/reddit/ likes are catching up

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And /sci/ will answer. This is pretty ridiculous.


thanks /sci/

will no one else answer?


And Sup Forums shall answer.

BUMP from Sup Forums

Keep up the good work anons


>implying we have friends or families.

kill yourself sage

Aid shall come!

thought police are going to be a real thing one day

bump bump

When identity is questioned, talk about Gender Dysphoria to your prescribing doctor to fix your mental condition.

literally what is wrong with being genderqueer?

Not for me. I won't allow myself to live in a world controlled by tumblr.

not being able to shut up about it is a start. I can give you a list. A long one.

and Sup Forums shall answer friend.

i hope not either but these things already happen in the UK


Aid has been rendered also bump

Working class construction worker here.

Come at me. Insulting people is a part of my everyday life.

>implying the people who would start it would survive long enough

Tell us user.

There are only TWO genders, you fucking moron. MALE and FEMALE. There is NO SUCH THING as any other gender... so fucking deal with it.

top kek
trips for the truth

You're right, but it only really matters depending on where you're from.

This is me. It wouldn't make a difference to me.

does anyone have the lighting of the beacons webm?

Op agrees with you

Why should i come at you exactly ? It's really late in the night or very early in the morning. Can't understand everything.


I'm talking about the thought policing. If someone wants to knock on my door and ask me to explain my comments I'm more than happy to do it.

0 impact on my life.


I, as well as my family would laugh at them... I really could care less about gay people but these fucking retards that believe they're a different gender (and the few who legitimately have body dysmorphia and need medication, opposed to the majority of them who are just being hip) are really getting on my fucking nerves... I mean jesus, one was an elementary teacher who sued and won 60k because someone wouldn't call her by the pronoun she wanted... You can say and do whatever the fuck you want, but you can't expect me to agree or change my word choice because i might offend you


how high are you?

Not him, but beyond the very rare mutation (ex:hermaphroditism) biologically he is correct


and Sup Forums shall answer, friend.

i dont care if youre gay or straight but when you say youre asexual thats when i call you a fucking retard

that's a good point. i wonder what the hermaphrodites think of the transgenders. they were actually born with male and female genitalia

I really doubt police departments would start enforcing their officers to confront people about their online comments. It's too time consuming, not to mention it'd be a ridiculous idea.

Already on it!


indeed we shall

I am in full support of transgender, but that shit made me rage

Usually in modern times, the doctors will run tests and see which part is more attune to the body and remove the lesser sexual organ, the kids grow up normal

i read the song and sang it in my head

Why do you support mental disorder?


we're not so much against the homos but against the transgender propaganda.

cause it is easy than destroying it. There is always going to be a hippie. This decade is about idiots who want to fuck things.


How did we get to this point

Post this on every social media you can.

For the sake of saving the internet.

Sure but the reason hippies of old grew out of their childish ideologies is because no one held their hands, if we keep telling these people that it's ok to believe x=y (no pun intended) when very clearly according to science x is x and y is y, they will never grow up... You are part of the problem

the jews man...the jews

We won't just dislike the vid.
We will bring down that tranny-loving site.

its like you don't believe we already doomed.

The goal was 100k newfag. We won, the raid was a success. Prolly gon be on the news and shit. Faggots are sad about Orlando, Faggots are mad about today, we are winning this battle. They are settling a bet that cannot be won. Go to sleep kid

I have met some people that I believe to be asexual, but, to be fair, I'm pretty sure they were all retarded.

I don't, i think a few years of just saying shut the fuck up to these idiots and or a draft war would straighten this generation out

what are you talking about?

the real raid started at 100k dislikes

None of them would go about saying they're asexual though... They just don't like anyone

Impossible and you know it.

Can't DDOS a site built for so much traffic. The bandwith-per-user is already higher than many sites, not to mention that they've likely planned for raids like that.

All power to the the engines

Started at 60k, bud. Been here all night.

yea, more likely riots are going to kill them. Even burgerstan can't start a war anymore.

i fucking hate how they put that logo up for everyone who uses the site to see talk about forcing opinions on others

i'm sure they can handle reddit without help

trips don't lie. this is our future Sup Forums

I hope you're trolling, it started like at 60/63k


The left can riot all they want, it won't happen in my small community, let them destroy themselves over what to call each other

tfw Sup Forums had joined together for a good cause :')

Thank you, Sup Forums.
you've restored my faith in humanity. Again.

A Muslim walks into a gay bar.
The bartender asks, "What will you have?"
He responds...

"Free shots for everybody!" ~ who tf was this lmao

I don't get it. They're fags. And they're proud. Do they need to have a circlejerk fag fest because of that?


First off, that fucking word. What a bullshit made up piece of horse dick. "Genderqueer"? Really?

Second, according to google, all that basically means is that you either don't "identify" as any one specific gender. Which is RETARDED.

I can't identify as a dog. I can't identify as 8 years old. I can't identify as a choo choo train. I can't identify as 10 feet tall. I can't identify as any of that shit because A. I have no idea what it really even means to be any of those things, and B. IT'S NOT FUCKING REALITY.

But fuck me for pointing out the goddam obvious, right? Nononononononono! Here, let's all be forced to play in this charade! I'm sure the staggering suicide rate and the fact these behaviors can be alleviated through therapy and medication have NO BASIS in fact. Let's just all pretend for a fraction of a fraction of a percent, and if you don't like it, YOU'RE the problem.

Fucking retards. Everyone is fucking retarded.

well in any case the ball is rolling now

What a time to be alive!!!!!

kek, it already exists, just doesn't have a name

its mental illness


We need an user March... November 5th flash mob Starbucks all over the country with v masks and kill fag shirts

"i hope i live long enough to see 4chans next triumph" ~ brotherhood of steel

I can't believe that so many people are saying things like "mental disorder", "inhuman", "pedophilia violence bestiallity is same as gay or transgender".

Who are you to decide who are the others ? Who are you ?

For those who are #ProudToBe, I'm just very respectful because I think you have a lot of strenght and bravery !

For those who claim that gods is against it, well then, why would he had create them ? Because in your perfect closed vision of the world, we are all products of gods so why ? Why would he had create people to hate ? He must be a peace herald so why do you hate people in name of gods

For those who are god-fearing or just believer and who don't say anything to people who are different, I will just say thank you because that shows there is still hope in humanity somewhere.

I would like to be different, to be something else than just a straight student girl, all is "normal". Even if, I get bullied and why ? Because people always find something that make us different. How can you care about who someone loves ? If he likes a man or she likes a girl or he wants to be she or she wants to be he, what is your problem ? Noone is coming to you saying you should become gay because being straight is against what I believe.

Just let everyone live the life they want. Why would you care about someone you don't know ?

it's called the ministry of justice in the UK


I mean, it's cool to continue, but we won, we marked this day as the day Sup Forums united and beat the tumblrqueers. They will remember. It reminded me of the old days, so it's a success for me.

gays are molested into existence. there's no such thing as being born gay

Im from /x/
I sniff out shills
Shill be gone
2/10 for making me reply

Seriously, whree is the kike user to start the teespring for a Sup Forums shirt. We can do real life raid


How difficult would it be to get a system in which a HOIC essentially causes multiple LOICs to target the same site?

You're right that YouTube would basically be able to handle most DDOSs, but what about a really targeted effort where hundreds of computers are involved?


bump bump bump

If you could care less, you care. I'm sure what you meant was that you COULDN'T care less?

Learn to fucking english, you ignorant, deliberately subhuman and non-sentient, piece of niggerfaggot kike shit.
