Why are Australians so fucking stupid

Why are Australians so fucking stupid.
seriously, every single Australian i talk to is almost always in an near drunkard state.
Go fuck a kowarla you dim whits.
pic related, its a kowarla.

Go fuck a Kowarla. Kek

i live here was born here and i am actually highly educated but, australians are dumb as fucking rocks, what do you expect from a country with an average I.Q of 95, let alone all the irish and muslim they are letting in, christ sakes.

I literally can't imagine an american saying this. All things considered... Shit b8 m8

95 is literally high school level intellect, a nation or tards.

thats a weird looking kerwahler
are there different kindsve them or are they all the same

>Why are Australians so fucking stupid.
Are you Aussie yourself mate?
I'm Australian and in all my life i have never heard someone from another country say anything relating to a Koala. usually the expected "Do you ride Kangaroos to school hehe"

Speak for yourself
And btw OP
Not Kowarla you silly cunt

Calls all Australians stupid.
Spells it Kowarla....

nope just the nation of inbred sister fuckers, had to leave to get a job in a stem field because australia is so ass backwards

And America is any better?

I think all countries are filled with inbreds.
Everyone on Sup Forums is inbred

Also (Samefag)
What country invented WIFI?
OI, don't put us with Tasmania. ever heard of the royal family, Southern America (Not the beaners)

at least they have jobs and brains, just more likely to get shot is all by nigger, but hey i can also own guns and have real freedoms, i am just enjoying my guns, ganja and money.

Couldn't have said it better myself

australia is southern american, just as a whole country, no amount of money could get me back over, i renounced citizenship years ago.

this, why america is better than australia, the nanny police state.

>taking the bait

Kowarla, kek

Kek have fun with your 19 Tril debt, your lovwer than Germany, thats saying something.

so, ha, i have 200k in savings, national debt means nothing to me.

immigrated to australia. 10/10 best place on earth. theres plenty of idiots and the conservative governments are driving us backwards but all in all we are a smart country. we are a beautiful country. 10/10 would immigrate again.

You still pay tax everyday.

nope, thanks to offshore accounts, no tax needs to be paid, thanks merica.

>offshore accounts
Kek nice try.

cos we the niggers of the white race, all the crims, faggots and degenerates.

we might be dumb but we will still bash fuck out of any cunts on the planet. and shag all your women like they want it. furious turbo doggy ragdoll hardcore. then beat our chests and fuck you up on the way out.

so ner

So why is no one fighting against Australia anymore? I was having fun shutting you guys down.

keep dreaming buddy

Good jab *claps his greasy hands*

America is just a cesspool of fucking niggers and retards that truly believe their way of life is the only way of life

im aussie and mad now

>Why are Australians so fucking stupid
Pick one
