Guys what are thoughts on Cartoon Network today? I think this channel is dead, powerpuff girls reboot sucks shit...

Guys what are thoughts on Cartoon Network today? I think this channel is dead, powerpuff girls reboot sucks shit. I just want to know

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RIP Cartoon Network

They have a handful of entertaining stoner cartoons but the hey day of all the golden age Cartoon Cartoons is over

Adult Swim is good at least.

I've completely stopped going on the channel because everytime I do it's always fucking Teen Titans Go or Uncle Grandpa that's on. Pissed off Courage the Cowardly Dog never got that reboot

We Bare Bears, AdventureTime, and Stephen Universe are the only shows hat actually have artistic value to them.

gumball and regular show are good too


good shows:
regular show
seasons 1-3 adventure time

all else

>stephen universe
i hate that show just because tumblr loves marketing it as a trans gay queer whatever the fuck


Gumball yes, Regular show feels like it too has devolved to the standard of loud and obnoxious that Teen Titans Go! and Uncle Grandpa helped establish.

we bare bears has some potential

why do you care so much about tumblr, do they trigger you or something?

ofc every time i want to feel triggered i look up sjw cringe

There's actual depth to the storyline, if you ignore all of the bullshit that tumblr does (and being tumblr, there's plenty of bullshit) The characters are complex, there's intrigue and mystery that Cartoon Network shows would normally never dare to explore.

I mean if you take your tin foil hat off you can enjoy the show for what it is.

Regular show is the best show on there Clarence isnt too bad but they keep playing the same ones

I miss chicken robot

Regular Show was funny when it was original, and when the nods to other outside sources weren't outright rip-offs. Now, it feels like the writers have reached a state of laziness, where they rewrite some of the same plot lines, with slightly more yelling and obnoxious activity.


furthermore, why are you even visiting tumblr? I only hear that SU is loved by tumblefags by word of mouth, I don't actually go among them to see firsthand.

Steven Universe has helped me with my phobia of sincere expression.

Not a bad show, just a bad fanbase

Grow the fuck up guys.

It's pretty bad nowadays but nowhere near as bad as Nickelodeon

Picrelated is the only good thing they've produced in years, and even that has gone downhill

Forgot pic

the loud house is pretty good imo

Pretty much the only reason I visit Cn anymore is Steven universe. Regular show was good but its clear the writers have given up, titans is shit, dont even mention Grandpa,Dont care for Clarence, Adventure time became a cluster fuck and I stopped following it 2 years ago. And to top it off , all the really good shows that had awesome potential got cancelled before they could go anywhere. Not gonna lie tho, We bare bears is actually pretty neat, thought it was shit but I finally gave it a chance a few weeks ago and Ive been following it since.

what for?

Man, it's really summer in here.

Titans is actually pretty fucking good, you tards just have no taste in toons.

They had this robot show on CN maybe 10 years ago, or longer even. It was this robot who went to HS, but I think everyone else were humans.

That was a pretty good show. But what do I know. I'm mad baked right now.


>Summerfag trying not to be a summerfag

robot jones?


My life as a teenage robot was a nicktoons show if I remember and yeah was a pretty good show

I know what your talking about, It was called whatever happened to Robot Jones.
My young autie self related to the akward robot, not too mention I thought the art style was pretty cool

Rick and Morty is the only show worth watching on that channel
They ruined teen Titans for me aswell, I tuned in the other day like "oh shit teen Titans??? This is gonna be lit" and I was supremely disappointed.

"Man, how about those summerfags, huh guys? Sure is summer up in here, no problem fitting in with all. No problem at all. God those summerfags are so summerfaggy."

Whatever happened to Robot Jones?

Better than CuntNation

Anybody remember Time Squad?


Fucking hate that animation style.

not a fan myself

harvey beaks is alright aswell

While it's more adult swim than Cartoon Network, Rick and Morty is definitely a superior animated show experience,

Name an old show from your childhood.

Ren and Stimpy

I'm afraid of liking new things because they end up getting canceled.


It's the best thing on TV IMO

Well to be fair Brave and the bold had a pretty good run, kinda shitty they dont do reruns tho,

I didn't give it the fair chance it deserved until near the end of it's run. Fell in love with it and within a month found out it was finished.

Kind of my fault for not trying it sooner, but I was at a point where I didn't care what CN did anymore. I decided to give BatB a chance after seeing a clip of Batman eating nachos.


Heard they're doing a Samurai Jack reboot. If they don't fuck it up they could make a slight comeback,maybe

ill watch steven universe, adventure time, or clarence when its on. rest i dont care for. im glad we have toonami and adult swim though. honestly wouldnt even bother with television if it wasnt for those.

Yes, what in the fuck happened to teen titans, that show was fucking awesome and now they've changed it into some emoji sketch bull shit.

dude, its gonna be tits

They got the Uncle Grandpa treatment. Made into a lame excuse for a television show, where the only feature is obnoxious and noisy bullshit with zero plot that anyone would want to give half a shit about.

Not a reboot. They never finished the series, ended abruptly at season 4. They're making season 5 to end it (or hopefully continue it) meaning they can't utterly destroy it like they way they did Teen Titans. It has potential so far

hopefully, but its on adult swim now so they have creative freedom now. I just hope they don't try too hard to be edgy and gritty for the sake of being gritty. They also said they are using modern animation techniques now, but theyll try there best to emulate the look and effect the original style had. Hopefully it works out.

