I am drunk and I am pissed off. i am so sick of you forever alone neckbeard losers harassing me and my gf...

i am drunk and I am pissed off. i am so sick of you forever alone neckbeard losers harassing me and my gf. she doesn't deserve this and you need to go fuck yourselves. christy had some POS videotape her and now youidiots post daily to his PA requests and you fall for it everytime. FUCK OFF fuck off fuck off. you have to have something better to do with your lives!!!!!!

gf tits or gtfo

how about you kys

tits or gtfo

so youre mad she doesnt moan like that for you?

Christian, your girlfriend, Christy, is a slut.

exactly she was moaning like a little girl

oh thats the video? i was in the thread the other day but i left because it seemed meh and i dont normally go to exterior links from here. some one link it

seen these a while back. whats her name? christy what? / link?

you know what you people are serious degenerates

yeah no fuck you


> Anonymous 06/22/16(Wed)09:15:05 No.690894705▶
>File: 1460970188884-0.jpg (116 KB, 576x474)
> (OP)
>Christian, your girlfriend, Christy, is a slut.
>exactly she was moaning like a little girl
shes only 4 ft 11, nice curves. musta been good pussy

you know her? how you know she 4'11?

why you obsessed with her>????? please do something else with your lives

where is this tape? i hant seen this shit

soon, drunk user. soon.

no, it said it as like a watermark on one of the pictures posted on here a while ago. it also had her last name which i cant remember, ah well. i'm not "obsessed", i just like short girls, hence why her height stuck in my mind. why not just fight the guy she fucked?

You idiots are falling for it. This thread is chum in thr water. THIS is thr personal army request. You're being manipulated into becoming interested in the vid and info on the girl.

yeah well we are trying to deal with him but thsi place isnt helping

not soon enough

up your ass

because hes probably a 130 pound cuck whod rather yell at people online. some one just post the fucking video already so i can fap to it

exactly what OP said


no i am dealing with it

hur dur I'm inspector faggot look at me I figured out something that makes no sense

I just asked for the video no need to be hostel i dont even know what this is all about.

she's fat and ugly

id smash it, some one just post the FUCKING VIDEO

spic Lena Dunham


Inspector faggot

Gonna write a gay porn with this title.


Welcome to the internet you fucking cuck, dont like it? Too bad, she shoulda thought of that before letting someone videotape her slutty ass. Should probably think about her answer next time another guy props her over an ikea table and fucks her senseless while asking to get it on camera, its in the internets realm and all is fair game. Faggot.

Kek you angry faggot

Spics are hot