Be me

>be me
>be poorfag
>watch a shit-ton of vids on dark souls 2
>have desperate need to play Dark souls 2
>is 40$
>remember am poorfag.
>pc is shit so cant get on steam
>only have ps4 i got for Christmas
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Shame you can't play it tho, it's really really good man Holy shit


Have you played Bloodborne?

ive played all but ds2 that includes demon's souls i kept from playing it because i hear it was shit but now ive seen some gameplay and it looks fun

It was on sale like a week ago top kek

Will you green text the story after you realize it's not as good as DS1, DS3, and Bloodborne?

It was on sale like 2 weeks ago and will be again here soon. Just wait for summer sale it'll be 10 bucks

i know its not as good

I got ds2 for $20 brand new at GameStop and it was recently on sale for $10 or $15

do you not know what thepiratebay is?

i know but the closest game store is like an hour away because Canada

Op about a month ago I got DS2 sofs used for $20, stop being a pleb

you cant pirate for Ps4

nigger just wait for a sale that's how i got it

i was going to get scholor

I got DS2 the day it came out, but I play DS 1 way more than 2, although the second one does run better, story wise it doesn't hold up as well and it just piggybacks off of the first game. Still worth buying. Get a job bum

Buy it on console it's 10 bucks at gaystop

DS2 its bullshit, play DS 1, fucking master piece

Sell your ps4.

closest one is in the next town and they probobly wont have it

>sell ps4
>sell ps4 games
>get average pc for cheap
>life quality dramatically improves

dumb console nigger

apparently im blind and retarded, sorry

this. unless you already have dks1 and just want to try out dks2 there's literally no reason to skip over. dks1 is by far the best of the series.

Get a fucking job you degenerate


Ive played all the other souls games

Prefer the second one to the first and third as well. Really a great game, easily in my top ten

but you cant play bloodborne on pc m8

For ps4 just save up and buy ds3 I have ds2 plus all the dlc the game is shit the only good thing about it is its populated with people.

you fucking peasant you can easily get a $300 PC that runs all modern games on low settings. don't give me that shit.

read my fucking posts
"Ive played all the other souls games"

then fucking play it before playing dks2, then sell it and buy a fucking pc.

theres nothing on pc i really need i have tf2 and csgo thats it

1 isn't that far ahead of 3. Bloodborne is better than both(even though I realize you were only talking about dks series)

its called a collection

Ye it's worth it

>Sell ps4 and games
>Throw in another couple hundred bucks
>Get a pc that runs game exactly like the Playstation because you didn't sell a kidney to buy a top of the line pc
>Master race

im sure it is. that's why im posting this bread

No thanks, I don't pirate games like you goobers.


>Just turn the settings on low

Maybe it's time to grow up and get a job.

that defeats the perpose of getting scholor for Ps4
im not getting a new pc this one is fine

You have a lot of options.
1) Gameshare. Find some retard that's willing to GameShare DS2 in exchange for some shit gayme you have.



4)Not be a faggot. Believe it or not, this works all the time.

5)Kill yourself. Believe it or not, this is like playing Dark Souls 4 VR Edition.

I'm making fun of faggots telling you to buy a pc you fucking moron.

Modern PC games are indies and MOBAS

>dark souls
>indie game

I'm down nigger. I'll play that

just get ds 1 or 3 man

who cares. skip 2. i did.

If you are that desperate, get a free month of Gamefly and play it. Or mow a couple lawns, or sell some plasma, or sell your ass, or suck a dick.

You're begging like those pieces of shit in the streets of america.

Go die in filth or buy your own god damn video game you poverty stricken fuck.

>trying to beg on Sup Forums after getting nowhere on Sup Forums

If you want the $ you know the rules: Sharpie in pooper with timestamp.

This game sucks. It's basically the Disney version of Dark Souls.