I haven't had a working TV with channels for over 15 years but the powerpuff grils always sucked dick anyways. except that one episode about the beatles where they made yoko ono out to be the screaming monkey bitch that she is.

I always dug courage the cowardly dog and ed, edd, n eddy tho... not sure if those are still around?

I remember waking early one summer in the early 2000's to watch cartoon network.. i noticed they changed the logo, i thought it was a bit odd.
Little did i know, it was all downhill from there..

Side note MTV recently started doing re runs of nickelodeon shows like ren & stimpy and hey Arnold



well its gotten better imo.
There used to be so much edgy shit trying to ride the shock value train it was fucking riddiculous.

Animation doesn't seem to be a problem.

I really liked it but forgot the name, thanks user!

cartoon network is absolute dogshit now. they canceled almost every single adult swim show and their toonami consists of dated as fuck animes from like 5+ seasons ago. plus the nonstop repeats/reruns are just batshit crazy. literally every single time i put the network on to give it a chance, its just king of the hill or robot chicken, or a repeat of some other show that noone wants to watch. they dont have any worthwhile shows during day hours either. adventure time is fucking retarded (sry if its an unpopular opinion, but i can only watch so much of that show before my brain starts leaking out my ass). regular show is cancer. and every time i put on teen titans, its about beast boy lusting after some blonde chick (every single time).

CN used to be so fucking awesome. i feel like, their adult swim department were on a fuck ton of drugs just approving any show that came through and finally CN stepped in and cut off all their funding.

the only watchable show left on the network is rick and morty. that show is awesome and probably the only thing keeping that network afloat aside from all the adventure time merchandising

>having cable

I'm old enough to remember the golden years.

Young bright inventive cartoon producers would bring what they had to the table,

Like does anybody remember What A Cartoon?

Where all out favorite got their first episode run.

Johny Bravo and the purple gorilla

Powerpuff girls and Fuzzy Lumpkin's meat ray gun

Courage and the blue eyed neck brecking chicken from space

Dexter's Lab premiered with the episode where him and DeeDee fight over the machine that turned them into animals

ah those were the days, when the cartoons had plots and some adult themes and comedy that we wouldn't get until we grew up a bit.

I remember after midnight they would play those old school Looney Tunes, that was my favorites.

And then when Xmas time came around they had ALL the best Christmas specials.

I remember them fondly.

Now cartoon network adheres to literal fucking autistic retards.

How the mighty have fallen.

regular show, and adventure time seem to be geared towards adults. i fucking love those shows,
the new teen titans is pretty funny tho

i hate how cartoon network is now putting internet memes to the shows

i still really really enjoy adventure time and the amazing world of gumball. both of the shows take issues that are really important to me like existentialism and whatnot and turn it into something fun and easily understandable. these shows kind of make life less scary to me.

powerpuff girls reboot doesnt suck. its just meant for a newer generation like most other things on televison / radio.

Lemme tell you something, if i could get even a hint of old cartoon network, i'd be happy. Maybe I'm that typical fag blarring out "old was better," but I want to see the Galactic Kids Next Door become a real thing, and it not be what happened to Teen Titans. That being said, It'd probably be if Ed Edd n Eddy got a continuation of some kind...but wouldn't wanna beat a dead horse. I'm not going to shit on the current shows, but if they could just give us some of that early 2000's magic again. If Code Lyoko didn't get a weird live action sequel and did a badass, more edgy cartoon sequel and put it on cartoon Network, i \'d think it'd do very well, along with that Galactic KND thing, and maybe some new shows that similar to older CN.

>do not mention cn real

seriously, i hope youre CN just trying to farm information. that being said. all i want is Toonami being back on everyday in the afternoon. like sailormoon, thundercats, DBZ, Gundam wing. that shit was the best.

cartoon network and nick both only make A.D.D. shows that are basically just random images moving really fast and making loud noises with no actual anything going on. i think theyre CAUSING kids to develop a.d.d. from watching their shows. it hurts my brain trying to watch some of the shit they got on there now

i think the only reason adventure time is even still on is because of the artwork. people like the art even though the show is complete nonsense about nothing

That was on Nickelodeon and it was called My Life as a Teenage Robot I think

award winner

i cannot second this hard enough. back when moltar ran toonami. Best days.

Does anybody know where I can fucking watch The Brack Show?

That shit was so funny.

Cartoon Network is shitty cartoons and Nickelodeon is shitty tween sitcoms with overused laughter

Clarence and Stephen Universe are the best imo. SU keeps getting better and Clarence is often a surprisingly sophisticated show with deep characterizations and doesn't usually pander to its audience. Adventure Time is hit or miss these days, some great episodes some crap. Was my favorite. Gumball is stylistically my favorite cartoon. Simple but highly finessed and inventive animation, good comedic timing and ballsy humor ("how do we know the turtle's a girl just because its pregnant?") and usually awesome action sequences. Its devoid of real substance but has so much content and such a large cast that it hasn't gotten old yet. Regular show is sometimes great but usually middling and derivative but I really enjoy it anyways. I've only seen a bit of We Bare Bears and it doesn't really grab me but I like it's soft tone and attention to character. I hate the way Teen Titans Go looks and I find its pace tiring but its got some great jokes and DC references.

itt im glad im not the only adult still watching cartoons

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