Anybody getting a 500 error screen on YouTube?

Anybody getting a 500 error screen on YouTube?

Yep, must be down

yeah man wtf is this

German IP range.
Can confirm.

same here

Yeah, somthing's fucky

It's happening.

Thank Allah, I thought my internet was down again and 1st site to double check that with was Sup Forums

Yep it is

add me on Skype

just got it

Checked, also those tabs kek

beginning of the end?

Sup Forums did that, we all raided that new youtube spotlight thing about faggots and all gender shit, and disliked the video and posted the usual Sup Forums shit and now some servers are being shut down to prevent people from getting butthurt

Yep, that's what you get for being gay.



Still works on mobile

>how to post on Sup Forums
>how to take screenshot
you might as well have a certificate for your autism

It's back up guys

>mfw people dont get that it is a joke

the joke
your head

proof also czech yourself

Holy fuck you new fag
How dumb are you

i don't know, summerfags have been invading and they're pretty cancerous

They finally admit Indians are monkeys.

I am, refreshing a few times fixes it until you load an new page.


Kek guys youtube added 10k likes to the proudtobe vid while it was offline

It's back again

That is proof of nothing, they would just disable comments or take down the video. why would they loose ad revenue over one shitty video

likes are upcoming
this is unacceptable

Youtube added likes to the vid wtf