it takes for the grass to grow
>land can be affected by overgrazing
bullshit. grass grows fast and grazing doesnt affect shit. if cows dont graze then you still have to grow fuckitnevermindsomepeoplejust

troll attempt success. bet you ain't even vegan

"overgrazing " dumbass


It has already affected certain areas of our globe and can take decades to heal.


>hey guys im vegan
>lets kill all the animals
>did i mention im vegan?

saged you silly faggot