Ok newfags...

Ok newfags, I want you to give your wrong answer and also a pathetic excuse of an explanation for why you came up with such bullshit answer.

Fucking underage faggots, bet most of you will fuck up as your undeveloped brain hardly can keep up with highschool level math.


Other urls found in this thread:



-> 2+10*4 = 42

42 :^)
bait isn't it ?


There's a fallacy in that pic

It's using two horseshoes as one unit and then only one horseshoe. It's not told if the two horseshoes form an addition or a multiplication or anything. Same with the boots.



42, you fucking nigger

four horseshoes =8
>hourseshoe =2
4- 2 boots =2
1 boot = 1
> 1+10x2 = 21



if so then:


(2-1)+10*(2-1) = 12

Impossible to solve

[image of single boot] does not have enough information to find it's value.

[image of horse]=10
[image of pair of horseshoes]=4
[image of pair of boots]=2
[image of single boot] does not have an equation that can tell us its value.

Horses = 10
Horse shoe = 4
Boots = 2
Multiplication first
Then addition

>(2-1)+10*(2-1) = 12
fek i mean 21


22 retardos

>claiming people are underage
>doesn't post full mathematical definition of elements and operation symbols
The answer is undefined since nothing is defined correctly. Alternatively, you could use underage math and deduction to get 21 as a result.

>Being this autistic
>Not seeing the single horseshoe
>Not even attempting to solve it

I knew you faggots would fuck up. You know what, I'm just gonna go ahead and give you the right answer and why.

Giraffe =10
Horseshoe= 4
Boot= 2

Now, in the last frame, you see only ONE boot and ONE horseshoe right? fucking niggers.

Boot (1) + Giraffe (10) x Horseshoe (2)


10x2= 20



The answer is 21, you fucking underage shitheads. Get the fuck out.

i agree



ez, it's 21 (horse is 10, 1 shoe is 1, 1 horseshoe is 2)

don't even need to use algebra

22 giraffes if you keep track of the amount of giraffe-shoes, otherwise 42.

so if one boot and 1 horseshoe are random variables...


22 you dumb niggers you would know this if you ever showed up to school to learn instead of playing niggerball

what's wrong with that? my english is not perfect yet.

>highschool level math
That's a riddle for elementary school dumbass.


IT IS 21.

read the damn thread before you post, retard.

it's easier to shitpost like that when everyone else just got right the answer already :^)

1+10 = 11
11x2 = 22

This is the way we did math when we went to the moon.
No one came in throwing ( )'s around willy fucking nilly.

you got any more problems like this?

Yes, let me reach my elementary and highscool notes and books and scan them. Might take a while tho.

For real, how new can you faggots get. Learn proper math. Protip: there's is a science board in Sup Forums "/sci/'. Don't waste time in this low level math skill problems.

>implying I read others' answers
>implying this image isn't posted 3 times a day for like a week already

How can you know the word horseshoe, but not the word horse?


22 easy

21 i mean, didnt saw *


Honestly, I just have really... REALLY poor fucking vision, and I'm wearing shit tier lenses right now, can't find the ones I use to shitpost at night. pls don't laugh.

Twenty One.

that's the joke. fuckstain

>pls don't laugh
Yeah...that's not how this works.

All of you morons who say "22, duh!" need to go back to elementary school math. Order of operations. You multiply/divide before you add subtract. So it's 10 x 2, then plus 1, on the last line.

Well, honestly, its pretty fucked up horse that looks kinda like giraffe if you squint your eyes.

>give worst wrong answer in thread
>read thread
>"oh shit! now everyone will know!"
>hehe oops, didn't "saw"

No it's not

42, because hhgttg


The beauty of this thread is that you can keep identifying newfags and retards even though the correct answer was already provided. Newfags don't read threads. They only shitpost.

Yes, because of hhgttg.

Also the letter m.

>trying this hard.
Newfags gonna fag.


My sweet summer child.

