Any anime recommendations?

Any anime recommendations?

>inb4 cory in the house
>inb4 anime sucks

Other urls found in this thread:

Ranma 1/2

My Litte Witch Academia 1 and 2

Gate is fucking top tier

Preferably newer anime
Not sure how old this one is, but it looks very old

Anime sucks. Don't get the appeal. Yall some jap lovers

late 80s, early 90s, Why aren't you into the older anime? Do you like the art better?

GATE or Steins:Gate?
GATE was a little eh. The dragon part was good but then it started going into the harem and that shit is boring. Stopped after that

The art looks a little strange to me. I started watching anime not too long ago(2-3 years) so im more into the newer art style

Konasuba obviously, Gate, Assination classroom, kabanari and the iron fortress, Hundred, asterisk war...

Psycho-Pass (prefer extended edition, season 2 is bad)
Serial Experiments Lain
Ghost in the Shell (1995, both movies)
Samurai X
Sword of the Stranger
Berserk (1997)

now fuck off weeb

Hellsing Ultimate!

Steins; Gate

>gif. is Konosuba

>asterisk war...
Season 1 was so shit i refused to start season 2

Log Horizon
Parasyte: The Maxim
Blue Exorcist
Sword Art Online


GATE. Making my way through it now

>everything except Parasyte
kill yourself normie

Blue exorcist wasn't bad

It's a forced gender swap anime written by a woman. You'll watch it because you're a pervert.

great, lots of action, not to chinky. stronk homosex undertones. 8/10
>samurai champloo
classic if you haven't seen it do it. 9/10.
>hellsing OVAs
vampires and blood and nazis. 10/10
grahpic af sexually and violently. the opening scene will show you that. great story never boring. beautiful animation. 10/10
>code geass
chinky af but the story is great. has the ultimate antihero. 7/10
makes you root for the bad guy. unfortunately theres LOTS of filler but the concept and storyline is original and pretty decent. 7/10
>attack on titan
weird alternate reality against monsters. awesome shit. 8/10
>FMA brotherhood
classic just like champloo. 9/10
>elfen lied
weird violent anime dealing with telekinesis and a damaged nutjob mutant. worth the watch. 7/10
just a short series about the perfect bartender. this is a laid back actionless drama but i liked it. 6/10
>phantom: requiem for a phantom
assassins and shit. wish it wasn't so much about the relationship and how someone can suddenly get trained for a few months and be the ultimate badass but its worth the watch and the ending made me nope the fuck out of the room. 7/10
>cowboy bebop
this is another futuristic classic. everyone raves about it but i thought it was meh. 6/10.

anyone got suggestions for me? looking for the next series to delve into. i keep hearin about steins gate but i thought it was boring.

Seven Deadly Sins
Maybe Sakamoto Desu Ga? But that one's sort of hit or miss. Either you like it, or you don't.

Season 2 of psychopass wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good.

And if by Samurai X you mean the Rurouni Kenshin OVA you'd be right, but if you mean the anime, it doesn't really hold up even though it used to be a favorite of mine.

Who the hell hates Japanese Fonzy? That shit is Cromartie tier.

Noragami is good and has two seasons.
The first season is kinda meh and seems more like an introduction but the beginning of the second season is really good

>high school (lol)
>protagonist has hidden powers he doesn't know how to control, implanted by one of his parents
>typical shounen strength progression begins

Are you telling me to watch re-skinned Naruto for the 1000th time?

oh and also Prison School
that one is a MUST

Your taste is hopeless; you should watch mexican soap operas instead. Hellsing is hot garbage written for lonely fat chicks. If you think Deathnote was anything higher than 3/10 you probably have a page in the Sonic fandom.

