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Hey now, I hear a gender studies major can get a job as a starbucks barista
I wish I wasn't kidding when I say UMass offers a degree in social justice studies


these threads make my morning great. now all i need is a sexy little fem boy to enjoy hem with



I read somewhere about a US university offering a course in memes or something stupid like that

Sexuality is a complicated and strong aspect of humanity; it has wide implications. Again, the problem is political bias and gynocentric perspectives invading the subject.









You know what. I don't even doubt it. Fuck it. Have Sup Forums studies for I all I care





I think they've closed it down since, I have no idea










But it's gender studies not Sexuality studies.
So the whole course can be summed up in this sentence.
Men and Women are different and and different goals.









this is getting weird

This is baffling

I don't think I'll ever understand your country

I don't understand my country. But I do love it

that's nice dear

Are you gay or something?

You bet your ass it is



of course not, why would you make such an outlandish claim?


Just a hunch.


Sexuality is usually encompassed by gender studies.
The whole point is to understand in what ways men and women are different, why that is the case, and what results from these differences.
It's especially interesting to see how different cultures, past and present, interpret gender and sexuality and what comes from these interpretations.

well it's absurd

NSW fags on suicide watch

lol ded



now it's your fault

That's not me fellow user's

>usually encompassed by gender studies

Psych or abnormal psych if your school has a fucking shred of dignity. Though if that's the case they probably wouldn't have a gender studies course.

I think he means my bara was too much.

Thank you for volunteering your ass for America

Nice arms.

please, My ass looks better than that, and I have the decency to not post it here... again

Marines are great. At least the ones I've met.
Did you let snarf put it in his folder?

I plead the fifth

Then get on your knees and thanks them with your mouth and tongue.

It's true some psychologists focus on the study of sexuality. However sometimes the topic branches out too far to pertain to just psychology.

Even world-class universities have it as a course.

Gender studies students I met during university were not quite the howling feminists you'd expect them to be. One I talked to at a party had some weird but interesting information about historic rituals that were required to become a man. But as I'm sure you know the loudest and most outrageous students will be the ones that get all the attention.

I will not succumb to this whore conversion tactic sober

no, I shall not

Confess your sins

you first

I wouldn't buy into the hype of so-called world class universities, they're falling into the trappings of trying to please everyone and only succeeding in burning their own ass. It's not really students in question I have problems with- Gender studies curriculum could be as it is, and everyone who ever took it be a keen and composed well-adjusted flowerchild and I'd still mock it until it pisses its pants in shame. The entire thing is predicated on deeply flawed SPECULATION, usually anecdotal in nature and that's a problem because people tend to be full of shit.

While I was in basic training we used to choke each other out for fun. For me, it was just a massive turn on

>tfw you know you'll never find a nice guy in Cali to settle down with

Feels bad man.

>people tend to be full of shit
You got studies with rigorous control groups and corroborated results, or just anecdotes, you hypocritical self-righteous shit-bag?

>wanting to live in Commiefornia

lewd, did you do it often?
my turn I guess. Yes.

I was often choked out. I volunteered for that shit. Snarf owns of a piece of you now

The reliability of eyewitness testimony in court and what I think has been colloquially termed the flashbulb effect. Feldman; Understanding Psychology, ninth edition and Magnussen, Applied Cognitive Psychology.

shut up, it was a low quality photo taken over a year ago in terrible lighting. People I like get much better pictures

All is forgiven. Say 9 hail Franks for atonement and I absolve you of your sins

if I must

You don't have to. But it'll be good for your soul

I certainly would since they still require high levels of competency and intelligence to get in to.

I think you've missed what I was saying or I didn't outline clearly. I'm arguing that the study of gender and sexuality is a valid pursuit. They may not always execute this in what I'd consider to be the most sensible fashion but this can always be rectified.
Also don't forget as I mentioned sometimes it's about documenting the historical perspectives of gender. Which is something a hard scientist will not have time nor the interest to do.
I would say however the instances where speculation, which I suspect is from 3rd wave feminists, leads to hasty changes in policy there is a problem. At the end of the day I don't think they're even malicious, just misguided.

You know you can ask that without the vitriol right?

That does however refer to events that happen very quickly, possibly in cases where panic is common, such as car crashes don't they? If someone undergoes continuous abuse or discrimination there's not much scope for false memories.
Still problematic as I'd imagine you can have people, say, lie that they were discriminated against by a racist or misogynistic employer. Or even just be mistaken that that is why they didn't get a job or why someone did whatever.

fine fine, I will

*Those studies do however refer to events that happen very quickly (possibly in cases where panic is common such as car crashes) don't they?

I need to stop altering text willy-nilly.

It requires high test scores and a keen ability for rote memorization, you're conflating a skillset with intelligence because some of the greatest minds of the last 100 years weren't too formally educated (god I love Smokey Yunick). Yeah and I was roundabout arguing that they're pisspoor things to study (not saying you can't, just that myself and just about any employer worth a damn will laugh a GS major from the building) and the way the "research" they conduct is leveraged to inform things like social and political policy is unacceptable.

Moreover what it deals with is the egocentric way in which our mind fills in the blanks in memory to assuage and reconcile how we perceive ourselves. Ala, "I did everything I could."



happy now?


Furries continue to get in cars despite the machine's continuing bloody campaign to cull their ranks.

so what now then?

Resume posting men

I'm conflating it because that is something consistent with intelligence. There is a reason that places like Cambridge conduct world-leading research. I think the people you're talking about are the extreme outliers.

Some people don't do their degree with job prospects as their primary focus. I know I don't. I may well end up unemployed by the time I'm done but that doesn't concern me right now.

It's unacceptable when it happens but I very much doubt it is not largely well-meaning. It may adjust itself. Hopefully we won't keep bouncing back and forth between extremes of tolerance and unwarranted exclusion instead.

It's been a while since I did psychology. I remember the study by that woman who argued against eye-witness testimony. The study consisted of participants recalling details of a car accident. I can't look that up or read what you posted right now though because I need to head to work.

I have to admit I was suspicious you'd just brush everything off or get pissy in order to maintain a tough, no-nonsense cowboy persona but you're surprisingly reasonable. Though I suppose even if you did I can't get too irritated at another Burnt Man fan. He's a cool guy. Would follow.

but I'm busy and don't feel it's worth doing without conversation