69 because op likes nigger dick

You can't assume the numerical value of a single boot and a single horseshoe. They're completely new variables.



horse must equal 10
18 - 10 = 8
so we have to divide 8 into 4 horseshoes
8 / 4 = 2
horseshoe must equal 2 then
two horseshoe (4) - 2 boots (?) = 2
4 - 2 equals 2
so the two boots must equal 2
devide that onto two boots
2 / 2 = 1
boot must be 1

>horse is 10
>hshoe is 2 each
>boot is 1 each

1 + 10 * 2 = 10 + 10 + 1 = 21
(it's not fucking (1+10) * 2)
stop ignoring the difference between one and two objects

list of glorious faggots that got it:
some anons arguing that one of the objects doesn't have to have half as much of a value as two do, this would be the thing the clever kid in elementary class says

you get extra points for attention

also props to those who thought about 2 objects being a multiplicative thingy of one object

some extra points to you too

no, they're not. This was already solved. Also, pic doesn't need to state the obvious to be solved anyway. But that doesn't stop you from asking for the problem to be more "clear" right? I mean, everything has been handed to you to in life to this point. "how am I supposed to solve this by myself mom??"

h+h+h = 30
h+2s+2s = 18
2s - 2b = 2
b+h+s = ?

h+h+h = 30
3h = 30
h = 10

h+2s+2s = 18
10+4s = 18
4s = 8
s = 2

2s - 2b = 2
4 - 2b = 2
4 - 2 = 2b
2 = 2b
1 = b

b+h+s = ?
1+10+2 = ?
13 = ?

h+h+h = 30
h+2s+2s = 18
2s - 2b = 2
b+h*s = ?

h+h+h = 30
3h = 30
h = 10

h+2s+2s = 18
10+4s = 18
4s = 8
s = 2

2s - 2b = 2
4 - 2b = 2
4 - 2 = 2b
2 = 2b
1 = b

b+h*s = ?
1+10*2 = ?
21 = ?


Its the answer to life.

42 following BODMAS (which you should)

48 not following it.

42 is the answer I was expecting from highschool underage fags. Read thread.

The answer is 42

How are people this shit at maths?


It's 21

Oh boy.

> not posting 11
> americans confirmed

I don't know even where to begin. Hell, I don't even know what most of those symbols mean. This thread depresses me because I couldn't even answer right OP because I barely paid attention and hated math (wasn't taking into account you should multiply first cuz never fully understood why you should, for example). I only passed important tests at the very end of semester and barely.

But I'm genuinely curious about this problem because I want to change that. I want to start learning math by myself and get very fucking good at it because now I actually want to do it.

Any advice on where to begin this quest?

>Giraffe =10
>Horseshoe= 4
>Boot= 2
but that's wrong

Give me a moment to make a post answering your questions.

Also: What is your previous math experience?
>classes you took
>concepts you understood
>things that you found difficult

how can anyone possible come with that? What's the train of thought??


the only thing wrong in that post is that is not a Giraffe, it's a horse.

lol only one post with correct answer

faggots look carefully at the picture

in the final picture there is just one boot and one horseshoe[NOT TWO] you have to fucking consider that ITT AUTISTS



if a horseshoe is 4, the second one is 1 giraffe (10) plus 4 horseshoes (16) which would be 26


>how to multiply

one horse = 30:3 = 10
4 hourseshoe = 8
1 horseshoe = 8:4 = 2
2 boots = 2
1 boot = 1

one boot + one horse x times horseshoe = 1+(10x2) = 21
fucking retards

overly complicated breakdown

h + h + h = 30
h * 3 = 30
30 / 3 = 10

10 + ss + ss = 18
18 - 10 = ss + ss
ss + ss = 8
ss * 2 = 8
8 / 2 = 4
ss = 4

4 - bb = 2
bb = 4 - 2
bb = 2

----- Assumed
b = bb / 2
b = 1
s = ss / 2
s = 2

b + h * s = ?
b + (h * s) = ?
1 + (10 * 2) = 21

>Hell, I don't even know what most of those symbols mean
I don't think I'd be able to explain what the symbols in my previous post mean in a way that would fully make sense. The basic idea of that question is to integrate, which is a generalized way to find an area.

∫ means 'sum of all' and d means 'little bits of'. So putting it all together we have ∫dx means 'sum of all the little bits of x', and if we sum (or put together) all the little bits of x then we just have x, which gives the simple formula ∫dx=x. Which is what Leibniz would have wrote without a constant.

