Not even a week after we break up

Not even a week after we break up.
Hasn't been a week since you've sent me nudes.
Not even a week after she said she loves me.
Pussy/ tit pics less than a week ago.
And she asks her ex to go as her date to a wedding?
Lying bitch never cared about me

Lying bitch

I can't believe I was dumb enough to believe her billshit

what is wrong with her puss? =3

find someone with a better one haha

I like long lips...
So it worked well

At least you managed to mess that ugly pussy up.... dammm ugly

whatever works for you, Sup Forumsrah!!

sorry to say it, but she was talking to him for longer than a week. In fact, he prolly was at least a catalyst in the degradation of your relationship.

that's just how girls are. You wouldn't get mad at a fish for swimming either

You think it's ugly?

But I am mad at her dude,
Just don't get why she played me

give us some more context

not the other guy, but you need to look at the positives:

She obviously is a shitty person to do that

She'll get what's coming to her obviously. They broke up for a reason before and it'll happen again.

She has an ugly pussy/butthole

Now you can only go up from here because you can find a chick that's at least attractive and will actually give a damn about you.


My girl broke up with me saying she just needed to be on her own right now. I ended up finding out that she had started getting involved with this guy, a mutual friend of ours, weeks before she actually broke up with me, behind my back.
Girls are selfish fucking assholes.

You want revenge op? Give us all her info and we'll ruin her.

All women do that shit.
Left my gf to go on a business trip for 3 fucking days and she left me for a cuck (they've already gone to court for domestic violence and now she's crying back to me)
Don't play by her rules, make her play by your rules.

I saw you yesterday

I forgot to add that immediately after we broke up, literally the same day, they started dating.

But yeah, bright side is that I don't want to be with a cunt like that anyway. She's changed a lot the past year, and even though the first two years of our relationship was fucking wonderful, she isn't the same person I loved, that person is dead, so after mourning that lost I got the fuck over it and have moved on and am happier than I've been in a long ass time.

What the fuck is that

Get high and party fuck women and turn gay

I just don't get how girls can do this,
It's fucked up.
There's no reason for it

Nah they just swing from branch to branch. Prolly crafted by evolution to make sure they never without a provider in case they have a child, and for their personal safety being physically weaker

People sent her the nudes lol

why is it so square

Also im happy for you op. No sad sack shit for once

Think it's just the angle,
Or maybe her shit personality

they almost always do it this way bro. There's no morality involved, it's just the way their brains work. I'd say take some off time to learn to enjoy yourself again. Fucking something new will help with that heartache, but remain single

She'll do the same to him, just don't get messed up in her mess anymore. NEXT

that's what you get for gfing a bitch who sends nudes in advance

stop being beta and look for the next girl

you are a virgin and have no idea how shit works

does your dick get shorter because you ram it into a vagina? no.

It's called labia. Some people like vaginas, just as much as you probably hope a chick likes your dick. Grow up booboo

Just same shit different pussy huh?
Even then, why play with me,
Why act?
Why pretend that she loved me

What happened to her asshole?

Seriously looks like a tiny octopus coming out of that butt hole. How are you even upset about this?

Cthulhu asshole

OP, your girl has a juicy ass but nasty puss and weird nips and butthole

You can do better

it's not that she didn't love you, it's that she loved you in another way than you loved her. Her love was way more conditional. Did something happen recently that made you lose value in her eyes? Losing a parent, losing a job, failing studies, ...

Holy shit, that is a roastie if I've ever seen one.

I think it's her bastard child that she adopted out like 9 years ago

The fuck man

It wasn't pretending, wasn't an act. It was just a person to whom love is not an eternal thing... she did love you, until the moment she didn't.

She's a bum,
Lives off disability and has no life.

That makde me laugh. But seriously tell me. Is it natural or a result of something?

Pretty decent tits, though.

Please show her face from a facebook photo.

in that case the leech just found another host, for now

what is genetic variation within a population

Love is more than that,
Atleast to me it is,
It's more than a word, or a short times thing.

A moment wouldn't make love go away

you're actually upset about losing this?
god did you a favor

What happened to her?

What is answering a question without being patronising.

Find that kid and fuck it
Revenge accomplished


I make very good money,
So no reason for that.
Her disability was just her spending money.
I paid for everything


no, you're thinking of unconditional love. That's the kind of love a mother has for her child, or a dog for his owner

get a dog. it will get you pussy too

you got played brah. Never give a woman money or let her move in.



Fuck that bitch. Keep makin money, maybe hit the gym, try new styles and shit, and do you. The right chick will come, dont rush it.

That's what I thought this was.
I have a dog also, a beagle..

And I have been thinking.
Her dad beat her, baby daddy left her. She gave her baby away. (This is a short version of it all)
But is that why she doesn't show emotions, is that why she's so heartless,
All the things you're supposed to love and cherish have fucked her over,
So she fucks all in her path?


>those disgusting nips
>those foul lips

iim not gay but i would literally throw up on her if i saw that. thats fucking gross.

now you learned your lesson faggot. don't ever trust women. they're as bad as guys or even worse.

got any feet shots?

nah, they're just always on the lookout for something better, and they'll jump ship if they feel it's worth the hassle

This is why I come to Sup Forums

wow she was bat shit. Dodged a bullet OP, you should go celebrate. also great you have a dog

these are lost causes you can't help them user. they can only help themselves. If they don't want to then let that bitch go.

It's a hemorrhoid

Men are trained from birth to fight their feelings.
Men "hulk smash"
It's in our dna.
But women aren't, they are snakes.
Taught to do as they please,
That what they do doesn't matter.
It's grossly disgusting

well be glad you're a man, and not some woman-child

okay OP you can stop posting now we get it. not even the fattest autist on this site would hit that

Is that why she's so inhumane

I likes the meaty floppy pussy lips! They goes flappity bapptity flappity bapptity all over the places!

his. top giving women chances. any ounce of disrespect, unloyalty, or whatever the shit. cut that shit off from the beginning. my gf hates when I do it but she'll calm down and thank me bc she knows she was ring to our my buttons. emotions make girls do crazy shit. control her or she'll walk all over tou.


yes, just forget about the girl. It's like a drug addict, they can't really change how they are unless they really want to themselves in their own heart. She'll probably be like this with everyone with she meets. Idk why someone would stress out about a human being like this girl. there are good girls believe me. find one and forget about this skank.

She got a butthole octopus! Fucking never before seen...

wrf happened to her butthole bro. that cap looks sealed up.

What about her face user?


that pussy is disgusting ... and that asshole ... she needs to see a doctor or something. i've fucked a ton of chicks and i've viewed a billion photos online ... never seen an asshole like that. ewww.

Can't unhear......

you can do better

did she duck the entire nation of Russia or some shit? there's long lips and then there's a loose pissy. lol dump her op

We did fine. You posted your bullshit judgement without any contribution or example of "better." So go fuck yourself until you have value.


That puss puss and booty hole needs surgery

you're free of her OP. you win here.

here's a pic of another naked bitch. You'll have other naked bitches so take it easy



So, the pussy itself could still be tight, even if the labia major resembles curtains flowing in the breeze of an open window. It might actually feel great, having your dick in a tight vagina with a lot of accessory skin just cushioning your thrusts. I'd give it a shot.

Duck pissy