Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah.. I wass getting shitted on still, idk WTF they did to ghost but its stupid
HOLY SHIT Black ops 2 works again!

This is the future of gayming :^)

Claimed, now im going to bed.

Iowa claimed

ITT: Post wallpapers of you waifu

yep, doing the same, except also listening to music and reading the comments on the proud video





Muh claims


It's 4:49 PM for you?????????????????????????????


>tfw no waifu


But that shit only happens with console peasants
Watch out this one might be 2 spoopy

what the fuck? does this guy usually post here?

Azusa here.

On steam browser so no pic

>Unbalanced weapons
>Shit UI
>Nonsensical perks
>Hit detection
The list goes on. Ayy, too bad my copy was sold.

>Best idol claimed

Too lewd!

Let's try to keep the dresses at least finger tip length ladies

Oh jeez here we go again with the friend requests
I'm the only fucking maxed prestige player in the match

Sleeping pattern is fucked, also I'm not original Rory but I am still Aussie.
I woke up at 9:00 pm and stayed up the rest of the night and day.
Also same yesterday.

Proud video? Today's been a slow day so I've mostly been bored

That's really spooky.
What? It's just an edit.

Chizuru is here too?

yeah its a video about people being proud to be_____


but the ika...

I-i didnt mean to scare you

I think the Ika pic was just used to not post without one.

You're the only Ika that posts with some frequency.

You're the one who posted that, I remember.

Sengoku claimed


i only post with official images though...

wat. i should kick his ass. I should fucking kick his ass. I should beat the shit outta him!

With pc needing win10 eventually? LOL

You're not missing anything
I just reminded myself why I barely played ghosts at all, barly even prestiged once

Here let me make it better

oh shit waddup!

Lmao jesus christ. I couldn't get through that video. The comments are pretty cuking gold though.
One off

Welcome back. Did you pay your internet provider in orange juice or something?
Mmmm, I don't know.


Tristana claimed

Shhh you dont know that win10 is spyware yet
I didnt need it
Come here

just listening to the Pizza Party Podcast. Missed out on like 2 episodes.
No, but i'm gonna buy some orange scented bodywash to celebrate tonight.
here cums dat boi

Made it to level 23 and I couldn't take it anymore.


I have a shipmate! I request we stop this flirting immediately!


Who is your shipmate

lol exactly. from what kyouko was say, it was planned by Sup Forums to raid it. or something like that. kek

pizza party podcast? i am at a loss here. im not much of a media user. care to explain?

Nigga windows have been spyware since win7

Wouldnt blame you, I'm like peter griffin from that one british episode when he dranked that beer and said even tho its off "its still beer goddamnit"


I'm gonna be off now.

Have a good day everyone, see you all later.

Jen, how are you?
Sleep well Kyouko

Sleep well friend

Goodnight best.

Night Kyou

It's an animation podcast. it's mainly just a bunch of neckbeards talking about whatever comes to mind though. It also has the creator of nockFORCE regularly on it which is how i found it.
i'm feeling great. went for a stroll and came back to a decent internet. how are you?
sleep tight.

Shhhh you dont know that yet
Why do you have to be so cute shiro
Renge sure is lucky

Kek, describes why you keep coming back for more. Only decent aspect was the alien game mode. Kinda repetitive but better than getting spawned killed


goodnight dood!

annnnnddd.... who is nockForce?

It's just natural.

you degenerates all have the worst form of autism.

I feel bad that your parents had to deal with your existence.

Can't wait for tomorrow for my run. Forgot to do it today

>im still gonna make you my shipmate

dubs of truth

it's an old webseries, the voice actors just do one recording an animate whatever they end up saying.
claim a waifu shitlord
you run? nice



Damn if shinoa was here he could make it official


I wish it was zombies reskin alien than a Point A to Point B thing

why does she have fur for eyelashes!?

Yep. Been doing so for quite a while now. Every three days, mountain, 15 min stretch, 5 miles, 10 post exercise strerch. It's fun, do you run?

Claimed mine

You asked this same question like two fucking months ago? You think you're SOOOO fucking FUNNY don't you? Well guess, what, you're not!

Whelp I had my fap, time to shower, do dishes and than the Destiny grind is on

>Needing shinoa's approval
>Same shinoa that ship you with me when I'm technically perma ship with hotaru

nah, i just go a stroll most afternoons. I have some pretty bad asthma that prevents me from running (at least not for anymore than 5 minutes).

but y tho

You will find out its spyware when the next 4 versions of windows come out
If only that was legit
We have to do it the right way

I'm not legit enough for you?
Because you're not funny!

Sledgehammer would of gotten shit for that. Yeah zombies is popular but if sledgehammer did it I don't know.

I need to go to the bathroom guys ill be back

but why does she have fur only on the eyelashes?

Shinoas approval is required
You are
But we need the ceremony to announce it to everyone
Ships dont set sail by themselves



It's not fur! It's just regular eyelashes!
OK. Why should I care for the ship though? After all, I've been with Renge for nearly two months now.

woof woof


Do you not want to be shipped with me

real girl

regular isnt that thick tho

damn right i'm real

well im back from my shit.

Top kekklos

Maybe in another life, you are very nice after all. But I already have Renge.

top kekleon!


I am the waifu bandit
I have to steal, m80 nothing personal
~~~~waifu b&it

You'll be fine, just walk it off.

did it feel good?


Oh shit
He was one off

Stolen by , our lord and savior

like usual. nope

I thought Win10 is the last os they're making?

I havent tried AW's zombies, was a bit hyped but I never bought dlcs for aw

>Off by ONE

Forgot that even had zombies. The game play looked ok.

I'd be fine with stealing Jenny.

7/10 good job
shame, i usually enjoy the feeling of a giant, solid log sliding in and out of my anus