To do the same procedure with a random shape we stick something in the middle ∫fdx, which basically reads 'sum all the little bits of x under f'. I'm not going to detail it any more than that, but it ends up looking like pic related.

>Any advice on where to begin this quest?
Considering you don't know the reasoning behind the order of operations you should probably pick up a textbook on introductory college/highschool algebra and arithmetic. You should probably get a book on basic geometry too.

A geometric argument for why multiplication coming before addition can be thought of as follows: Consider two rectangles, one of side lengths a, b and another of side lengths a, c. The area of the rectangles are a*b and a*c respectively.

Now put the rectangles next to each-other so that they make one longer rectangle with side lengths a, b+c. Finding the area requires calculating a(b+c), but this new rectangle is just the two original ones next to each-other. From that we have a(b+c)=a*b+a*c, so multiplication distributes over addition. There are other reasons why too but this is visually appealing.


>classes you took
Let's say I wasn't there... my mind was just too busy trying to ignore my perpetual boner I had for checking out and fantasising with my classmates.
>concepts you understood
I understood every concept I put my head on, as I said, I didn't fail any course, but I don't really found any meaning or reason to retain the information, so I never made the connection from what I was learning and what I already, supposedly, "had to know".

>things that you found difficult
Almost everything... but not difficult enough to not solve after "grinding" an specific subject. I had a lot of help from a friend(s) that knew they had to explain everything.

Now, a list of subjects that I already "should know":

Geometry and Topology
Physics (lowest tier, I fucking suck here)
Probability and Statistics...

And I'm sure I "learned" more topics... but I don't even know what the fuck are they called.

Thanks bro.

much appreciated fampai, you helped a brother out today.

yeah, I know the answer is 21, my question was: HOW IN THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU COME UP WITH AN STUPID ANSWER OF THAT CALIBER.

Don't get me started on other retards saying


(One boot)=1,(one horse)=10,(one horse shoe)=1 so 1+10=11 then 11×1=11

>but I don't really found any meaning or reason to retain the information
If you pursue physics then you'll have a reason, or you could do what I do and enjoy doing math just because.

All the topics you listed are good except for maybe topology (not that I'd discourage you from eventually learning it). It's just that topology has lots of prerequisites.

Point set topology requires:
>set theory
>real analysis
>group theory
>complex variables
>complex analysis

Algebraic topology requires:
>set theory
>real analysis
>group theory
>complex variables
>complex analysis
>calculus of manifolds
>algebraic geometry
>point set topology

Differential topology requires:
>set theory
>real analysis
>group theory
>complex variables
>complex analysis
>calculus of manifolds
>algebraic geometry
>point set topology
>differential forms
>theory of categories
>more stuff I don't even fucking know about

I'd say good luck but I think one needs perseverance more then luck. So persevere and don't stop teaching yourself, you can spend like 15 minutes on math a day and think about little problems while you do other things over the course of a year and make a lot of headway.

but horseshoes values was 4 (in the first 2 frames), and then there is only one horseshoe in the last frame, so 4-2= 2.



let me asure you something my friend, you didn't waste your time with this posts, I genuinely was asking for what you just provided, I even screen-caped your post for further reference. I'm gonna place some goals based on it I hope to reach by what is left from this month and the end of the next. And I will cover every topic listed by the end of this year, so wish me luck and what can I say other than...

Thank you.

21 niggers shit


>And I will cover every topic listed by the end of this year
That's very unrealistic if you don't have a basic math foundation, if you try to do all that you'll just end up stressing yourself out and not living up to your goals. You'd need to work in smaller increments; start with basic algebra and geometry then work your way into trigonometry and calculus. Give yourself a year or two to do that if needed.

All that topology, advanced calc, and analysis stuff takes years to build up to after you have a basic math foundation that you'd get in high school, and a lot of it isn't seen until graduate mathematics. But that doesn't mean you can't eventually o it.

So start small and dream big, just don't put your end goals so close.

Also, do you have a steam account? If you'd like to continue discussion at another time then you can post a steam name.