True true
But I liked it for some reason. Probably because i watched it when i first started watching anime. Around the time i thought SAO was god-tier. Now i realize its pretty shit

Said it in another thread earlier but
Mawaru Penguindrum
Serial Experiments Lain for your daily dose of pretentious but good shows
Revolutionary Girl Utena if you liked Lain or vice versa
Idolm@ster or Love Live if you're into jpop etc etc
Madoka Magica
And whatever the other people said

there's always salty haters

This isn't MAL


almost forgot
>jin roh
was pretty cool. 6/10
what originally got me into anime. awesome storyline. 8/10

I have literally hated every other anime I have tried to get into. Blood+, trigun, monster, ghost in the shell, fuck so many started and quit at episode 3.


Seriously how is Jojo's Bizarre Aventure NOT FUCKING MENtiONED.
Every other fucking anime here is shit compared to this gem. It has changed how I see anime. This shit will change your fucking life. Seriously give this a chance.

Nice meme, contrarian.
Death Note, before L's death, is still 9/10 at the least.

anime sucks

Anything with tits

looking it up now.

Gate is literally propaganda

gate is boring af couldnt sit through it

House in the Cory

OP here.
What are your thoughts on Oreimo?
I personally liked it because sorta into incest and shit like that.

SAO? Really?
Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill are personal favorites, over the top action and humor. Both made by the same people, if you like one you'll enjoy the other. Gurrwn Lagann has manly drill robot and Kill ka Kill has talking fetish outfit.

king of the hill

Forgot pic of Waifu


Any good porn links Sup Forums?

Did attack on titan even finish? I haven't watched it because I heard it ends on a cliffhanger or some shit.

100% agreed about death note. complete shit tier anime. the premise was 10/10 EXCELLENT. the execution however was 1/10. literally 3 great episodes then just endless filler bullshit bad writing. then halfway in they kill the 2nd lead and it becomes REALLY hopeless at that point. such a steaming pile of shit anime. they should just reboot it with a completely new plot that doesnt suck dick

Sword Art Online Season 1 (2 will give you aids)
Full Metal Alchemist
7 Deadly Sins
No Game No Life
Akame Ga Kill
Fairy Tail
Hunter X Hunter
Psycho Pass
Trigun/Cowboy Beebop/Outlaw star
High school dxd
High school of the dead
Samurai Champloo

Paranoia Agent .. just can't say it enough!

forgot to add Code Geass


>Sword Art Online Season 1 (2 will give you aids)
>The entire anime was aids

>High school dxd
>High school of the dead
This has to be bait


Anything Satoshi Kon


The Monogatari series is worth checking out.

-Very clever writing.
-Beautiful artwork/design.
-Lots of clever "camera" work.
-Great soundtrack
-Episodes for the most part self contained with an overarching storyline.

-95% dialogue

There's also some strong echi elements throughout as well as harem overtones. Personally I didn't care for this but others disagree.

There are a few action sequences which I think are beautiful but like I said, it's about 95% dialogue.
i.e. not very much of this

a lot of this

Donrudo Modo is a pretty good one

no we are all waiting for fucking season 2 which was supposed to come out like last november.

pisses me off. WHATS IN THE BASEMENT?

so do you have an original thought of your own, or do you always just hop on board hatetrains when things get mainstream?


both seasons are amazing. stop what you are doing faggot. watch tower of druaga now.

Heres the plot
>a nobody comes out of nowhere
>suddenly is the only one who can do a certain skill (In this case the only one who can master a skill out of 10,000 people)
>massively OP, saves the world/something big, etc.
>gets all the girls by being a normal character, nothing special about him (harems)

Sound like any anime? Oh right, thousands of them. But SAO is more popular for some reason. gtfo normie

Kill yourself. Every Anime you just listed, besides konosuba, is complete garabage.

If you're new to anime here's some great anime to get you started, must watchs imho:

code geass
fullmetal allchemist brotherhood
psycho pass (only season 1, season 2 is bad)
Berserk (the new movies, new series is starting soon too, yay)

some more of my personal favorites: hunter x hunter, trigun, GATE, Steins;Gate, drrr!, planetes, cowboy beebop, death note, log horizon, hunter x hunter because it's so good.

there are much more I've seen and liked, but to get you started this is a nice pack.