Tfw she dies this sunday

tfw she dies this sunday

>implying her husband Rapey McTortureson won't fuck the corpse
>inb4 necrophiliac titties

How do you know?


I got the sarcasm there

Where can I see the leaks?

>implying Rapey McTortureson is alive
Catch up, you fool

Good. Fuck her and her fat ham hands

Tfw you don't watch this retarded series


He'd better. House Bolton has gone to the dogs recently.

Did you just proudly post a .gif of a faggot, faggot?

>implying being dead removes a character from that horribly written pile of shit



Yeah, no way. The episode will focus on Cersei/Dany.

But I wanna see her tits.

>implying littlefinger doesnt kill Jon

top kek mate

do you even song of ice and fire?

kill yourself

fucking everyone dies, why anyone still watches it is beyond me

I didn't find it on le ebin tumblr you dip,

>browses faggots on tumblr
>saves file with tumblr in file name
>this much denial

Agreed. Whatta fag

I can't change the file name on mobile, yu rutahrd.

are you saying that the dead army is going to just steamroll over winterfell?


Not Samefag.
But still respect my trips


I think she is going to turns in
A great villain
I got that feeling it seems like
She going to betray to the bastard

>implying anyone can be resurrected instead of very heavily foreshadowed main characters